blob: 4485dffdb184e164db696a34f57b93918c92ac67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package os
import (
// Auxiliary information if the File describes a directory
type dirInfo struct {
// buf is a slice pointer so the slice header
// does not escape to the heap when returning
// buf to dirBufPool.
buf *[]byte // buffer for directory I/O
bufp int // location of next record in buf
vol uint32
class uint32 // type of entries in buf
path string // absolute directory path, empty if the file system supports FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO
const (
// dirBufSize is the size of the dirInfo buffer.
// The buffer must be big enough to hold at least a single entry.
// The filename alone can be 512 bytes (MAX_PATH*2), and the fixed part of
// the FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO structure is 105 bytes, so dirBufSize
// should not be set below 1024 bytes (512+105+safety buffer).
// Windows 8.1 and earlier only works with buffer sizes up to 64 kB.
dirBufSize = 64 * 1024 // 64kB
var dirBufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() any {
// The buffer must be at least a block long.
buf := make([]byte, dirBufSize)
return &buf
func (d *dirInfo) close() {
if d.buf != nil {
d.buf = nil
// allowReadDirFileID indicates whether File.readdir should try to use FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO
// if the underlying file system supports it.
// Useful for testing purposes.
var allowReadDirFileID = true
func (file *File) readdir(n int, mode readdirMode) (names []string, dirents []DirEntry, infos []FileInfo, err error) {
// If this file has no dirinfo, create one.
if file.dirinfo == nil {
// vol is used by os.SameFile.
// It is safe to query it once and reuse the value.
// Hard links are not allowed to reference files in other volumes.
// Junctions and symbolic links can reference files and directories in other volumes,
// but the reparse point should still live in the parent volume.
var vol, flags uint32
err = windows.GetVolumeInformationByHandle(file.pfd.Sysfd, nil, 0, &vol, nil, &flags, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
err = &PathError{Op: "readdir", Path:, Err: err}
file.dirinfo = new(dirInfo)
file.dirinfo.buf = dirBufPool.Get().(*[]byte)
file.dirinfo.vol = vol
if allowReadDirFileID && flags&windows.FILE_SUPPORTS_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID != 0 {
file.dirinfo.class = windows.FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo
} else {
file.dirinfo.class = windows.FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo
// Set the directory path for use by os.SameFile, as it is possible that
// the file system supports retrieving the file ID using GetFileInformationByHandle.
file.dirinfo.path =
if !isAbs(file.dirinfo.path) {
// If the path is relative, we need to convert it to an absolute path
// in case the current directory changes between this call and a
// call to os.SameFile.
file.dirinfo.path, err = syscall.FullPath(file.dirinfo.path)
if err != nil {
err = &PathError{Op: "readdir", Path:, Err: err}
d := file.dirinfo
wantAll := n <= 0
if wantAll {
n = -1
for n != 0 {
// Refill the buffer if necessary
if d.bufp == 0 {
err = windows.GetFileInformationByHandleEx(file.pfd.Sysfd, d.class, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&(*d.buf)[0])), uint32(len(*d.buf)))
if err != nil {
if err == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES {
if err == syscall.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
(d.class == windows.FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo || d.class == windows.FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo) {
// GetFileInformationByHandleEx doesn't document the return error codes when the info class is FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo,
// but MS-FSA [1] specifies that the underlying file system driver should return STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE when
// reading an empty root directory, which is mapped to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND by Windows.
// Note that some file system drivers may never return this error code, as the spec allows to return the "." and ".."
// entries in such cases, making the directory appear non-empty.
// The chances of false positive are very low, as we know that the directory exists, else GetVolumeInformationByHandle
// would have failed, and that the handle is still valid, as we haven't closed it.
// See
// [1]
if s, _ := file.Stat(); s != nil && !s.IsDir() {
err = &PathError{Op: "readdir", Path:, Err: syscall.ENOTDIR}
} else {
err = &PathError{Op: "GetFileInformationByHandleEx", Path:, Err: err}
if d.class == windows.FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo {
d.class = windows.FileIdBothDirectoryInfo
} else if d.class == windows.FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo {
d.class = windows.FileFullDirectoryInfo
// Drain the buffer
var islast bool
for n != 0 && !islast {
var nextEntryOffset uint32
var nameslice []uint16
entry := unsafe.Pointer(&(*d.buf)[d.bufp])
if d.class == windows.FileIdBothDirectoryInfo {
info := (*windows.FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO)(entry)
nextEntryOffset = info.NextEntryOffset
nameslice = unsafe.Slice(&info.FileName[0], info.FileNameLength/2)
} else {
info := (*windows.FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO)(entry)
nextEntryOffset = info.NextEntryOffset
nameslice = unsafe.Slice(&info.FileName[0], info.FileNameLength/2)
d.bufp += int(nextEntryOffset)
islast = nextEntryOffset == 0
if islast {
d.bufp = 0
if (len(nameslice) == 1 && nameslice[0] == '.') ||
(len(nameslice) == 2 && nameslice[0] == '.' && nameslice[1] == '.') {
// Ignore "." and ".." and avoid allocating a string for them.
name := syscall.UTF16ToString(nameslice)
if mode == readdirName {
names = append(names, name)
} else {
var f *fileStat
if d.class == windows.FileIdBothDirectoryInfo {
f = newFileStatFromFileIDBothDirInfo((*windows.FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO)(entry))
} else {
f = newFileStatFromFileFullDirInfo((*windows.FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO)(entry))
// Defer appending the entry name to the parent directory path until
// it is really needed, to avoid allocating a string that may not be used.
// It is currently only used in os.SameFile.
f.appendNameToPath = true
f.path = d.path
} = name
f.vol = d.vol
if mode == readdirDirEntry {
dirents = append(dirents, dirEntry{f})
} else {
infos = append(infos, f)
if !wantAll && len(names)+len(dirents)+len(infos) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, io.EOF
return names, dirents, infos, nil
type dirEntry struct {
fs *fileStat
func (de dirEntry) Name() string { return de.fs.Name() }
func (de dirEntry) IsDir() bool { return de.fs.IsDir() }
func (de dirEntry) Type() FileMode { return de.fs.Mode().Type() }
func (de dirEntry) Info() (FileInfo, error) { return de.fs, nil }
func (de dirEntry) String() string {
return fs.FormatDirEntry(de)