blob: f457dd439b241f31a0682583ca159ac23c4d1928 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package inlheur
import (
// CallSite records useful information about a potentially inlinable
// (direct) function call. "Callee" is the target of the call, "Call"
// is the ir node corresponding to the call itself, "Assign" is
// the top-level assignment statement containing the call (if the call
// appears in the form of a top-level statement, e.g. "x := foo()"),
// "Flags" contains properties of the call that might be useful for
// making inlining decisions, "Score" is the final score assigned to
// the site, and "ID" is a numeric ID for the site within its
// containing function.
type CallSite struct {
Callee *ir.Func
Call *ir.CallExpr
parent *CallSite
Assign ir.Node
Flags CSPropBits
ArgProps []ActualExprPropBits
Score int
ScoreMask scoreAdjustTyp
ID uint
aux uint8
// CallSiteTab is a table of call sites, keyed by call expr.
// Ideally it would be nice to key the table by src.XPos, but
// this results in collisions for calls on very long lines (the
// front end saturates column numbers at 255). We also wind up
// with many calls that share the same auto-generated pos.
type CallSiteTab map[*ir.CallExpr]*CallSite
// ActualExprPropBits describes a property of an actual expression (value
// passed to some specific func argument at a call site).
type ActualExprPropBits uint8
const (
ActualExprConstant ActualExprPropBits = 1 << iota
type CSPropBits uint32
const (
CallSiteInLoop CSPropBits = 1 << iota
type csAuxBits uint8
const (
csAuxInlined = 1 << iota
// encodedCallSiteTab is a table keyed by "encoded" callsite
// (stringified src.XPos plus call site ID) mapping to a value of call
// property bits and score.
type encodedCallSiteTab map[string]propsAndScore
type propsAndScore struct {
props CSPropBits
score int
mask scoreAdjustTyp
func (pas propsAndScore) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("P=%s|S=%d|M=%s", pas.props.String(),
pas.score, pas.mask.String())
func (cst CallSiteTab) merge(other CallSiteTab) error {
for k, v := range other {
if prev, ok := cst[k]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: collision during call site table merge, fn=%s callsite=%s", prev.Callee.Sym().Name, fmtFullPos(prev.Call.Pos()))
cst[k] = v
return nil
func fmtFullPos(p src.XPos) string {
var sb strings.Builder
sep := ""
base.Ctxt.AllPos(p, func(pos src.Pos) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, sep)
sep = "|"
file := filepath.Base(pos.Filename())
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s:%d:%d", file, pos.Line(), pos.Col())
return sb.String()
func EncodeCallSiteKey(cs *CallSite) string {
var sb strings.Builder
// FIXME: maybe rewrite line offsets relative to function start?
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "|%d", cs.ID)
return sb.String()
func buildEncodedCallSiteTab(tab CallSiteTab) encodedCallSiteTab {
r := make(encodedCallSiteTab)
for _, cs := range tab {
k := EncodeCallSiteKey(cs)
r[k] = propsAndScore{
props: cs.Flags,
score: cs.Score,
mask: cs.ScoreMask,
return r
// dumpCallSiteComments emits comments into the dump file for the
// callsites in the function of interest. If "ecst" is non-nil, we use
// that, otherwise generated a fresh encodedCallSiteTab from "tab".
func dumpCallSiteComments(w io.Writer, tab CallSiteTab, ecst encodedCallSiteTab) {
if ecst == nil {
ecst = buildEncodedCallSiteTab(tab)
tags := make([]string, 0, len(ecst))
for k := range ecst {
tags = append(tags, k)
for _, s := range tags {
v := ecst[s]
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// callsite: %s flagstr %q flagval %d score %d mask %d maskstr %q\n", s, v.props.String(), v.props, v.score, v.mask, v.mask.String())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// %s\n", csDelimiter)