blob: 42b9b23c1ab23ae55c1007fa1601ad6c45f84cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* A class that caches snapshots. Instances are instantiated on a {@link Watchable}; when the
* {@link Watchable} reports a change, the cache is cleared. The snapshot() method fetches the
* cache if it is valid, or rebuilds the cache if it has been cleared.
* The class is abstract; clients must implement the createSnapshot() method.
* @param <T> The type returned by the snapshot() method.
public abstract class SnapshotCache<T> extends Watcher{
* Global snapshot cache enable flag. Set to false for testing or debugging.
private static final boolean ENABLED = true;
* The statistics for a single cache. The object records the number of times a
* snapshot was reused and the number of times a snapshot was rebuilt.
private static class Statistics {
final String mName;
private final AtomicInteger mReused = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicInteger mRebuilt = new AtomicInteger(0);
Statistics(@NonNull String n) {
mName = n;
// The source object from which snapshots are created. This may be null if createSnapshot()
// does not require it.
protected final T mSource;
// The cached snapshot
private volatile T mSnapshot = null;
// True if the snapshot is sealed and may not be modified.
private volatile boolean mSealed = false;
// The statistics for this cache. This may be null.
private final Statistics mStatistics;
* The global list of caches.
private static final WeakHashMap<SnapshotCache, Void> sCaches = new WeakHashMap<>();
* Create a cache with a source object for rebuilding snapshots and a
* {@link Watchable} that notifies when the cache is invalid. If the name is null
* then statistics are not collected for this cache.
* @param source Source data for rebuilding snapshots.
* @param watchable The object that notifies when the cache is invalid.
* @param name The name of the cache, for statistics reporting.
public SnapshotCache(@Nullable T source, @NonNull Watchable watchable, @Nullable String name) {
mSource = source;
if (name != null) {
mStatistics = new Statistics(name);
sCaches.put(this, null);
} else {
mStatistics = null;
* Create a cache with a source object for rebuilding snapshots and a
* {@link Watchable} that notifies when the cache is invalid. The name is null in
* this API.
* @param source Source data for rebuilding snapshots.
* @param watchable The object that notifies when the cache is invalid.
public SnapshotCache(@Nullable T source, @NonNull Watchable watchable) {
this(source, watchable, null);
* A private constructor that sets fields to null and mSealed to true. This supports
* the Sealed subclass.
public SnapshotCache() {
mSource = null;
mSealed = true;
mStatistics = null;
* Notify the object that the source object has changed. If the local object is sealed then
* IllegalStateException is thrown. Otherwise, the cache is cleared.
public final void onChange(@Nullable Watchable what) {
if (mSealed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to change a sealed object");
mSnapshot = null;
* Seal the cache. Attempts to modify the cache will generate an exception.
public final void seal() {
mSealed = true;
* Return a snapshot. This uses the cache if it is non-null. Otherwise it creates a
* new snapshot and saves it in the cache.
* @return A snapshot as returned by createSnapshot() and possibly cached.
public final T snapshot() {
T s = mSnapshot;
if (s == null || !ENABLED) {
s = createSnapshot();
mSnapshot = s;
if (mStatistics != null) mStatistics.mRebuilt.incrementAndGet();
} else {
if (mStatistics != null) mStatistics.mReused.incrementAndGet();
return s;
* Create a single, uncached snapshot. Clients must implement this per local rules.
* @return A snapshot
public abstract T createSnapshot();
* A snapshot cache suitable for sealed snapshots. Attempting to retrieve the
* snapshot will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
* @param <T> the type of object being cached. This is needed for compilation only. It
* has no effect on execution.
public static class Sealed<T> extends SnapshotCache<T> {
* Create a sealed SnapshotCache that cannot be used to create new snapshots.
public Sealed() {
* Provide a concrete implementation of createSnapshot() that throws
* UnsupportedOperationException.
public T createSnapshot() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot snapshot a sealed snaphot");
* A snapshot cache suitable for Snappable types. The key is that Snappable types
* have a known implementation of createSnapshot() so that this class is concrete.
* @param <T> The class whose snapshot is being cached.
public static class Auto<T extends Snappable<T>> extends SnapshotCache<T> {
public Auto(@NonNull T source, @NonNull Watchable watchable, @Nullable String name) {
super(source, watchable, name);
public Auto(@NonNull T source, @NonNull Watchable watchable) {
this(source, watchable, null);
* Concrete createSnapshot() using the snapshot() method of <T>.
public T createSnapshot() {
return mSource.snapshot();