blob: 1f66bfdb20c116a94737585a084e5531fa5ede73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.MathUtils;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.MagnificationSpec;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.accessibility.MagnificationAnimationCallback;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import java.util.Locale;
* This class is used to control and query the state of display magnification
* from the accessibility manager and related classes. It is responsible for
* holding the current state of magnification and animation, and it handles
* communication between the accessibility manager and window manager.
* Magnification is limited to the range [MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE], and can only occur inside the
* magnification region. If a value is out of bounds, it will be adjusted to guarantee these
* constraints.
public class FullScreenMagnificationController {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "FullScreenMagnificationController";
private static final MagnificationAnimationCallback STUB_ANIMATION_CALLBACK = success -> {
public static final float MIN_SCALE = 1.0f;
public static final float MAX_SCALE = 8.0f;
private static final boolean DEBUG_SET_MAGNIFICATION_SPEC = false;
private static final float DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION_SCALE = 2.0f;
private final Object mLock;
private final ControllerContext mControllerCtx;
private final ScreenStateObserver mScreenStateObserver;
private final MagnificationInfoChangedCallback mMagnificationInfoChangedCallback;
private int mUserId;
private final long mMainThreadId;
/** List of display Magnification, mapping from displayId -> DisplayMagnification. */
private final SparseArray<DisplayMagnification> mDisplays = new SparseArray<>(0);
* This class implements {@link WindowManagerInternal.MagnificationCallbacks} and holds
* magnification information per display.
private final class DisplayMagnification implements
WindowManagerInternal.MagnificationCallbacks {
* The current magnification spec. If an animation is running, this
* reflects the end state.
private final MagnificationSpec mCurrentMagnificationSpec = new MagnificationSpec();
private final Region mMagnificationRegion = Region.obtain();
private final Rect mMagnificationBounds = new Rect();
private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();
private final Rect mTempRect1 = new Rect();
private final SpecAnimationBridge mSpecAnimationBridge;
// Flag indicating that we are registered with window manager.
private boolean mRegistered;
private boolean mUnregisterPending;
private boolean mDeleteAfterUnregister;
private boolean mForceShowMagnifiableBounds;
private final int mDisplayId;
private static final int INVALID_ID = -1;
private int mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = INVALID_ID;
private boolean mMagnificationActivated = false;
DisplayMagnification(int displayId) {
mDisplayId = displayId;
mSpecAnimationBridge = new SpecAnimationBridge(mControllerCtx, mLock, mDisplayId);
* Registers magnification callback and get current magnification region from
* window manager.
* @return true if callback registers successful.
boolean register() {
mRegistered = mControllerCtx.getWindowManager().setMagnificationCallbacks(
mDisplayId, this);
if (!mRegistered) {
Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "set magnification callbacks fail, displayId:" + mDisplayId);
return false;
// Obtain initial state.
mDisplayId, mMagnificationRegion);
return true;
* Unregisters magnification callback from window manager. Callbacks to
* {@link FullScreenMagnificationController#unregisterCallbackLocked(int, boolean)} after
* unregistered.
* @param delete true if this instance should be removed from the SparseArray in
* FullScreenMagnificationController after unregistered, for example,
* display removed.
void unregister(boolean delete) {
if (mRegistered) {
mDisplayId, null);
mRegistered = false;
unregisterCallbackLocked(mDisplayId, delete);
mUnregisterPending = false;
* Reset magnification status with animation enabled. {@link #unregister(boolean)} will be
* called after animation finished.
* @param delete true if this instance should be removed from the SparseArray in
* FullScreenMagnificationController after unregistered, for example,
* display removed.
void unregisterPending(boolean delete) {
mDeleteAfterUnregister = delete;
mUnregisterPending = true;
boolean isRegistered() {
return mRegistered;
boolean isMagnifying() {
return mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale > 1.0f;
float getScale() {
return mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale;
float getOffsetX() {
return mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetX;
float getOffsetY() {
return mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetY;
float getCenterX() {
return (mMagnificationBounds.width() / 2.0f
+ mMagnificationBounds.left - getOffsetX()) / getScale();
float getCenterY() {
return (mMagnificationBounds.height() / 2.0f
+ - getOffsetY()) / getScale();
* Returns the scale currently used by the window manager. If an
* animation is in progress, this reflects the current state of the
* animation.
* @return the scale currently used by the window manager
float getSentScale() {
return mSpecAnimationBridge.mSentMagnificationSpec.scale;
* Returns the X offset currently used by the window manager. If an
* animation is in progress, this reflects the current state of the
* animation.
* @return the X offset currently used by the window manager
float getSentOffsetX() {
return mSpecAnimationBridge.mSentMagnificationSpec.offsetX;
* Returns the Y offset currently used by the window manager. If an
* animation is in progress, this reflects the current state of the
* animation.
* @return the Y offset currently used by the window manager
float getSentOffsetY() {
return mSpecAnimationBridge.mSentMagnificationSpec.offsetY;
public void onMagnificationRegionChanged(Region magnificationRegion) {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
DisplayMagnification::updateMagnificationRegion, this,
public void onRectangleOnScreenRequested(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
DisplayMagnification::requestRectangleOnScreen, this,
left, top, right, bottom);
public void onRotationChanged(int rotation) {
// Treat as context change and reset
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
FullScreenMagnificationController.this, mDisplayId, true);
public void onUserContextChanged() {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
FullScreenMagnificationController.this, mDisplayId, true);
public void onImeWindowVisibilityChanged(boolean shown) {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
FullScreenMagnificationController.this, shown);
* Update our copy of the current magnification region
* @param magnified the magnified region
void updateMagnificationRegion(Region magnified) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (!mRegistered) {
// Don't update if we've unregistered
if (!mMagnificationRegion.equals(magnified)) {
// It's possible that our magnification spec is invalid with the new bounds.
// Adjust the current spec's offsets if necessary.
if (updateCurrentSpecWithOffsetsLocked(
mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetX, mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetY)) {
sendSpecToAnimation(mCurrentMagnificationSpec, null);
void sendSpecToAnimation(MagnificationSpec spec,
MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback) {
if (DEBUG) {
"sendSpecToAnimation(spec = " + spec + ", animationCallback = "
+ animationCallback + ")");
if (Thread.currentThread().getId() == mMainThreadId) {
mSpecAnimationBridge.updateSentSpecMainThread(spec, animationCallback);
} else {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
mSpecAnimationBridge, spec, animationCallback);
final boolean lastMagnificationActivated = mMagnificationActivated;
mMagnificationActivated = spec.scale > 1.0f;
if (mMagnificationActivated != lastMagnificationActivated) {
* Get the ID of the last service that changed the magnification spec.
* @return The id
int getIdOfLastServiceToMagnify() {
return mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify;
void onMagnificationChangedLocked() {
mControllerCtx.getAms().notifyMagnificationChanged(mDisplayId, mMagnificationRegion,
getScale(), getCenterX(), getCenterY());
if (mUnregisterPending && !isMagnifying()) {
boolean magnificationRegionContains(float x, float y) {
return mMagnificationRegion.contains((int) x, (int) y);
void getMagnificationBounds(@NonNull Rect outBounds) {
void getMagnificationRegion(@NonNull Region outRegion) {
void requestRectangleOnScreen(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final Rect magnifiedFrame = mTempRect;
if (!magnifiedFrame.intersects(left, top, right, bottom)) {
final Rect magnifFrameInScreenCoords = mTempRect1;
final float scrollX;
final float scrollY;
if (right - left > magnifFrameInScreenCoords.width()) {
final int direction = TextUtils
if (direction == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR) {
scrollX = left - magnifFrameInScreenCoords.left;
} else {
scrollX = right - magnifFrameInScreenCoords.right;
} else if (left < magnifFrameInScreenCoords.left) {
scrollX = left - magnifFrameInScreenCoords.left;
} else if (right > magnifFrameInScreenCoords.right) {
scrollX = right - magnifFrameInScreenCoords.right;
} else {
scrollX = 0;
if (bottom - top > magnifFrameInScreenCoords.height()) {
scrollY = top -;
} else if (top < {
scrollY = top -;
} else if (bottom > magnifFrameInScreenCoords.bottom) {
scrollY = bottom - magnifFrameInScreenCoords.bottom;
} else {
scrollY = 0;
final float scale = getScale();
offsetMagnifiedRegion(scrollX * scale, scrollY * scale, INVALID_ID);
void getMagnifiedFrameInContentCoordsLocked(Rect outFrame) {
final float scale = getSentScale();
final float offsetX = getSentOffsetX();
final float offsetY = getSentOffsetY();
outFrame.offset((int) -offsetX, (int) -offsetY);
outFrame.scale(1.0f / scale);
void setForceShowMagnifiableBounds(boolean show) {
if (mRegistered) {
mForceShowMagnifiableBounds = show;
mDisplayId, show);
boolean isForceShowMagnifiableBounds() {
return mRegistered && mForceShowMagnifiableBounds;
boolean reset(boolean animate) {
return reset(transformToStubCallback(animate));
boolean reset(MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback) {
if (!mRegistered) {
return false;
final MagnificationSpec spec = mCurrentMagnificationSpec;
final boolean changed = !spec.isNop();
if (changed) {
mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = INVALID_ID;
mForceShowMagnifiableBounds = false;
sendSpecToAnimation(spec, animationCallback);
return changed;
boolean setScale(float scale, float pivotX, float pivotY,
boolean animate, int id) {
if (!mRegistered) {
return false;
// Constrain scale immediately for use in the pivot calculations.
scale = MathUtils.constrain(scale, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE);
final Rect viewport = mTempRect;
final MagnificationSpec spec = mCurrentMagnificationSpec;
final float oldScale = spec.scale;
final float oldCenterX =
(viewport.width() / 2.0f - spec.offsetX + viewport.left) / oldScale;
final float oldCenterY =
(viewport.height() / 2.0f - spec.offsetY + / oldScale;
final float normPivotX = (pivotX - spec.offsetX) / oldScale;
final float normPivotY = (pivotY - spec.offsetY) / oldScale;
final float offsetX = (oldCenterX - normPivotX) * (oldScale / scale);
final float offsetY = (oldCenterY - normPivotY) * (oldScale / scale);
final float centerX = normPivotX + offsetX;
final float centerY = normPivotY + offsetY;
mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = id;
return setScaleAndCenter(scale, centerX, centerY, transformToStubCallback(animate), id);
boolean setScaleAndCenter(float scale, float centerX, float centerY,
MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback, int id) {
if (!mRegistered) {
return false;
if (DEBUG) {
"setScaleAndCenterLocked(scale = " + scale + ", centerX = " + centerX
+ ", centerY = " + centerY + ", endCallback = "
+ animationCallback + ", id = " + id + ")");
final boolean changed = updateMagnificationSpecLocked(scale, centerX, centerY);
sendSpecToAnimation(mCurrentMagnificationSpec, animationCallback);
if (isMagnifying() && (id != INVALID_ID)) {
mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = id;
return changed;
* Updates the current magnification spec.
* @param scale the magnification scale
* @param centerX the unscaled, screen-relative X coordinate of the center
* of the viewport, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param centerY the unscaled, screen-relative Y coordinate of the center
* of the viewport, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed or {@code false}
* otherwise
boolean updateMagnificationSpecLocked(float scale, float centerX, float centerY) {
// Handle defaults.
if (Float.isNaN(centerX)) {
centerX = getCenterX();
if (Float.isNaN(centerY)) {
centerY = getCenterY();
if (Float.isNaN(scale)) {
scale = getScale();
// Compute changes.
boolean changed = false;
final float normScale = MathUtils.constrain(scale, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE);
if (, normScale) != 0) {
mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale = normScale;
changed = true;
final float nonNormOffsetX = mMagnificationBounds.width() / 2.0f
+ mMagnificationBounds.left - centerX * normScale;
final float nonNormOffsetY = mMagnificationBounds.height() / 2.0f
+ - centerY * normScale;
changed |= updateCurrentSpecWithOffsetsLocked(nonNormOffsetX, nonNormOffsetY);
if (changed) {
return changed;
void offsetMagnifiedRegion(float offsetX, float offsetY, int id) {
if (!mRegistered) {
final float nonNormOffsetX = mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetX - offsetX;
final float nonNormOffsetY = mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetY - offsetY;
if (updateCurrentSpecWithOffsetsLocked(nonNormOffsetX, nonNormOffsetY)) {
if (id != INVALID_ID) {
mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = id;
sendSpecToAnimation(mCurrentMagnificationSpec, null);
boolean updateCurrentSpecWithOffsetsLocked(float nonNormOffsetX, float nonNormOffsetY) {
if (DEBUG) {
"updateCurrentSpecWithOffsetsLocked(nonNormOffsetX = " + nonNormOffsetX
+ ", nonNormOffsetY = " + nonNormOffsetY + ")");
boolean changed = false;
final float offsetX = MathUtils.constrain(
nonNormOffsetX, getMinOffsetXLocked(), getMaxOffsetXLocked());
if (, offsetX) != 0) {
mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetX = offsetX;
changed = true;
final float offsetY = MathUtils.constrain(
nonNormOffsetY, getMinOffsetYLocked(), getMaxOffsetYLocked());
if (, offsetY) != 0) {
mCurrentMagnificationSpec.offsetY = offsetY;
changed = true;
return changed;
float getMinOffsetXLocked() {
final float viewportWidth = mMagnificationBounds.width();
final float viewportLeft = mMagnificationBounds.left;
return (viewportLeft + viewportWidth)
- (viewportLeft + viewportWidth) * mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale;
float getMaxOffsetXLocked() {
return mMagnificationBounds.left
- mMagnificationBounds.left * mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale;
float getMinOffsetYLocked() {
final float viewportHeight = mMagnificationBounds.height();
final float viewportTop =;
return (viewportTop + viewportHeight)
- (viewportTop + viewportHeight) * mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale;
float getMaxOffsetYLocked() {
- * mCurrentMagnificationSpec.scale;
public String toString() {
return "DisplayMagnification["
+ "mCurrentMagnificationSpec=" + mCurrentMagnificationSpec
+ ", mMagnificationRegion=" + mMagnificationRegion
+ ", mMagnificationBounds=" + mMagnificationBounds
+ ", mDisplayId=" + mDisplayId
+ ", mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify=" + mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify
+ ", mRegistered=" + mRegistered
+ ", mUnregisterPending=" + mUnregisterPending
+ ']';
* FullScreenMagnificationController Constructor
public FullScreenMagnificationController(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull AccessibilityManagerService ams, @NonNull Object lock,
@NonNull MagnificationInfoChangedCallback magnificationInfoChangedCallback) {
this(new ControllerContext(context, ams,
new Handler(context.getMainLooper()),
context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.config_longAnimTime)), lock,
* Constructor for tests
public FullScreenMagnificationController(@NonNull ControllerContext ctx,
@NonNull Object lock,
@NonNull MagnificationInfoChangedCallback magnificationInfoChangedCallback) {
mControllerCtx = ctx;
mLock = lock;
mMainThreadId = mControllerCtx.getContext().getMainLooper().getThread().getId();
mScreenStateObserver = new ScreenStateObserver(mControllerCtx.getContext(), this);
mMagnificationInfoChangedCallback = magnificationInfoChangedCallback;
* Start tracking the magnification region for services that control magnification and the
* magnification gesture handler.
* This tracking imposes a cost on the system, so we avoid tracking this data unless it's
* required.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
public void register(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
display = new DisplayMagnification(displayId);
if (display.isRegistered()) {
if (display.register()) {
mDisplays.put(displayId, display);
* Stop requiring tracking the magnification region. We may remain registered while we
* reset magnification.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
public void unregister(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
unregisterLocked(displayId, false);
* Stop tracking all displays' magnification region.
public void unregisterAll() {
synchronized (mLock) {
// display will be removed from array after unregister, we need to clone it to
// prevent error.
final SparseArray<DisplayMagnification> displays = mDisplays.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < displays.size(); i++) {
unregisterLocked(displays.keyAt(i), false);
* Remove the display magnification with given id.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
public void onDisplayRemoved(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
unregisterLocked(displayId, true);
* Check if we are registered on specified display. Note that we may be planning to unregister
* at any moment.
* @return {@code true} if the controller is registered on specified display.
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
public boolean isRegistered(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.isRegistered();
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return {@code true} if magnification is active, e.g. the scale
* is > 1, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isMagnifying(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.isMagnifying();
* Returns whether the magnification region contains the specified
* screen-relative coordinates.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param x the screen-relative X coordinate to check
* @param y the screen-relative Y coordinate to check
* @return {@code true} if the coordinate is contained within the
* magnified region, or {@code false} otherwise
public boolean magnificationRegionContains(int displayId, float x, float y) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.magnificationRegionContains(x, y);
* Populates the specified rect with the screen-relative bounds of the
* magnification region. If magnification is not enabled, the returned
* bounds will be empty.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param outBounds rect to populate with the bounds of the magnified
* region
public void getMagnificationBounds(int displayId, @NonNull Rect outBounds) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
* Populates the specified region with the screen-relative magnification
* region. If magnification is not enabled, then the returned region
* will be empty.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param outRegion the region to populate
public void getMagnificationRegion(int displayId, @NonNull Region outRegion) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
* Returns the magnification scale. If an animation is in progress,
* this reflects the end state of the animation.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return the scale
public float getScale(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return 1.0f;
return display.getScale();
* Returns the X offset of the magnification viewport. If an animation
* is in progress, this reflects the end state of the animation.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return the X offset
public float getOffsetX(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return 0.0f;
return display.getOffsetX();
* Returns the screen-relative X coordinate of the center of the
* magnification viewport.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return the X coordinate
public float getCenterX(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return 0.0f;
return display.getCenterX();
* Returns the Y offset of the magnification viewport. If an animation
* is in progress, this reflects the end state of the animation.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return the Y offset
public float getOffsetY(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return 0.0f;
return display.getOffsetY();
* Returns the screen-relative Y coordinate of the center of the
* magnification viewport.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return the Y coordinate
public float getCenterY(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return 0.0f;
return display.getCenterY();
* Resets the magnification scale and center, optionally animating the
* transition.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param animate {@code true} to animate the transition, {@code false}
* to transition immediately
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean reset(int displayId, boolean animate) {
return reset(displayId, animate ? STUB_ANIMATION_CALLBACK : null);
* Resets the magnification scale and center, optionally animating the
* transition.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param animationCallback Called when the animation result is valid.
* {@code null} to transition immediately
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean reset(int displayId,
MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.reset(animationCallback);
* Scales the magnified region around the specified pivot point,
* optionally animating the transition. If animation is disabled, the
* transition is immediate.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param scale the target scale, must be >= 1
* @param pivotX the screen-relative X coordinate around which to scale
* @param pivotY the screen-relative Y coordinate around which to scale
* @param animate {@code true} to animate the transition, {@code false}
* to transition immediately
* @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean setScale(int displayId, float scale, float pivotX, float pivotY,
boolean animate, int id) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.setScale(scale, pivotX, pivotY, animate, id);
* Sets the center of the magnified region, optionally animating the
* transition. If animation is disabled, the transition is immediate.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param centerX the screen-relative X coordinate around which to
* center
* @param centerY the screen-relative Y coordinate around which to
* center
* @param animate {@code true} to animate the transition, {@code false}
* to transition immediately
* @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean setCenter(int displayId, float centerX, float centerY, boolean animate, int id) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.setScaleAndCenter(Float.NaN, centerX, centerY,
animate ? STUB_ANIMATION_CALLBACK : null, id);
* Sets the scale and center of the magnified region, optionally
* animating the transition. If animation is disabled, the transition
* is immediate.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param scale the target scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param centerX the screen-relative X coordinate around which to
* center and scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param centerY the screen-relative Y coordinate around which to
* center and scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param animate {@code true} to animate the transition, {@code false}
* to transition immediately
* @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean setScaleAndCenter(int displayId, float scale, float centerX, float centerY,
boolean animate, int id) {
return setScaleAndCenter(displayId, scale, centerX, centerY,
transformToStubCallback(animate), id);
* Sets the scale and center of the magnified region, optionally
* animating the transition. If animation is disabled, the transition
* is immediate.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param scale the target scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param centerX the screen-relative X coordinate around which to
* center and scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param centerY the screen-relative Y coordinate around which to
* center and scale, or {@link Float#NaN} to leave unchanged
* @param animationCallback Called when the animation result is valid.
* {@code null} to transition immediately
* @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
* @return {@code true} if the magnification spec changed, {@code false} if
* the spec did not change
public boolean setScaleAndCenter(int displayId, float scale, float centerX, float centerY,
MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback, int id) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.setScaleAndCenter(scale, centerX, centerY, animationCallback, id);
* Offsets the magnified region. Note that the offsetX and offsetY values actually move in the
* opposite direction as the offsets passed in here.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param offsetX the amount in pixels to offset the region in the X direction, in current
* screen pixels.
* @param offsetY the amount in pixels to offset the region in the Y direction, in current
* screen pixels.
* @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
public void offsetMagnifiedRegion(int displayId, float offsetX, float offsetY, int id) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
display.offsetMagnifiedRegion(offsetX, offsetY, id);
* Get the ID of the last service that changed the magnification spec.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @return The id
public int getIdOfLastServiceToMagnify(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return -1;
return display.getIdOfLastServiceToMagnify();
* Persists the default display magnification scale to the current user's settings.
public void persistScale() {
// TODO: b/123047354, Need support multi-display?
final float scale = getScale(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
final int userId = mUserId;
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
mControllerCtx.putMagnificationScale(scale, userId);
return null;
* Retrieves a previously persisted magnification scale from the current
* user's settings.
* @return the previously persisted magnification scale, or the default
* scale if none is available
public float getPersistedScale() {
return mControllerCtx.getMagnificationScale(mUserId);
* Sets the currently active user ID.
* @param userId the currently active user ID
public void setUserId(int userId) {
if (mUserId == userId) {
mUserId = userId;
* Resets all displays' magnification if last magnifying service is disabled.
* @param connectionId
public void resetAllIfNeeded(int connectionId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplays.size(); i++) {
resetIfNeeded(mDisplays.keyAt(i), connectionId);
* Resets magnification if magnification and auto-update are both enabled.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param animate whether the animate the transition
* @return whether was {@link #isMagnifying(int) magnifying}
boolean resetIfNeeded(int displayId, boolean animate) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null || !display.isMagnifying()) {
return false;
return true;
* Resets magnification if last magnifying service is disabled.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
* @param connectionId the connection ID be disabled.
* @return {@code true} on success, {@code false} on failure
boolean resetIfNeeded(int displayId, int connectionId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null || !display.isMagnifying()
|| connectionId != display.getIdOfLastServiceToMagnify()) {
return false;
return true;
void setForceShowMagnifiableBounds(int displayId, boolean show) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
* Notifies that the IME window visibility changed.
* @param shown {@code true} means the IME window shows on the screen. Otherwise it's
* hidden.
void notifyImeWindowVisibilityChanged(boolean shown) {
* Returns {@code true} if the magnifiable regions of the display is forced to be shown.
* @param displayId The logical display id.
public boolean isForceShowMagnifiableBounds(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
return false;
return display.isForceShowMagnifiableBounds();
private void onScreenTurnedOff() {
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(
FullScreenMagnificationController::resetAllIfNeeded, this, false);
private void resetAllIfNeeded(boolean animate) {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplays.size(); i++) {
resetIfNeeded(mDisplays.keyAt(i), animate);
private void unregisterLocked(int displayId, boolean delete) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.get(displayId);
if (display == null) {
if (!display.isRegistered()) {
if (delete) {
if (!display.isMagnifying()) {
} else {
* Callbacks from DisplayMagnification after display magnification unregistered. It will remove
* DisplayMagnification instance if delete is true, and unregister screen state if
* there is no registered display magnification.
private void unregisterCallbackLocked(int displayId, boolean delete) {
if (delete) {
// unregister screen state if necessary
boolean hasRegister = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplays.size(); i++) {
final DisplayMagnification display = mDisplays.valueAt(i);
hasRegister = display.isRegistered();
if (hasRegister) {
if (!hasRegister) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(", mDisplays=").append(mDisplays);
return builder.toString();
* Class responsible for animating spec on the main thread and sending spec
* updates to the window manager.
private static class SpecAnimationBridge implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener,
Animator.AnimatorListener {
private final ControllerContext mControllerCtx;
* The magnification spec that was sent to the window manager. This should
* only be accessed with the lock held.
private final MagnificationSpec mSentMagnificationSpec = new MagnificationSpec();
private final MagnificationSpec mStartMagnificationSpec = new MagnificationSpec();
private final MagnificationSpec mEndMagnificationSpec = new MagnificationSpec();
* The animator should only be accessed and modified on the main (e.g. animation) thread.
private final ValueAnimator mValueAnimator;
// Called when the callee wants animating and the sent spec matches the target spec.
private MagnificationAnimationCallback mAnimationCallback;
private final Object mLock;
private final int mDisplayId;
private boolean mEnabled = false;
private SpecAnimationBridge(ControllerContext ctx, Object lock, int displayId) {
mControllerCtx = ctx;
mLock = lock;
mDisplayId = displayId;
final long animationDuration = mControllerCtx.getAnimationDuration();
mValueAnimator = mControllerCtx.newValueAnimator();
mValueAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(2.5f));
mValueAnimator.setFloatValues(0.0f, 1.0f);
* Enabled means the bridge will accept input. When not enabled, the output of the animator
* will be ignored
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (enabled != mEnabled) {
mEnabled = enabled;
if (!mEnabled) {
mDisplayId, mSentMagnificationSpec);
void updateSentSpecMainThread(MagnificationSpec spec,
MagnificationAnimationCallback animationCallback) {
if (mValueAnimator.isRunning()) {
mAnimationCallback = animationCallback;
// If the current and sent specs don't match, update the sent spec.
synchronized (mLock) {
final boolean changed = !mSentMagnificationSpec.equals(spec);
if (changed) {
if (mAnimationCallback != null) {
} else {
} else {
private void sendEndCallbackMainThread(boolean success) {
if (mAnimationCallback != null) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "sendEndCallbackMainThread: " + success);
mAnimationCallback = null;
private void setMagnificationSpecLocked(MagnificationSpec spec) {
if (mEnabled) {
Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "Sending: " + spec);
mDisplayId, mSentMagnificationSpec);
private void animateMagnificationSpecLocked(MagnificationSpec toSpec) {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mEnabled) {
float fract = animation.getAnimatedFraction();
MagnificationSpec magnificationSpec = new MagnificationSpec();
magnificationSpec.scale = mStartMagnificationSpec.scale
+ (mEndMagnificationSpec.scale - mStartMagnificationSpec.scale) * fract;
magnificationSpec.offsetX = mStartMagnificationSpec.offsetX
+ (mEndMagnificationSpec.offsetX - mStartMagnificationSpec.offsetX)
* fract;
magnificationSpec.offsetY = mStartMagnificationSpec.offsetY
+ (mEndMagnificationSpec.offsetY - mStartMagnificationSpec.offsetY)
* fract;
public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
private static class ScreenStateObserver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private final Context mContext;
private final FullScreenMagnificationController mController;
private boolean mRegistered = false;
ScreenStateObserver(Context context, FullScreenMagnificationController controller) {
mContext = context;
mController = controller;
public void registerIfNecessary() {
if (!mRegistered) {
mContext.registerReceiver(this, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF));
mRegistered = true;
public void unregister() {
if (mRegistered) {
mRegistered = false;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
* This class holds resources used between the classes in MagnificationController, and
* functions for tests to mock it.
public static class ControllerContext {
private final Context mContext;
private final AccessibilityManagerService mAms;
private final WindowManagerInternal mWindowManager;
private final Handler mHandler;
private final Long mAnimationDuration;
* Constructor for ControllerContext.
public ControllerContext(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull AccessibilityManagerService ams,
@NonNull WindowManagerInternal windowManager,
@NonNull Handler handler,
long animationDuration) {
mContext = context;
mAms = ams;
mWindowManager = windowManager;
mHandler = handler;
mAnimationDuration = animationDuration;
* @return A context.
public Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* @return AccessibilityManagerService
public AccessibilityManagerService getAms() {
return mAms;
* @return WindowManagerInternal
public WindowManagerInternal getWindowManager() {
return mWindowManager;
* @return Handler for main looper
public Handler getHandler() {
return mHandler;
* Create a new ValueAnimator.
* @return ValueAnimator
public ValueAnimator newValueAnimator() {
return new ValueAnimator();
* Write Settings of magnification scale.
public void putMagnificationScale(float value, int userId) {
* Get Settings of magnification scale.
public float getMagnificationScale(int userId) {
return Settings.Secure.getFloatForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
* @return Configuration of animation duration.
public long getAnimationDuration() {
return mAnimationDuration;
private static MagnificationAnimationCallback transformToStubCallback(boolean animate) {
return animate ? STUB_ANIMATION_CALLBACK : null;
interface MagnificationInfoChangedCallback {
* Called when the {@link MagnificationSpec} is changed with non-default
* scale by the service.
* @param displayId the logical display id
* @param serviceId the ID of the service requesting the change
void onRequestMagnificationSpec(int displayId, int serviceId);
* Called when the state of the magnification activation is changed.
* It is for the logging data of the magnification activation state.
* @param activated {@code true} if the magnification is activated, otherwise {@code false}.
void onFullScreenMagnificationActivationState(boolean activated);
* Called when the IME window visibility changed.
* @param shown {@code true} means the IME window shows on the screen. Otherwise it's
* hidden.
void onImeWindowVisibilityChanged(boolean shown);