blob: 8b1137d7de7c0826233a4acb67eeb0f5c493d2ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.annotation.ColorInt;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.Px;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* A helper class to extract prominent colors from an image.
* <p>Instances are created with a {@link Builder} which supports several options to tweak the
* generated Palette. See that class' documentation for more information.
* <p>Generation should always be completed on a background thread, ideally the one in which you
* load your image on. {@link Builder} supports both synchronous and asynchronous generation:
* <pre>
* // Synchronous
* Palette p = Palette.from(bitmap).generate();
* // Asynchronous
* Palette.from(bitmap).generate(new PaletteAsyncListener() {
* public void onGenerated(Palette p) {
* // Use generated instance
* }
* });
* </pre>
public final class Palette {
* Listener to be used with {@link #generateAsync(Bitmap, Palette.PaletteAsyncListener)} or
* {@link #generateAsync(Bitmap, int, Palette.PaletteAsyncListener)}
public interface PaletteAsyncListener {
* Called when the {@link Palette} has been generated.
void onGenerated(@Nullable Palette palette);
static final int DEFAULT_RESIZE_BITMAP_AREA = 112 * 112;
static final String LOG_TAG = "Palette";
/** Start generating a {@link Palette} with the returned {@link Builder} instance. */
public static Builder from(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @NonNull Quantizer quantizer) {
return new Builder(bitmap, quantizer);
* Generate a {@link Palette} from the pre-generated list of {@link Palette.Swatch} swatches.
* This
* is useful for testing, or if you want to resurrect a {@link Palette} instance from a list of
* swatches. Will return null if the {@code swatches} is null.
public static Palette from(@NonNull List<Swatch> swatches) {
return new Builder(swatches).generate();
private final List<Swatch> mSwatches;
private final Swatch mDominantSwatch;
Palette(List<Swatch> swatches) {
mSwatches = swatches;
mDominantSwatch = findDominantSwatch();
/** Returns all of the swatches which make up the palette. */
public List<Swatch> getSwatches() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(mSwatches);
/** Returns the swatch with the highest population, or null if there are no swatches. */
public Swatch getDominantSwatch() {
return mDominantSwatch;
private Swatch findDominantSwatch() {
int maxPop = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Swatch maxSwatch = null;
for (int i = 0, count = mSwatches.size(); i < count; i++) {
Swatch swatch = mSwatches.get(i);
if (swatch.getPopulation() > maxPop) {
maxSwatch = swatch;
maxPop = swatch.getPopulation();
return maxSwatch;
* Represents a color swatch generated from an image's palette. The RGB color can be retrieved
* by
* calling {@link #getInt()}.
public static class Swatch {
private final Color mColor;
private final int mPopulation;
public Swatch(@ColorInt int colorInt, int population) {
mColor = Color.valueOf(colorInt);
mPopulation = population;
/** @return this swatch's RGB color value */
public int getInt() {
return mColor.toArgb();
/** @return the number of pixels represented by this swatch */
public int getPopulation() {
return mPopulation;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName())
.append(" [")
.append(" [Population: ")
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Swatch swatch = (Swatch) o;
return mPopulation == swatch.mPopulation && mColor.toArgb() == swatch.mColor.toArgb();
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * mColor.toArgb() + mPopulation;
/** Builder class for generating {@link Palette} instances. */
public static class Builder {
private final List<Swatch> mSwatches;
private final Bitmap mBitmap;
private Quantizer mQuantizer = new ColorCutQuantizer();
private int mResizeArea = DEFAULT_RESIZE_BITMAP_AREA;
private int mResizeMaxDimension = -1;
private Rect mRegion;
/** Construct a new {@link Builder} using a source {@link Bitmap} */
public Builder(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @NonNull Quantizer quantizer) {
if (bitmap == null || bitmap.isRecycled()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bitmap is not valid");
mSwatches = null;
mBitmap = bitmap;
mQuantizer = quantizer == null ? new ColorCutQuantizer() : quantizer;
* Construct a new {@link Builder} using a list of {@link Swatch} instances. Typically only
* used
* for testing.
public Builder(@NonNull List<Swatch> swatches) {
if (swatches == null || swatches.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of Swatches is not valid");
mSwatches = swatches;
mBitmap = null;
mQuantizer = null;
* Set the maximum number of colors to use in the quantization step when using a {@link
*} as the source.
* <p>Good values for depend on the source image type. For landscapes, good values are in
* the
* range 10-16. For images which are largely made up of people's faces then this value
* should be
* increased to ~24.
public Builder maximumColorCount(int colors) {
mMaxColors = colors;
return this;
* Set the resize value when using a {@link} as the source. If the
* bitmap's largest dimension is greater than the value specified, then the bitmap will be
* resized so that its largest dimension matches {@code maxDimension}. If the bitmap is
* smaller
* or equal, the original is used as-is.
* @param maxDimension the number of pixels that the max dimension should be scaled down to,
* or
* any value <= 0 to disable resizing.
* @deprecated Using {@link #resizeBitmapArea(int)} is preferred since it can handle
* abnormal
* aspect ratios more gracefully.
public Builder resizeBitmapSize(int maxDimension) {
mResizeMaxDimension = maxDimension;
mResizeArea = -1;
return this;
* Set the resize value when using a {@link} as the source. If the
* bitmap's area is greater than the value specified, then the bitmap will be resized so
* that
* its area matches {@code area}. If the bitmap is smaller or equal, the original is used
* as-is.
* <p>This value has a large effect on the processing time. The larger the resized image is,
* the
* greater time it will take to generate the palette. The smaller the image is, the more
* detail
* is lost in the resulting image and thus less precision for color selection.
* @param area the number of pixels that the intermediary scaled down Bitmap should cover,
* or
* any value <= 0 to disable resizing.
public Builder resizeBitmapArea(int area) {
mResizeArea = area;
mResizeMaxDimension = -1;
return this;
* Set a region of the bitmap to be used exclusively when calculating the palette.
* <p>This only works when the original input is a {@link Bitmap}.
* @param left The left side of the rectangle used for the region.
* @param top The top of the rectangle used for the region.
* @param right The right side of the rectangle used for the region.
* @param bottom The bottom of the rectangle used for the region.
public Builder setRegion(@Px int left, @Px int top, @Px int right, @Px int bottom) {
if (mBitmap != null) {
if (mRegion == null) mRegion = new Rect();
// Set the Rect to be initially the whole Bitmap
mRegion.set(0, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight());
// Now just get the intersection with the region
if (!mRegion.intersect(left, top, right, bottom)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The given region must intersect with " + "the Bitmap's dimensions.");
return this;
/** Clear any previously region set via {@link #setRegion(int, int, int, int)}. */
public Builder clearRegion() {
mRegion = null;
return this;
/** Generate and return the {@link Palette} synchronously. */
public Palette generate() {
List<Swatch> swatches;
if (mBitmap != null) {
// We have a Bitmap so we need to use quantization to reduce the number of colors
// First we'll scale down the bitmap if needed
Bitmap bitmap = scaleBitmapDown(mBitmap);
Rect region = mRegion;
if (bitmap != mBitmap && region != null) {
// If we have a scaled bitmap and a selected region, we need to scale down the
// region to match the new scale
double scale = bitmap.getWidth() / (double) mBitmap.getWidth();
region.left = (int) Math.floor(region.left * scale); = (int) Math.floor( * scale);
region.right = Math.min((int) Math.ceil(region.right * scale),
region.bottom = Math.min((int) Math.ceil(region.bottom * scale),
// Now generate a quantizer from the Bitmap
// If created a new bitmap, recycle it
if (bitmap != mBitmap) {
swatches = mQuantizer.getQuantizedColors();
} else if (mSwatches != null) {
// Else we're using the provided swatches
swatches = mSwatches;
} else {
// The constructors enforce either a bitmap or swatches are present.
throw new AssertionError();
// Now create a Palette instance
Palette p = new Palette(swatches);
// And make it generate itself
return p;
* Generate the {@link Palette} asynchronously. The provided listener's {@link
* PaletteAsyncListener#onGenerated} method will be called with the palette when generated.
* @deprecated Use the standard <code>java.util.concurrent</code> or <a
* href="">Kotlin
* concurrency utilities</a> to call {@link #generate()} instead.
public android.os.AsyncTask<Bitmap, Void, Palette> generate(
@NonNull PaletteAsyncListener listener) {
assert (listener != null);
return new android.os.AsyncTask<Bitmap, Void, Palette>() {
protected Palette doInBackground(Bitmap... params) {
try {
return generate();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception thrown during async generate", e);
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(@Nullable Palette colorExtractor) {
}.executeOnExecutor(android.os.AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, mBitmap);
private int[] getPixelsFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
int[] pixels = new int[bitmapWidth * bitmapHeight];
bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, bitmapWidth, 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);
if (mRegion == null) {
// If we don't have a region, return all of the pixels
return pixels;
} else {
// If we do have a region, lets create a subset array containing only the region's
// pixels
int regionWidth = mRegion.width();
int regionHeight = mRegion.height();
// pixels contains all of the pixels, so we need to iterate through each row and
// copy the regions pixels into a new smaller array
int[] subsetPixels = new int[regionWidth * regionHeight];
for (int row = 0; row < regionHeight; row++) {
((row + * bitmapWidth) + mRegion.left,
row * regionWidth,
return subsetPixels;
/** Scale the bitmap down as needed. */
private Bitmap scaleBitmapDown(Bitmap bitmap) {
double scaleRatio = -1;
if (mResizeArea > 0) {
int bitmapArea = bitmap.getWidth() * bitmap.getHeight();
if (bitmapArea > mResizeArea) {
scaleRatio = Math.sqrt(mResizeArea / (double) bitmapArea);
} else if (mResizeMaxDimension > 0) {
int maxDimension = Math.max(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
if (maxDimension > mResizeMaxDimension) {
scaleRatio = mResizeMaxDimension / (double) maxDimension;
if (scaleRatio <= 0) {
// Scaling has been disabled or not needed so just return the Bitmap
return bitmap;
return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(
(int) Math.ceil(bitmap.getWidth() * scaleRatio),
(int) Math.ceil(bitmap.getHeight() * scaleRatio),
* A Filter provides a mechanism for exercising fine-grained control over which colors
* are valid within a resulting {@link Palette}.
public interface Filter {
* Hook to allow clients to be able filter colors from resulting palette.
* @param rgb the color in RGB888.
* @param hsl HSL representation of the color.
* @return true if the color is allowed, false if not.
* @see Palette.Builder#addFilter(Palette.Filter)
boolean isAllowed(int rgb, float[] hsl);
* The default filter.
static final Palette.Filter
DEFAULT_FILTER = new Palette.Filter() {
private static final float BLACK_MAX_LIGHTNESS = 0.05f;
private static final float WHITE_MIN_LIGHTNESS = 0.95f;
public boolean isAllowed(int rgb, float[] hsl) {
return !isWhite(hsl) && !isBlack(hsl) && !isNearRedILine(hsl);
* @return true if the color represents a color which is close to black.
private boolean isBlack(float[] hslColor) {
return hslColor[2] <= BLACK_MAX_LIGHTNESS;
* @return true if the color represents a color which is close to white.
private boolean isWhite(float[] hslColor) {
return hslColor[2] >= WHITE_MIN_LIGHTNESS;
* @return true if the color lies close to the red side of the I line.
private boolean isNearRedILine(float[] hslColor) {
return hslColor[0] >= 10f && hslColor[0] <= 37f && hslColor[1] <= 0.82f;