blob: 1cd0d721bce4d3207faffc0f8361310817723904 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Wu's quantization algorithm is a box-cut quantizer that minimizes variance. It takes longer to
* run than, say, median color cut, but provides the highest quality results currently known.
* Prefer `QuantizerCelebi`: coupled with Kmeans, this provides the best-known results for image
* quantization.
* Seemingly all Wu implementations are based off of one C code snippet that cites a book from 1992
* Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133. As a result, it is very hard to understand the mechanics of
* the algorithm, beyond the commentary provided in the C code. Comments on the methods of this
* class are avoided in favor of finding another implementation and reading the commentary there,
* avoiding perpetuating the same incomplete and somewhat confusing commentary here.
public final class WuQuantizer implements Quantizer {
// A histogram of all the input colors is constructed. It has the shape of a
// cube. The cube would be too large if it contained all 16 million colors:
// historical best practice is to use 5 bits of the 8 in each channel,
// reducing the histogram to a volume of ~32,000.
private static final int BITS = 5;
private static final int MAX_INDEX = 32;
private static final int SIDE_LENGTH = 33;
private static final int TOTAL_SIZE = 35937;
private int[] mWeights;
private int[] mMomentsR;
private int[] mMomentsG;
private int[] mMomentsB;
private double[] mMoments;
private Box[] mCubes;
private Palette mPalette;
private int[] mColors;
private Map<Integer, Integer> mInputPixelToCount;
public List<Palette.Swatch> getQuantizedColors() {
return mPalette.getSwatches();
public void quantize(@NonNull int[] pixels, int colorCount) {
assert (pixels.length > 0);
QuantizerMap quantizerMap = new QuantizerMap();
quantizerMap.quantize(pixels, colorCount);
mInputPixelToCount = quantizerMap.getColorToCount();
// Extraction should not be run on using a color count higher than the number of colors
// in the pixels. The algorithm doesn't expect that to be the case, unexpected results and
// exceptions may occur.
Set<Integer> uniqueColors = mInputPixelToCount.keySet();
if (uniqueColors.size() <= colorCount) {
mColors = new int[mInputPixelToCount.keySet().size()];
int index = 0;
for (int color : uniqueColors) {
mColors[index++] = color;
} else {
CreateBoxesResult createBoxesResult = createBoxes(colorCount);
mColors = createResult(createBoxesResult.mResultCount);
List<Palette.Swatch> swatches = new ArrayList<>();
for (int color : mColors) {
swatches.add(new Palette.Swatch(color, 0));
mPalette = Palette.from(swatches);
public int[] getColors() {
return mColors;
/** Keys are color ints, values are the number of pixels in the image matching that color int */
public Map<Integer, Integer> inputPixelToCount() {
return mInputPixelToCount;
private static int getIndex(int r, int g, int b) {
return (r << 10) + (r << 6) + (g << 5) + r + g + b;
private void constructHistogram(Map<Integer, Integer> pixels) {
mWeights = new int[TOTAL_SIZE];
mMomentsR = new int[TOTAL_SIZE];
mMomentsG = new int[TOTAL_SIZE];
mMomentsB = new int[TOTAL_SIZE];
mMoments = new double[TOTAL_SIZE];
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> pair : pixels.entrySet()) {
int pixel = pair.getKey();
int count = pair.getValue();
int red =;
int green =;
int blue =;
int bitsToRemove = 8 - BITS;
int iR = (red >> bitsToRemove) + 1;
int iG = (green >> bitsToRemove) + 1;
int iB = (blue >> bitsToRemove) + 1;
int index = getIndex(iR, iG, iB);
mWeights[index] += count;
mMomentsR[index] += (red * count);
mMomentsG[index] += (green * count);
mMomentsB[index] += (blue * count);
mMoments[index] += (count * ((red * red) + (green * green) + (blue * blue)));
private void createMoments() {
for (int r = 1; r < SIDE_LENGTH; ++r) {
int[] area = new int[SIDE_LENGTH];
int[] areaR = new int[SIDE_LENGTH];
int[] areaG = new int[SIDE_LENGTH];
int[] areaB = new int[SIDE_LENGTH];
double[] area2 = new double[SIDE_LENGTH];
for (int g = 1; g < SIDE_LENGTH; ++g) {
int line = 0;
int lineR = 0;
int lineG = 0;
int lineB = 0;
double line2 = 0.0;
for (int b = 1; b < SIDE_LENGTH; ++b) {
int index = getIndex(r, g, b);
line += mWeights[index];
lineR += mMomentsR[index];
lineG += mMomentsG[index];
lineB += mMomentsB[index];
line2 += mMoments[index];
area[b] += line;
areaR[b] += lineR;
areaG[b] += lineG;
areaB[b] += lineB;
area2[b] += line2;
int previousIndex = getIndex(r - 1, g, b);
mWeights[index] = mWeights[previousIndex] + area[b];
mMomentsR[index] = mMomentsR[previousIndex] + areaR[b];
mMomentsG[index] = mMomentsG[previousIndex] + areaG[b];
mMomentsB[index] = mMomentsB[previousIndex] + areaB[b];
mMoments[index] = mMoments[previousIndex] + area2[b];
private CreateBoxesResult createBoxes(int maxColorCount) {
mCubes = new Box[maxColorCount];
for (int i = 0; i < maxColorCount; i++) {
mCubes[i] = new Box();
double[] volumeVariance = new double[maxColorCount];
Box firstBox = mCubes[0];
firstBox.r1 = MAX_INDEX;
firstBox.g1 = MAX_INDEX;
firstBox.b1 = MAX_INDEX;
int generatedColorCount = 0;
int next = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < maxColorCount; i++) {
if (cut(mCubes[next], mCubes[i])) {
volumeVariance[next] = (mCubes[next].vol > 1) ? variance(mCubes[next]) : 0.0;
volumeVariance[i] = (mCubes[i].vol > 1) ? variance(mCubes[i]) : 0.0;
} else {
volumeVariance[next] = 0.0;
next = 0;
double temp = volumeVariance[0];
for (int k = 1; k <= i; k++) {
if (volumeVariance[k] > temp) {
temp = volumeVariance[k];
next = k;
generatedColorCount = i + 1;
if (temp <= 0.0) {
return new CreateBoxesResult(maxColorCount, generatedColorCount);
private int[] createResult(int colorCount) {
int[] colors = new int[colorCount];
int nextAvailableIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) {
Box cube = mCubes[i];
int weight = volume(cube, mWeights);
if (weight > 0) {
int r = (volume(cube, mMomentsR) / weight);
int g = (volume(cube, mMomentsG) / weight);
int b = (volume(cube, mMomentsB) / weight);
int color = Color.rgb(r, g, b);
colors[nextAvailableIndex++] = color;
int[] resultArray = new int[nextAvailableIndex];
arraycopy(colors, 0, resultArray, 0, nextAvailableIndex);
return resultArray;
private double variance(Box cube) {
int dr = volume(cube, mMomentsR);
int dg = volume(cube, mMomentsG);
int db = volume(cube, mMomentsB);
double xx =
mMoments[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
- mMoments[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
- mMoments[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
+ mMoments[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b0)]
- mMoments[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
+ mMoments[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
+ mMoments[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
- mMoments[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b0)];
int hypotenuse = (dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db);
int volume2 = volume(cube, mWeights);
double variance2 = xx - ((double) hypotenuse / (double) volume2);
return variance2;
private boolean cut(Box one, Box two) {
int wholeR = volume(one, mMomentsR);
int wholeG = volume(one, mMomentsG);
int wholeB = volume(one, mMomentsB);
int wholeW = volume(one, mWeights);
MaximizeResult maxRResult =
maximize(one, Direction.RED, one.r0 + 1, one.r1, wholeR, wholeG, wholeB, wholeW);
MaximizeResult maxGResult =
maximize(one, Direction.GREEN, one.g0 + 1, one.g1, wholeR, wholeG, wholeB, wholeW);
MaximizeResult maxBResult =
maximize(one, Direction.BLUE, one.b0 + 1, one.b1, wholeR, wholeG, wholeB, wholeW);
Direction cutDirection;
double maxR = maxRResult.mMaximum;
double maxG = maxGResult.mMaximum;
double maxB = maxBResult.mMaximum;
if (maxR >= maxG && maxR >= maxB) {
if (maxRResult.mCutLocation < 0) {
return false;
cutDirection = Direction.RED;
} else if (maxG >= maxR && maxG >= maxB) {
cutDirection = Direction.GREEN;
} else {
cutDirection = Direction.BLUE;
two.r1 = one.r1;
two.g1 = one.g1;
two.b1 = one.b1;
switch (cutDirection) {
case RED:
one.r1 = maxRResult.mCutLocation;
two.r0 = one.r1;
two.g0 = one.g0;
two.b0 = one.b0;
case GREEN:
one.g1 = maxGResult.mCutLocation;
two.r0 = one.r0;
two.g0 = one.g1;
two.b0 = one.b0;
case BLUE:
one.b1 = maxBResult.mCutLocation;
two.r0 = one.r0;
two.g0 = one.g0;
two.b0 = one.b1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected direction " + cutDirection);
one.vol = (one.r1 - one.r0) * (one.g1 - one.g0) * (one.b1 - one.b0);
two.vol = (two.r1 - two.r0) * (two.g1 - two.g0) * (two.b1 - two.b0);
return true;
private MaximizeResult maximize(
Box cube,
Direction direction,
int first,
int last,
int wholeR,
int wholeG,
int wholeB,
int wholeW) {
int baseR = bottom(cube, direction, mMomentsR);
int baseG = bottom(cube, direction, mMomentsG);
int baseB = bottom(cube, direction, mMomentsB);
int baseW = bottom(cube, direction, mWeights);
double max = 0.0;
int cut = -1;
for (int i = first; i < last; i++) {
int halfR = baseR + top(cube, direction, i, mMomentsR);
int halfG = baseG + top(cube, direction, i, mMomentsG);
int halfB = baseB + top(cube, direction, i, mMomentsB);
int halfW = baseW + top(cube, direction, i, mWeights);
if (halfW == 0) {
double tempNumerator = halfR * halfR + halfG * halfG + halfB * halfB;
double tempDenominator = halfW;
double temp = tempNumerator / tempDenominator;
halfR = wholeR - halfR;
halfG = wholeG - halfG;
halfB = wholeB - halfB;
halfW = wholeW - halfW;
if (halfW == 0) {
tempNumerator = halfR * halfR + halfG * halfG + halfB * halfB;
tempDenominator = halfW;
temp += (tempNumerator / tempDenominator);
if (temp > max) {
max = temp;
cut = i;
return new MaximizeResult(cut, max);
private static int volume(Box cube, int[] moment) {
return (moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b0)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b0)]);
private static int bottom(Box cube, Direction direction, int[] moment) {
switch (direction) {
case RED:
return -moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b0)];
case GREEN:
return -moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b0)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b0)];
case BLUE:
return -moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, cube.b0)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, cube.b0)];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected direction " + direction);
private static int top(Box cube, Direction direction, int position, int[] moment) {
switch (direction) {
case RED:
return (moment[getIndex(position, cube.g1, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(position, cube.g1, cube.b0)]
- moment[getIndex(position, cube.g0, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(position, cube.g0, cube.b0)]);
case GREEN:
return (moment[getIndex(cube.r1, position, cube.b1)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r1, position, cube.b0)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, position, cube.b1)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, position, cube.b0)]);
case BLUE:
return (moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g1, position)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r1, cube.g0, position)]
- moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g1, position)]
+ moment[getIndex(cube.r0, cube.g0, position)]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected direction " + direction);
private enum Direction {
private static class MaximizeResult {
// < 0 if cut impossible
final int mCutLocation;
final double mMaximum;
MaximizeResult(int cut, double max) {
mCutLocation = cut;
mMaximum = max;
private static class CreateBoxesResult {
final int mRequestedCount;
final int mResultCount;
CreateBoxesResult(int requestedCount, int resultCount) {
mRequestedCount = requestedCount;
mResultCount = resultCount;
private static class Box {
public int r0 = 0;
public int r1 = 0;
public int g0 = 0;
public int g1 = 0;
public int b0 = 0;
public int b1 = 0;
public int vol = 0;