blob: 6f5adac33ae6edea45edfbbe25aadc150a4ffb38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.hardware.vibrator.IVibrator;
import android.os.VibratorInfo;
import android.os.vibrator.RampSegment;
import android.os.vibrator.StepSegment;
import android.os.vibrator.VibrationEffectSegment;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Adapter that converts step segments that should be handled as PWLEs to ramp segments.
* <p>Each replaced {@link StepSegment} will be represented by a {@link RampSegment} with same
* start and end amplitudes/frequencies, which can then be converted to PWLE compositions. This
* adapter leaves the segments unchanged if the device doesn't have the PWLE composition capability.
final class StepToRampAdapter implements VibrationEffectAdapters.SegmentsAdapter<VibratorInfo> {
public int apply(List<VibrationEffectSegment> segments, int repeatIndex,
VibratorInfo info) {
if (!info.hasCapability(IVibrator.CAP_COMPOSE_PWLE_EFFECTS)) {
// The vibrator does not have PWLE capability, so keep the segments unchanged.
return repeatIndex;
repeatIndex = splitLongRampSegments(info, segments, repeatIndex);
return repeatIndex;
private void convertStepsToRamps(List<VibrationEffectSegment> segments) {
int segmentCount = segments.size();
// Convert steps that require frequency control to ramps.
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
VibrationEffectSegment segment = segments.get(i);
if (isStep(segment) && ((StepSegment) segment).getFrequency() != 0) {
segments.set(i, convertStepToRamp((StepSegment) segment));
// Convert steps that are next to ramps to also become ramps, so they can be composed
// together in the same PWLE waveform.
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
if (segments.get(i) instanceof RampSegment) {
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0 && isStep(segments.get(j)); j--) {
segments.set(j, convertStepToRamp((StepSegment) segments.get(j)));
for (int j = i + 1; j < segmentCount && isStep(segments.get(j)); j++) {
segments.set(j, convertStepToRamp((StepSegment) segments.get(j)));
* Split {@link RampSegment} entries that have duration longer than {@link
* VibratorInfo#getPwlePrimitiveDurationMax()}.
private int splitLongRampSegments(VibratorInfo info, List<VibrationEffectSegment> segments,
int repeatIndex) {
int maxDuration = info.getPwlePrimitiveDurationMax();
if (maxDuration <= 0) {
// No limit set to PWLE primitive duration.
return repeatIndex;
int segmentCount = segments.size();
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
if (!(segments.get(i) instanceof RampSegment)) {
RampSegment ramp = (RampSegment) segments.get(i);
int splits = ((int) ramp.getDuration() + maxDuration - 1) / maxDuration;
if (splits <= 1) {
segments.addAll(i, splitRampSegment(ramp, splits));
int addedSegments = splits - 1;
if (repeatIndex > i) {
repeatIndex += addedSegments;
i += addedSegments;
segmentCount += addedSegments;
return repeatIndex;
private static RampSegment convertStepToRamp(StepSegment segment) {
return new RampSegment(segment.getAmplitude(), segment.getAmplitude(),
segment.getFrequency(), segment.getFrequency(), (int) segment.getDuration());
private static List<RampSegment> splitRampSegment(RampSegment ramp, int splits) {
List<RampSegment> ramps = new ArrayList<>(splits);
long splitDuration = ramp.getDuration() / splits;
float previousAmplitude = ramp.getStartAmplitude();
float previousFrequency = ramp.getStartFrequency();
long accumulatedDuration = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < splits; i++) {
accumulatedDuration += splitDuration;
RampSegment rampSplit = new RampSegment(
previousAmplitude, interpolateAmplitude(ramp, accumulatedDuration),
previousFrequency, interpolateFrequency(ramp, accumulatedDuration),
(int) splitDuration);
previousAmplitude = rampSplit.getEndAmplitude();
previousFrequency = rampSplit.getEndFrequency();
ramps.add(new RampSegment(previousAmplitude, ramp.getEndAmplitude(), previousFrequency,
ramp.getEndFrequency(), (int) (ramp.getDuration() - accumulatedDuration)));
return ramps;
private static boolean isStep(VibrationEffectSegment segment) {
return segment instanceof StepSegment;
private static float interpolateAmplitude(RampSegment ramp, long duration) {
return interpolate(ramp.getStartAmplitude(), ramp.getEndAmplitude(), duration,
private static float interpolateFrequency(RampSegment ramp, long duration) {
return interpolate(ramp.getStartFrequency(), ramp.getEndFrequency(), duration,
private static float interpolate(float start, float end, long duration, long totalDuration) {
float position = (float) duration / totalDuration;
return start + position * (end - start);