blob: 1ac5e5056c1e2a3d03b6d211423087d6e3fbf42f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
* A color appearance model, based on CAM16, extended to use L* as the lightness dimension, and
* coupled to a gamut mapping algorithm. Creates a color system, enables a digital design system.
public class Cam {
// The maximum difference between the requested L* and the L* returned.
private static final float DL_MAX = 0.2f;
// The maximum color distance, in CAM16-UCS, between a requested color and the color returned.
private static final float DE_MAX = 1.0f;
// When the delta between the floor & ceiling of a binary search for chroma is less than this,
// the binary search terminates.
private static final float CHROMA_SEARCH_ENDPOINT = 0.4f;
// When the delta between the floor & ceiling of a binary search for J, lightness in CAM16,
// is less than this, the binary search terminates.
private static final float LIGHTNESS_SEARCH_ENDPOINT = 0.01f;
// CAM16 color dimensions, see getters for documentation.
private final float mHue;
private final float mChroma;
private final float mJ;
private final float mQ;
private final float mM;
private final float mS;
// Coordinates in UCS space. Used to determine color distance, like delta E equations in L*a*b*.
private final float mJstar;
private final float mAstar;
private final float mBstar;
/** Hue in CAM16 */
public float getHue() {
return mHue;
/** Chroma in CAM16 */
public float getChroma() {
return mChroma;
/** Lightness in CAM16 */
public float getJ() {
return mJ;
* Brightness in CAM16.
* <p>Prefer lightness, brightness is an absolute quantity. For example, a sheet of white paper
* is much brighter viewed in sunlight than in indoor light, but it is the lightest object under
* any lighting.
public float getQ() {
return mQ;
* Colorfulness in CAM16.
* <p>Prefer chroma, colorfulness is an absolute quantity. For example, a yellow toy car is much
* more colorful outside than inside, but it has the same chroma in both environments.
public float getM() {
return mM;
* Saturation in CAM16.
* <p>Colorfulness in proportion to brightness. Prefer chroma, saturation measures colorfulness
* relative to the color's own brightness, where chroma is colorfulness relative to white.
public float getS() {
return mS;
/** Lightness coordinate in CAM16-UCS */
public float getJstar() {
return mJstar;
/** a* coordinate in CAM16-UCS */
public float getAstar() {
return mAstar;
/** b* coordinate in CAM16-UCS */
public float getBstar() {
return mBstar;
/** Construct a CAM16 color */
Cam(float hue, float chroma, float j, float q, float m, float s, float jstar, float astar,
float bstar) {
mHue = hue;
mChroma = chroma;
mJ = j;
mQ = q;
mM = m;
mS = s;
mJstar = jstar;
mAstar = astar;
mBstar = bstar;
* Given a hue & chroma in CAM16, L* in L*a*b*, return an ARGB integer. The chroma of the color
* returned may, and frequently will, be lower than requested. Assumes the color is viewed in
* the
* frame defined by the sRGB standard.
public static int getInt(float hue, float chroma, float lstar) {
return getInt(hue, chroma, lstar, Frame.DEFAULT);
* Create a color appearance model from a ARGB integer representing a color. It is assumed the
* color was viewed in the frame defined in the sRGB standard.
public static Cam fromInt(int argb) {
return fromIntInFrame(argb, Frame.DEFAULT);
* Create a color appearance model from a ARGB integer representing a color, specifying the
* frame in which the color was viewed. Prefer Cam.fromInt.
public static Cam fromIntInFrame(int argb, @NonNull Frame frame) {
// Transform ARGB int to XYZ
float[] xyz = CamUtils.xyzFromInt(argb);
// Transform XYZ to 'cone'/'rgb' responses
float[][] matrix = CamUtils.XYZ_TO_CAM16RGB;
float rT = (xyz[0] * matrix[0][0]) + (xyz[1] * matrix[0][1]) + (xyz[2] * matrix[0][2]);
float gT = (xyz[0] * matrix[1][0]) + (xyz[1] * matrix[1][1]) + (xyz[2] * matrix[1][2]);
float bT = (xyz[0] * matrix[2][0]) + (xyz[1] * matrix[2][1]) + (xyz[2] * matrix[2][2]);
// Discount illuminant
float rD = frame.getRgbD()[0] * rT;
float gD = frame.getRgbD()[1] * gT;
float bD = frame.getRgbD()[2] * bT;
// Chromatic adaptation
float rAF = (float) Math.pow(frame.getFl() * Math.abs(rD) / 100.0, 0.42);
float gAF = (float) Math.pow(frame.getFl() * Math.abs(gD) / 100.0, 0.42);
float bAF = (float) Math.pow(frame.getFl() * Math.abs(bD) / 100.0, 0.42);
float rA = Math.signum(rD) * 400.0f * rAF / (rAF + 27.13f);
float gA = Math.signum(gD) * 400.0f * gAF / (gAF + 27.13f);
float bA = Math.signum(bD) * 400.0f * bAF / (bAF + 27.13f);
// redness-greenness
float a = (float) (11.0 * rA + -12.0 * gA + bA) / 11.0f;
// yellowness-blueness
float b = (float) (rA + gA - 2.0 * bA) / 9.0f;
// auxiliary components
float u = (20.0f * rA + 20.0f * gA + 21.0f * bA) / 20.0f;
float p2 = (40.0f * rA + 20.0f * gA + bA) / 20.0f;
// hue
float atan2 = (float) Math.atan2(b, a);
float atanDegrees = atan2 * 180.0f / (float) Math.PI;
float hue =
atanDegrees < 0
? atanDegrees + 360.0f
: atanDegrees >= 360 ? atanDegrees - 360.0f : atanDegrees;
float hueRadians = hue * (float) Math.PI / 180.0f;
// achromatic response to color
float ac = p2 * frame.getNbb();
// CAM16 lightness and brightness
float j = 100.0f * (float) Math.pow(ac / frame.getAw(), frame.getC() * frame.getZ());
float q =
/ frame.getC()
* (float) Math.sqrt(j / 100.0f)
* (frame.getAw() + 4.0f)
* frame.getFlRoot();
// CAM16 chroma, colorfulness, and saturation.
float huePrime = (hue < 20.14) ? hue + 360 : hue;
float eHue = 0.25f * (float) (Math.cos(huePrime * Math.PI / 180.0 + 2.0) + 3.8);
float p1 = 50000.0f / 13.0f * eHue * frame.getNc() * frame.getNcb();
float t = p1 * (float) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) / (u + 0.305f);
float alpha =
(float) Math.pow(t, 0.9) * (float) Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, frame.getN()),
// CAM16 chroma, colorfulness, saturation
float c = alpha * (float) Math.sqrt(j / 100.0);
float m = c * frame.getFlRoot();
float s = 50.0f * (float) Math.sqrt((alpha * frame.getC()) / (frame.getAw() + 4.0f));
// CAM16-UCS components
float jstar = (1.0f + 100.0f * 0.007f) * j / (1.0f + 0.007f * j);
float mstar = 1.0f / 0.0228f * (float) Math.log(1.0f + 0.0228f * m);
float astar = mstar * (float) Math.cos(hueRadians);
float bstar = mstar * (float) Math.sin(hueRadians);
return new Cam(hue, c, j, q, m, s, jstar, astar, bstar);
* Create a CAM from lightness, chroma, and hue coordinates. It is assumed those coordinates
* were measured in the sRGB standard frame.
private static Cam fromJch(float j, float c, float h) {
return fromJchInFrame(j, c, h, Frame.DEFAULT);
* Create a CAM from lightness, chroma, and hue coordinates, and also specify the frame in which
* the color is being viewed.
private static Cam fromJchInFrame(float j, float c, float h, Frame frame) {
float q =
/ frame.getC()
* (float) Math.sqrt(j / 100.0)
* (frame.getAw() + 4.0f)
* frame.getFlRoot();
float m = c * frame.getFlRoot();
float alpha = c / (float) Math.sqrt(j / 100.0);
float s = 50.0f * (float) Math.sqrt((alpha * frame.getC()) / (frame.getAw() + 4.0f));
float hueRadians = h * (float) Math.PI / 180.0f;
float jstar = (1.0f + 100.0f * 0.007f) * j / (1.0f + 0.007f * j);
float mstar = 1.0f / 0.0228f * (float) Math.log(1.0 + 0.0228 * m);
float astar = mstar * (float) Math.cos(hueRadians);
float bstar = mstar * (float) Math.sin(hueRadians);
return new Cam(h, c, j, q, m, s, jstar, astar, bstar);
* Distance in CAM16-UCS space between two colors.
* <p>Much like L*a*b* was designed to measure distance between colors, the CAM16 standard
* defined a color space called CAM16-UCS to measure distance between CAM16 colors.
public float distance(@NonNull Cam other) {
float dJ = getJstar() - other.getJstar();
float dA = getAstar() - other.getAstar();
float dB = getBstar() - other.getBstar();
double dEPrime = Math.sqrt(dJ * dJ + dA * dA + dB * dB);
double dE = 1.41 * Math.pow(dEPrime, 0.63);
return (float) dE;
/** Returns perceived color as an ARGB integer, as viewed in standard sRGB frame. */
public int viewedInSrgb() {
return viewed(Frame.DEFAULT);
/** Returns color perceived in a frame as an ARGB integer. */
public int viewed(@NonNull Frame frame) {
float alpha =
(getChroma() == 0.0 || getJ() == 0.0)
? 0.0f
: getChroma() / (float) Math.sqrt(getJ() / 100.0);
float t =
(float) Math.pow(alpha / Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, frame.getN()), 0.73),
1.0 / 0.9);
float hRad = getHue() * (float) Math.PI / 180.0f;
float eHue = 0.25f * (float) (Math.cos(hRad + 2.0) + 3.8);
float ac = frame.getAw() * (float) Math.pow(getJ() / 100.0,
1.0 / frame.getC() / frame.getZ());
float p1 = eHue * (50000.0f / 13.0f) * frame.getNc() * frame.getNcb();
float p2 = (ac / frame.getNbb());
float hSin = (float) Math.sin(hRad);
float hCos = (float) Math.cos(hRad);
float gamma =
23.0f * (p2 + 0.305f) * t / (23.0f * p1 + 11.0f * t * hCos + 108.0f * t * hSin);
float a = gamma * hCos;
float b = gamma * hSin;
float rA = (460.0f * p2 + 451.0f * a + 288.0f * b) / 1403.0f;
float gA = (460.0f * p2 - 891.0f * a - 261.0f * b) / 1403.0f;
float bA = (460.0f * p2 - 220.0f * a - 6300.0f * b) / 1403.0f;
float rCBase = (float) Math.max(0, (27.13 * Math.abs(rA)) / (400.0 - Math.abs(rA)));
float rC = Math.signum(rA) * (100.0f / frame.getFl()) * (float) Math.pow(rCBase,
1.0 / 0.42);
float gCBase = (float) Math.max(0, (27.13 * Math.abs(gA)) / (400.0 - Math.abs(gA)));
float gC = Math.signum(gA) * (100.0f / frame.getFl()) * (float) Math.pow(gCBase,
1.0 / 0.42);
float bCBase = (float) Math.max(0, (27.13 * Math.abs(bA)) / (400.0 - Math.abs(bA)));
float bC = Math.signum(bA) * (100.0f / frame.getFl()) * (float) Math.pow(bCBase,
1.0 / 0.42);
float rF = rC / frame.getRgbD()[0];
float gF = gC / frame.getRgbD()[1];
float bF = bC / frame.getRgbD()[2];
float[][] matrix = CamUtils.CAM16RGB_TO_XYZ;
float x = (rF * matrix[0][0]) + (gF * matrix[0][1]) + (bF * matrix[0][2]);
float y = (rF * matrix[1][0]) + (gF * matrix[1][1]) + (bF * matrix[1][2]);
float z = (rF * matrix[2][0]) + (gF * matrix[2][1]) + (bF * matrix[2][2]);
int argb = ColorUtils.XYZToColor(x, y, z);
return argb;
* Given a hue & chroma in CAM16, L* in L*a*b*, and the frame in which the color will be
* viewed,
* return an ARGB integer.
* <p>The chroma of the color returned may, and frequently will, be lower than requested. This
* is
* a fundamental property of color that cannot be worked around by engineering. For example, a
* red
* hue, with high chroma, and high L* does not exist: red hues have a maximum chroma below 10
* in
* light shades, creating pink.
public static int getInt(float hue, float chroma, float lstar, @NonNull Frame frame) {
// This is a crucial routine for building a color system, CAM16 itself is not sufficient.
// * Why these dimensions?
// Hue and chroma from CAM16 are used because they're the most accurate measures of those
// quantities. L* from L*a*b* is used because it correlates with luminance, luminance is
// used to measure contrast for a11y purposes, thus providing a key constraint on what
// colors
// can be used.
// * Why is this routine required to build a color system?
// In all perceptually accurate color spaces (i.e. L*a*b* and later), `chroma` may be
// impossible for a given `hue` and `lstar`.
// For example, a high chroma light red does not exist - chroma is limited to below 10 at
// light red shades, we call that pink. High chroma light green does exist, but not dark
// Also, when converting from another color space to RGB, the color may not be able to be
// represented in RGB. In those cases, the conversion process ends with RGB values
// outside 0-255
// The vast majority of color libraries surveyed simply round to 0 to 255. That is not an
// option for this library, as it distorts the expected luminance, and thus the expected
// contrast needed for a11y
// * What does this routine do?
// Dealing with colors in one color space not fitting inside RGB is, loosely referred to as
// gamut mapping or tone mapping. These algorithms are traditionally idiosyncratic, there is
// no universal answer. However, because the intent of this library is to build a system for
// digital design, and digital design uses luminance to measure contrast/a11y, we have one
// very important constraint that leads to an objective algorithm: the L* of the returned
// color _must_ match the requested L*.
// Intuitively, if the color must be distorted to fit into the RGB gamut, and the L*
// requested *must* be fulfilled, than the hue or chroma of the returned color will need
// to be different from the requested hue/chroma.
// After exploring both options, it was more intuitive that if the requested chroma could
// not be reached, it used the highest possible chroma. The alternative was finding the
// closest hue where the requested chroma could be reached, but that is not nearly as
// intuitive, as the requested hue is so fundamental to the color description.
// If the color doesn't have meaningful chroma, return a gray with the requested Lstar.
// Yellows are very chromatic at L = 100, and blues are very chromatic at L = 0. All the
// other hues are white at L = 100, and black at L = 0. To preserve consistency for users of
// this system, it is better to simply return white at L* > 99, and black and L* < 0.
if (chroma < 1.0 || Math.round(lstar) <= 0.0 || Math.round(lstar) >= 100.0) {
return CamUtils.intFromLstar(lstar);
hue = hue < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(360, hue);
// The highest chroma possible. Updated as binary search proceeds.
float high = chroma;
// The guess for the current binary search iteration. Starts off at the highest chroma,
// thus, if a color is possible at the requested chroma, the search can stop after one try.
float mid = chroma;
float low = 0.0f;
boolean isFirstLoop = true;
Cam answer = null;
while (Math.abs(low - high) >= CHROMA_SEARCH_ENDPOINT) {
// Given the current chroma guess, mid, and the desired hue, find J, lightness in
// CAM16 color space, that creates a color with L* = `lstar` in the L*a*b* color space.
Cam possibleAnswer = findCamByJ(hue, mid, lstar);
if (isFirstLoop) {
if (possibleAnswer != null) {
return possibleAnswer.viewed(frame);
} else {
// If this binary search iteration was the first iteration, and this point
// has been reached, it means the requested chroma was not available at the
// requested hue and L*.
// Proceed to a traditional binary search that starts at the midpoint between
// the requested chroma and 0.
isFirstLoop = false;
mid = low + (high - low) / 2.0f;
if (possibleAnswer == null) {
// There isn't a CAM16 J that creates a color with L* `lstar`. Try a lower chroma.
high = mid;
} else {
answer = possibleAnswer;
// It is possible to create a color. Try higher chroma.
low = mid;
mid = low + (high - low) / 2.0f;
// There was no answer: meaning, for the desired hue, there was no chroma low enough to
// generate a color with the desired L*.
// All values of L* are possible when there is 0 chroma. Return a color with 0 chroma, i.e.
// a shade of gray, with the desired L*.
if (answer == null) {
return CamUtils.intFromLstar(lstar);
return answer.viewed(frame);
// Find J, lightness in CAM16 color space, that creates a color with L* = `lstar` in the L*a*b*
// color space.
// Returns null if no J could be found that generated a color with L* `lstar`.
private static Cam findCamByJ(float hue, float chroma, float lstar) {
float low = 0.0f;
float high = 100.0f;
float mid = 0.0f;
float bestdL = 1000.0f;
float bestdE = 1000.0f;
Cam bestCam = null;
while (Math.abs(low - high) > LIGHTNESS_SEARCH_ENDPOINT) {
mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
// Create the intended CAM color
Cam camBeforeClip = Cam.fromJch(mid, chroma, hue);
// Convert the CAM color to RGB. If the color didn't fit in RGB, during the conversion,
// the initial RGB values will be outside 0 to 255. The final RGB values are clipped to
// 0 to 255, distorting the intended color.
int clipped = camBeforeClip.viewedInSrgb();
float clippedLstar = CamUtils.lstarFromInt(clipped);
float dL = Math.abs(lstar - clippedLstar);
// If the clipped color's L* is within error margin...
if (dL < DL_MAX) {
// ...check if the CAM equivalent of the clipped color is far away from intended CAM
// color. For the intended color, use lightness and chroma from the clipped color,
// and the intended hue. Callers are wondering what the lightness is, they know
// chroma may be distorted, so the only concern here is if the hue slipped too far.
Cam camClipped = Cam.fromInt(clipped);
float dE = camClipped.distance(
Cam.fromJch(camClipped.getJ(), camClipped.getChroma(), hue));
if (dE <= DE_MAX) {
bestdL = dL;
bestdE = dE;
bestCam = camClipped;
// If there's no error at all, there's no need to search more.
// Note: this happens much more frequently than expected, but this is a very delicate
// property which relies on extremely precise sRGB <=> XYZ calculations, as well as fine
// tuning of the constants that determine error margins and when the binary search can
// terminate.
if (bestdL == 0 && bestdE == 0) {
if (clippedLstar < lstar) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid;
return bestCam;