blob: 28401a6a7092bfc4c9d380466b00f03bfebc85bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
/** Utility methods for array operations. */
public final class ArrayUtils {
private ArrayUtils() { /* cannot be instantiated */ }
* Adds value to given array if not already present, providing set-like behavior.
* @param kind The class of the array elements.
* @param array The array to append to.
* @param element The array element to append.
* @return The array containing the appended element.
public static <T> T[] appendElement(Class<T> kind, @Nullable T[] array, T element) {
return appendElement(kind, array, element, false);
* Adds value to given array.
* @param kind The class of the array elements.
* @param array The array to append to.
* @param element The array element to append.
* @param allowDuplicates Whether to allow duplicated elements in array.
* @return The array containing the appended element.
public static <T> T[] appendElement(Class<T> kind, @Nullable T[] array, T element,
boolean allowDuplicates) {
final T[] result;
final int end;
if (array != null) {
if (!allowDuplicates && contains(array, element)) return array;
end = array.length;
result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(kind, end + 1);
System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, 0, end);
} else {
end = 0;
result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(kind, 1);
result[end] = element;
return result;
* Combine multiple arrays into a single array.
* @param kind The class of the array elements
* @param arrays The arrays to combine
* @param <T> The class of the array elements (inferred from kind).
* @return A single array containing all the elements of the parameter arrays.
public static <T> T[] concatElements(Class<T> kind, @Nullable T[]... arrays) {
if (arrays == null || arrays.length == 0) {
return createEmptyArray(kind);
int totalLength = 0;
for (T[] item : arrays) {
if (item == null) {
totalLength += item.length;
// Optimization for entirely empty arrays.
if (totalLength == 0) {
return createEmptyArray(kind);
final T[] all = (T[]) Array.newInstance(kind, totalLength);
int pos = 0;
for (T[] item : arrays) {
if (item == null || item.length == 0) {
System.arraycopy(item, 0, all, pos, item.length);
pos += item.length;
return all;
private static @NonNull <T> T[] createEmptyArray(Class<T> kind) {
if (kind == String.class) {
return (T[]) EmptyArray.STRING;
} else if (kind == Object.class) {
return (T[]) EmptyArray.OBJECT;
return (T[]) Array.newInstance(kind, 0);
private static final class EmptyArray {
private EmptyArray() {}
public static final Object[] OBJECT = new Object[0];
public static final String[] STRING = new String[0];
* Checks if {@code value} is in {@code array}.
public static boolean contains(@Nullable char[] array, char value) {
if (array == null) return false;
for (char element : array) {
if (element == value) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if {@code value} is in {@code array}.
public static <T> boolean contains(@Nullable Collection<T> cur, T val) {
return (cur != null) ? cur.contains(val) : false;
* Checks if {@code value} is in {@code array}.
public static boolean contains(@Nullable int[] array, int value) {
if (array == null) return false;
for (int element : array) {
if (element == value) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if {@code value} is in {@code array}.
public static boolean contains(@Nullable long[] array, long value) {
if (array == null) return false;
for (long element : array) {
if (element == value) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if {@code value} is in {@code array}.
public static <T> boolean contains(@Nullable T[] array, T value) {
return indexOf(array, value) != -1;
* Return first index of {@code value} in {@code array}, or {@code -1} if
* not found.
public static <T> int indexOf(@Nullable T[] array, T value) {
if (array == null) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(array[i], value)) return i;
return -1;
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Collection<?> array) {
return array == null || array.isEmpty();
* Checks if given map is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Map<?, ?> map) {
return map == null || map.isEmpty();
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static <T> boolean isEmpty(@Nullable T[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable int[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable long[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable byte[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
* Checks if given array is null or has zero elements.
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable boolean[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;