blob: 6f82bea5021347c1d514fc45bb4c108a3edb7509 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file can be autogenerated by the following command, but the generated file
// may not pass clang-format check.
// cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml doh/ -o doh.h
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/// The return code of doh_query means that there is no answer.
static const ssize_t DOH_RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = -1;
/// The return code of doh_query means that query can't be sent.
static const ssize_t DOH_RESULT_CAN_NOT_SEND = -2;
/// The return code of doh_query to indicate that the query timed out.
static const ssize_t DOH_RESULT_TIMEOUT = -255;
/// The error log level.
static const uint32_t DOH_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0;
/// The warning log level.
static const uint32_t DOH_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 1;
/// The info log level.
static const uint32_t DOH_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 2;
/// The debug log level.
static const uint32_t DOH_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 3;
/// The trace log level.
static const uint32_t DOH_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = 4;
/// Context for a running DoH engine.
struct DohDispatcher;
struct FeatureFlags {
uint64_t probe_timeout_ms;
uint64_t idle_timeout_ms;
bool use_session_resumption;
bool enable_early_data;
using ValidationCallback = void (*)(uint32_t net_id, bool success, const char* ip_addr,
const char* host);
using TagSocketCallback = void (*)(int32_t sock);
extern "C" {
/// Performs static initialization for android logger.
/// If an invalid level is passed, defaults to logging errors only.
/// If called more than once, it will have no effect on subsequent calls.
void doh_init_logger(uint32_t level);
/// Set the log level.
/// If an invalid level is passed, defaults to logging errors only.
void doh_set_log_level(uint32_t level);
/// Performs the initialization for the DoH engine.
/// Creates and returns a DoH engine instance.
DohDispatcher* doh_dispatcher_new(ValidationCallback validation_fn,
TagSocketCallback tag_socket_fn);
/// Deletes a DoH engine created by doh_dispatcher_new().
/// # Safety
/// `doh` must be a non-null pointer previously created by `doh_dispatcher_new()`
/// and not yet deleted by `doh_dispatcher_delete()`.
void doh_dispatcher_delete(DohDispatcher* doh);
/// Probes and stores the DoH server with the given configurations.
/// Use the negative errno-style codes as the return value to represent the result.
/// # Safety
/// `doh` must be a non-null pointer previously created by `doh_dispatcher_new()`
/// and not yet deleted by `doh_dispatcher_delete()`.
/// `url`, `domain`, `ip_addr`, `cert_path` are null terminated strings.
int32_t doh_net_new(DohDispatcher* doh, uint32_t net_id, const char* url, const char* domain,
const char* ip_addr, uint32_t sk_mark, const char* cert_path,
const FeatureFlags* flags, uint32_t network_type, uint32_t private_dns_mode);
/// Sends a DNS query via the network associated to the given |net_id| and waits for the response.
/// The return code should be either one of the public constant RESULT_* to indicate the error or
/// the size of the answer.
/// # Safety
/// `doh` must be a non-null pointer previously created by `doh_dispatcher_new()`
/// and not yet deleted by `doh_dispatcher_delete()`.
/// `dns_query` must point to a buffer at least `dns_query_len` in size.
/// `response` must point to a buffer at least `response_len` in size.
ssize_t doh_query(DohDispatcher* doh, uint32_t net_id, uint8_t* dns_query, size_t dns_query_len,
uint8_t* response, size_t response_len, uint64_t timeout_ms);
/// Clears the DoH servers associated with the given |netid|.
/// # Safety
/// `doh` must be a non-null pointer previously created by `doh_dispatcher_new()`
/// and not yet deleted by `doh_dispatcher_delete()`.
void doh_net_delete(DohDispatcher* doh, uint32_t net_id);
} // extern "C"