blob: 41c2c809299d4c23677b3296a8648ded535a241c [file] [log] [blame]
// Add tests for all the mainline modules relying on this library.
"presubmit": [
"name": "ModulesUtilsTestingTests"
"name": "UnboundedSdkLevelTest"
// Unit tests for framework-wifi.jar
"name": "FrameworksWifiApiTests"
"name": "InternalAnnotationsTests"
"name": "ModulesUtilsTests"
// b/255344517: The binary XML tests currently lives in frameworks/base.
"name": "FrameworksCoreTests",
"options": [
"include-filter": ""
"file_patterns": ["FastData"]
// b/255344517: The binary XML tests currently lives in frameworks/base.
"name": "FrameworksCoreTests",
"options": [
"include-filter": "android.util.XmlTest"
"include-filter": "android.util.BinaryXmlTest"
"file_patterns": ["Xml"]
// TODO: Re-enable when this is stable.
// {
// Wifi CTS tests
// "name": "CtsWifiTestCases"
// }
"presubmit-large": [
// Unit tests for service-wifi.jar
"name": "FrameworksWifiTests"
// Run these on real devices in postsubmit while they're
// flakey on Cuttlefish. TODO(b/264496291): Fix this.
"avf-postsubmit": [
"name": "ComposHostTestCases"