blob: 3539476b8ce8e80a570f970dd249ac725006b59f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Parcel"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include "android_os_Parcel.h"
#include "android_util_Binder.h"
#include <nativehelper/JNIPlatformHelp.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <binder/IInterface.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <cutils/atomic.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/SystemClock.h>
#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <binder/Parcel.h>
#include <binder/ProcessState.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <nativehelper/ScopedUtfChars.h>
#include <nativehelper/ScopedLocalRef.h>
#include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h>
#include "core_jni_helpers.h"
//#undef ALOGV
//#define ALOGV(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUG_DEATH 0
namespace android {
static struct parcel_offsets_t
jclass clazz;
jfieldID mNativePtr;
jmethodID obtain;
jmethodID recycle;
} gParcelOffsets;
Parcel* parcelForJavaObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)
if (obj) {
Parcel* p = (Parcel*)env->GetLongField(obj, gParcelOffsets.mNativePtr);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Parcel has been finalized!");
return NULL;
jobject createJavaParcelObject(JNIEnv* env)
return env->CallStaticObjectMethod(gParcelOffsets.clazz, gParcelOffsets.obtain);
void recycleJavaParcelObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject parcelObj)
env->CallVoidMethod(parcelObj, gParcelOffsets.recycle);
static void android_os_Parcel_markSensitive(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel) {
static void android_os_Parcel_markForBinder(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jobject binder)
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(binder == nullptr, "Null binder specified for markForBinder");
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel) {
sp<IBinder> nBinder = ibinderForJavaObject(env, binder);
if (nBinder == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Native binder in markForBinder is null for non-null jobject");
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_isForRpc(jlong nativePtr) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return parcel ? parcel->isForRpc() : false;
static jint android_os_Parcel_dataSize(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return parcel ? parcel->dataSize() : 0;
static jint android_os_Parcel_dataAvail(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return parcel ? parcel->dataAvail() : 0;
static jint android_os_Parcel_dataPosition(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return parcel ? parcel->dataPosition() : 0;
static jint android_os_Parcel_dataCapacity(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return parcel ? parcel->dataCapacity() : 0;
static void android_os_Parcel_setDataSize(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jint size)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
const status_t err = parcel->setDataSize(size);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static void android_os_Parcel_setDataPosition(jlong nativePtr, jint pos)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
static void android_os_Parcel_setDataCapacity(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jint size)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
const status_t err = parcel->setDataCapacity(size);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_pushAllowFds(jlong nativePtr, jboolean allowFds)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
jboolean ret = JNI_TRUE;
if (parcel != NULL) {
ret = (jboolean)parcel->pushAllowFds(allowFds);
return ret;
static void android_os_Parcel_restoreAllowFds(jlong nativePtr, jboolean lastValue)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
static void android_os_Parcel_writeByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jobject data, jint offset, jint length)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel == NULL) {
const status_t err = parcel->writeInt32(length);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
void* dest = parcel->writeInplace(length);
if (dest == NULL) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, NO_MEMORY);
jbyte* ar = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)data, 0);
if (ar) {
memcpy(dest, ar + offset, length);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)data, ar, 0);
static void android_os_Parcel_writeBlob(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jobject data,
jint offset, jint length) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel == NULL) {
if (data == NULL) {
const status_t err = parcel->writeInt32(-1);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
const status_t err = parcel->writeInt32(length);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
android::Parcel::WritableBlob blob;
android::status_t err2 = parcel->writeBlob(length, false, &blob);
if (err2 != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err2);
jbyte* ar = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)data, 0);
if (ar == NULL) {
memset(, 0, length);
} else {
memcpy(, ar + offset, length);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)data, ar, 0);
static int android_os_Parcel_writeInt(jlong nativePtr, jint val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return (parcel != NULL) ? parcel->writeInt32(val) : OK;
static int android_os_Parcel_writeLong(jlong nativePtr, jlong val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return (parcel != NULL) ? parcel->writeInt64(val) : OK;
static int android_os_Parcel_writeFloat(jlong nativePtr, jfloat val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return (parcel != NULL) ? parcel->writeFloat(val) : OK;
static int android_os_Parcel_writeDouble(jlong nativePtr, jdouble val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
return (parcel != NULL) ? parcel->writeDouble(val) : OK;
static void android_os_Parcel_nativeSignalExceptionForError(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint err) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static void android_os_Parcel_writeString8(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jstring val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != nullptr) {
status_t err = NO_ERROR;
if (val) {
// NOTE: Keep this logic in sync with Parcel.cpp
const size_t len = env->GetStringLength(val);
const size_t allocLen = env->GetStringUTFLength(val);
err = parcel->writeInt32(allocLen);
char *data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(parcel->writeInplace(allocLen + sizeof(char)));
if (data != nullptr) {
env->GetStringUTFRegion(val, 0, len, data);
*(data + allocLen) = 0;
} else {
err = NO_MEMORY;
} else {
err = parcel->writeString8(nullptr, 0);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static void android_os_Parcel_writeString16(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jstring val) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != nullptr) {
status_t err = NO_ERROR;
if (val) {
// NOTE: Keep this logic in sync with Parcel.cpp
const size_t len = env->GetStringLength(val);
const size_t allocLen = len * sizeof(char16_t);
err = parcel->writeInt32(len);
char *data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(parcel->writeInplace(allocLen + sizeof(char16_t)));
if (data != nullptr) {
env->GetStringRegion(val, 0, len, reinterpret_cast<jchar*>(data));
*reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(data + allocLen) = 0;
} else {
err = NO_MEMORY;
} else {
err = parcel->writeString16(nullptr, 0);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static void android_os_Parcel_writeStrongBinder(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jobject object)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
const status_t err = parcel->writeStrongBinder(ibinderForJavaObject(env, object));
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static void android_os_Parcel_writeFileDescriptor(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jobject object)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
const status_t err =
parcel->writeDupFileDescriptor(jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, object));
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static jbyteArray android_os_Parcel_createByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
jbyteArray ret = NULL;
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
int32_t len = parcel->readInt32();
// Validate the stored length against the true data size
if (len >= 0 && len <= (int32_t)parcel->dataAvail()) {
ret = env->NewByteArray(len);
if (ret != NULL) {
jbyte* a2 = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, 0);
if (a2) {
const void* data = parcel->readInplace(len);
if (data) {
memcpy(a2, data, len);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, a2, 0);
if (!data) {
ret = NULL;
return ret;
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_readByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jobject dest, jint destLen)
jboolean ret = JNI_FALSE;
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel == NULL) {
return ret;
int32_t len = parcel->readInt32();
if (len >= 0 && len <= (int32_t)parcel->dataAvail() && len == destLen) {
jbyte* ar = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)dest, 0);
if (ar) {
const void* data = parcel->readInplace(len);
if (data) {
memcpy(ar, data, len);
ret = JNI_TRUE;
} else {
ret = JNI_FALSE;
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical((jarray)dest, ar, 0);
return ret;
static jbyteArray android_os_Parcel_readBlob(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
jbyteArray ret = NULL;
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
int32_t len = parcel->readInt32();
if (len >= 0) {
android::Parcel::ReadableBlob blob;
android::status_t err = parcel->readBlob(len, &blob);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
return NULL;
ret = env->NewByteArray(len);
if (ret != NULL) {
jbyte* a2 = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, 0);
if (a2) {
memcpy(a2,, len);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, a2, 0);
return ret;
static jint android_os_Parcel_readInt(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->readInt32();
return 0;
static jlong android_os_Parcel_readLong(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->readInt64();
return 0;
static jfloat android_os_Parcel_readFloat(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->readFloat();
return 0;
static jdouble android_os_Parcel_readDouble(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->readDouble();
return 0;
static jstring android_os_Parcel_readString8(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
size_t len;
const char* str = parcel->readString8Inplace(&len);
if (str) {
return env->NewStringUTF(str);
return NULL;
return NULL;
static jstring android_os_Parcel_readString16(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
size_t len;
const char16_t* str = parcel->readString16Inplace(&len);
if (str) {
return env->NewString(reinterpret_cast<const jchar*>(str), len);
return NULL;
return NULL;
static jobject android_os_Parcel_readStrongBinder(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return javaObjectForIBinder(env, parcel->readStrongBinder());
return NULL;
static jobject android_os_Parcel_readFileDescriptor(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
int fd = parcel->readFileDescriptor();
if (fd < 0) return NULL;
fd = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0);
if (fd < 0) return NULL;
jobject jifd = jniCreateFileDescriptor(env, fd);
if (jifd == NULL) {
return jifd;
return NULL;
static jlong android_os_Parcel_create(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
Parcel* parcel = new Parcel();
return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(parcel);
static void android_os_Parcel_freeBuffer(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
static void android_os_Parcel_destroy(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
delete parcel;
static jbyteArray android_os_Parcel_marshall(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (parcel->isForRpc()) {
jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "Tried to marshall an RPC Parcel.");
return NULL;
if (parcel->objectsCount())
jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException",
"Tried to marshall a Parcel that contains objects (binders or FDs).");
return NULL;
jbyteArray ret = env->NewByteArray(parcel->dataSize());
if (ret != NULL)
jbyte* array = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, 0);
if (array != NULL)
memcpy(array, parcel->data(), parcel->dataSize());
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ret, array, 0);
return ret;
static void android_os_Parcel_unmarshall(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jbyteArray data, jint offset, jint length)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel == NULL || length < 0) {
jbyte* array = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(data, 0);
if (array)
void* raw = parcel->writeInplace(length);
memcpy(raw, (array + offset), length);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(data, array, 0);
static jint android_os_Parcel_compareData(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong thisNativePtr,
jlong otherNativePtr)
Parcel* thisParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(thisNativePtr);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(thisParcel == nullptr, "Should not be null");
Parcel* otherParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(otherNativePtr);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(otherParcel == nullptr, "Should not be null");
return thisParcel->compareData(*otherParcel);
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_compareDataInRange(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong thisNativePtr,
jint thisOffset, jlong otherNativePtr,
jint otherOffset, jint length) {
Parcel* thisParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(thisNativePtr);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(thisParcel == nullptr, "Should not be null");
Parcel* otherParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(otherNativePtr);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(otherParcel == nullptr, "Should not be null");
int result;
status_t err =
thisParcel->compareDataInRange(thisOffset, *otherParcel, otherOffset, length, &result);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
return JNI_FALSE;
return (result == 0) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
static void android_os_Parcel_appendFrom(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong thisNativePtr,
jlong otherNativePtr, jint offset, jint length)
Parcel* thisParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(thisNativePtr);
if (thisParcel == NULL) {
Parcel* otherParcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(otherNativePtr);
if (otherParcel == NULL) {
status_t err = thisParcel->appendFrom(otherParcel, offset, length);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_hasFileDescriptors(jlong nativePtr)
jboolean ret = JNI_FALSE;
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
if (parcel->hasFileDescriptors()) {
ret = JNI_TRUE;
return ret;
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_hasFileDescriptorsInRange(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
jlong nativePtr, jint offset,
jint length) {
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
bool result;
status_t err = parcel->hasFileDescriptorsInRange(offset, length, &result);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
signalExceptionForError(env, clazz, err);
return JNI_FALSE;
return result ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
return JNI_FALSE;
// String tries to allocate itself on the stack, within a known size, but will
// make a heap allocation if not.
template <jsize StackReserve>
class StackString {
StackString(JNIEnv* env, jstring str) : mEnv(env), mJStr(str) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(str == nullptr);
mSize = env->GetStringLength(str);
if (mSize > StackReserve) {
mStr = new jchar[mSize];
} else {
mStr = &mBuffer[0];
mEnv->GetStringRegion(str, 0, mSize, mStr);
~StackString() {
if (mStr != &mBuffer[0]) {
delete[] mStr;
const jchar* str() { return mStr; }
jsize size() { return mSize; }
JNIEnv* mEnv;
jstring mJStr;
jchar mBuffer[StackReserve];
// pointer to &mBuffer[0] if string fits in mBuffer, otherwise owned
jchar* mStr;
jsize mSize;
// This size is chosen to be longer than most interface descriptors.
// Ones longer than this will be allocated on the heap.
typedef StackString<64> InterfaceDescriptorString;
static void android_os_Parcel_writeInterfaceToken(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr,
jstring name)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != nullptr) {
InterfaceDescriptorString descriptor(env, name);
parcel->writeInterfaceToken(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(descriptor.str()),
static void android_os_Parcel_enforceInterface(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jstring name)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != nullptr) {
InterfaceDescriptorString descriptor(env, name);
IPCThreadState* threadState = IPCThreadState::self();
const int32_t oldPolicy = threadState->getStrictModePolicy();
const bool isValid =
parcel->enforceInterface(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(descriptor.str()),
descriptor.size(), threadState);
if (isValid) {
const int32_t newPolicy = threadState->getStrictModePolicy();
if (oldPolicy != newPolicy) {
// Need to keep the Java-level thread-local strict
// mode policy in sync for the libcore
// enforcements, which involves an upcall back
// into Java. (We can't modify the
// Parcel.enforceInterface signature, as it's
// pseudo-public, and used via AIDL
// auto-generation...)
set_dalvik_blockguard_policy(env, newPolicy);
return; // everything was correct -> return silently
// all error conditions wind up here
jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/SecurityException",
"Binder invocation to an incorrect interface");
static jlong android_os_Parcel_getGlobalAllocSize(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
return Parcel::getGlobalAllocSize();
static jlong android_os_Parcel_getGlobalAllocCount(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
return Parcel::getGlobalAllocCount();
static jlong android_os_Parcel_getOpenAshmemSize(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->getOpenAshmemSize();
return 0;
static jint android_os_Parcel_readCallingWorkSourceUid(jlong nativePtr)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->readCallingWorkSourceUid();
return IPCThreadState::kUnsetWorkSource;
static jboolean android_os_Parcel_replaceCallingWorkSourceUid(jlong nativePtr, jint uid)
Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
if (parcel != NULL) {
return parcel->replaceCallingWorkSourceUid(uid);
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const JNINativeMethod gParcelMethods[] = {
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeMarkSensitive", "(J)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_markSensitive},
// @FastNative
{"nativeMarkForBinder", "(JLandroid/os/IBinder;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_markForBinder},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeIsForRpc", "(J)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_isForRpc},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeDataSize", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_dataSize},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeDataAvail", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_dataAvail},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeDataPosition", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_dataPosition},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeDataCapacity", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_dataCapacity},
// @FastNative
{"nativeSetDataSize", "(JI)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_setDataSize},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeSetDataPosition", "(JI)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_setDataPosition},
// @FastNative
{"nativeSetDataCapacity", "(JI)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_setDataCapacity},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativePushAllowFds", "(JZ)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_pushAllowFds},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeRestoreAllowFds", "(JZ)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_restoreAllowFds},
{"nativeWriteByteArray", "(J[BII)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeByteArray},
{"nativeWriteBlob", "(J[BII)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeBlob},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeWriteInt", "(JI)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeInt},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeWriteLong", "(JJ)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeLong},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeWriteFloat", "(JF)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeFloat},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeWriteDouble", "(JD)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeDouble},
{"nativeSignalExceptionForError", "(I)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_nativeSignalExceptionForError},
// @FastNative
{"nativeWriteString8", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeString8},
// @FastNative
{"nativeWriteString16", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeString16},
// @FastNative
{"nativeWriteStrongBinder", "(JLandroid/os/IBinder;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeStrongBinder},
// @FastNative
{"nativeWriteFileDescriptor", "(JLjava/io/FileDescriptor;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeFileDescriptor},
{"nativeCreateByteArray", "(J)[B", (void*)android_os_Parcel_createByteArray},
{"nativeReadByteArray", "(J[BI)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readByteArray},
{"nativeReadBlob", "(J)[B", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readBlob},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReadInt", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readInt},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReadLong", "(J)J", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readLong},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReadFloat", "(J)F", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readFloat},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReadDouble", "(J)D", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readDouble},
// @FastNative
{"nativeReadString8", "(J)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readString8},
// @FastNative
{"nativeReadString16", "(J)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readString16},
// @FastNative
{"nativeReadStrongBinder", "(J)Landroid/os/IBinder;", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readStrongBinder},
// @FastNative
{"nativeReadFileDescriptor", "(J)Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readFileDescriptor},
{"nativeCreate", "()J", (void*)android_os_Parcel_create},
{"nativeFreeBuffer", "(J)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_freeBuffer},
{"nativeDestroy", "(J)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_destroy},
{"nativeMarshall", "(J)[B", (void*)android_os_Parcel_marshall},
{"nativeUnmarshall", "(J[BII)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_unmarshall},
{"nativeCompareData", "(JJ)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_compareData},
{"nativeCompareDataInRange", "(JIJII)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_compareDataInRange},
{"nativeAppendFrom", "(JJII)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_appendFrom},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeHasFileDescriptors", "(J)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_hasFileDescriptors},
{"nativeHasFileDescriptorsInRange", "(JII)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_hasFileDescriptorsInRange},
{"nativeWriteInterfaceToken", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeInterfaceToken},
{"nativeEnforceInterface", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_enforceInterface},
{"getGlobalAllocSize", "()J", (void*)android_os_Parcel_getGlobalAllocSize},
{"getGlobalAllocCount", "()J", (void*)android_os_Parcel_getGlobalAllocCount},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeGetOpenAshmemSize", "(J)J", (void*)android_os_Parcel_getOpenAshmemSize},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReadCallingWorkSourceUid", "(J)I", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readCallingWorkSourceUid},
// @CriticalNative
{"nativeReplaceCallingWorkSourceUid", "(JI)Z", (void*)android_os_Parcel_replaceCallingWorkSourceUid},
const char* const kParcelPathName = "android/os/Parcel";
int register_android_os_Parcel(JNIEnv* env)
jclass clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, kParcelPathName);
gParcelOffsets.clazz = MakeGlobalRefOrDie(env, clazz);
gParcelOffsets.mNativePtr = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, clazz, "mNativePtr", "J");
gParcelOffsets.obtain = GetStaticMethodIDOrDie(env, clazz, "obtain", "()Landroid/os/Parcel;");
gParcelOffsets.recycle = GetMethodIDOrDie(env, clazz, "recycle", "()V");
return RegisterMethodsOrDie(env, kParcelPathName, gParcelMethods, NELEM(gParcelMethods));