blob: 153852d05e6bf4c7b4e7cd0c39bcc41dd5382746 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
# Variable annotations for properties is only supported in python-3.6 and later (PEP 526)
if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 6):
from python_annotations_variable_c import *
# No SWIG __annotations__ support with -builtin or -fastproxy
annotations_supported = not(is_python_builtin() or is_python_fastproxy())
if annotations_supported:
ts = TemplateShort()
anno = ts.__annotations__
if anno != {'member_variable': 'int'}:
raise RuntimeError("annotations mismatch: {}".format(anno))
ts = StructWithVar()
anno = ts.__annotations__
if anno != {'member_variable': 'int'}:
raise RuntimeError("annotations mismatch: {}".format(anno))
ts = StructWithVarNotAnnotated()
if getattr(ts, "__annotations__", None) != None:
anno = ts.__annotations__
raise RuntimeError("annotations mismatch: {}".format(anno))