blob: 72db2fff6ccd158f68f9d91f4f4436331122f326 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test for %typemap(ignore)
%module ignore_parameter
%typemap(in,numinputs=0) char* a %{
/* Catch if a target language substitutes this typemap more than once in
* the same wrapper method - this will lead to an error due to this label
* being redefined.
goto redefinition_error_means_in_typemap_substituted_more_than_once;
$1 = const_cast<char *>("hello");
%typemap(in,numinputs=0) int bb "$1 = 101; called_argout = 0;"
%typemap(in,numinputs=0) double ccc "$1 = 8.8;"
%typemap(freearg) char* a "" // ensure freearg is not generated (needed for Java at least)
%typemap(argout) int bb "called_argout = 1;"
%ignore unignorable;
// Don't let SWIG expand this function with its default parameter: instead,
// always "require" the version of the function with a single argument, but
// then ignore it using `numinputs=0`.
%ignore audi();
%inline %{
// constant for detecting correct "argout" call
int called_argout = 0;
// global function tests
char* jaguar(char* a, int b, double c) { return a; }
int lotus(char* aa, int bb, double cc) { return bb; }
double tvr(char* aaa, int bbb, double ccc) { return ccc; }
int ferrari(int bb) { return bb; }
int fiat(int unignorable) { return unignorable; }
// member function tests
struct SportsCars {
char* daimler(char* a, int b, double c) { return a; }
int astonmartin(char* aa, int bb, double cc) { return bb; }
double bugatti(char* aaa, int bbb, double ccc) { return ccc; }
int lamborghini(int bb) { return bb; }
int maseratti(int unignorable) { return unignorable; }
double audi(double ccc=9.5) { return ccc; }
// constructor tests
struct MiniCooper {
MiniCooper(char* a, int b, double c) {}
struct MorrisMinor {
MorrisMinor(char* aa, int bb, double cc) {}
struct FordAnglia {
FordAnglia(char* aaa, int bbb, double ccc) {}
struct AustinAllegro {
AustinAllegro(int bb) {}