blob: 29130070577b892904f510a62da18bb4c709d6dd [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Aleksei Vetrov
#include "elf_reader.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "dwarf_processor.h"
#include "dwarf_wrappers.h"
#include "elf_loader.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "metrics.h"
#include "reader_options.h"
#include "type_normalisation.h"
#include "type_resolution.h"
#include "unification.h"
namespace stg {
namespace elf {
namespace internal {
namespace {
template <typename M, typename K>
std::optional<typename M::mapped_type> MaybeGet(const M& map, const K& key) {
const auto it = map.find(key);
if (it == map.end()) {
return {};
return {it->second};
} // namespace
ElfSymbol::SymbolType ConvertSymbolType(
SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType symbol_type) {
switch (symbol_type) {
case SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::OBJECT:
return ElfSymbol::SymbolType::OBJECT;
case SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::FUNCTION:
return ElfSymbol::SymbolType::FUNCTION;
case SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::COMMON:
return ElfSymbol::SymbolType::COMMON;
case SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::TLS:
return ElfSymbol::SymbolType::TLS;
case SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::GNU_IFUNC:
return ElfSymbol::SymbolType::GNU_IFUNC;
Die() << "Unsupported ELF symbol type: " << symbol_type;
SymbolNameList GetKsymtabSymbols(const SymbolTable& symbols) {
constexpr std::string_view kKsymtabPrefix = "__ksymtab_";
SymbolNameList result;
result.reserve(symbols.size() / 2);
for (const auto& symbol : symbols) {
if (, kKsymtabPrefix.size()) == kKsymtabPrefix) {
return result;
CRCValuesMap GetCRCValuesMap(const SymbolTable& symbols, const ElfLoader& elf) {
constexpr std::string_view kCRCPrefix = "__crc_";
CRCValuesMap crc_values;
for (const auto& symbol : symbols) {
const std::string_view name =;
if (name.substr(0, kCRCPrefix.size()) == kCRCPrefix) {
std::string_view name_suffix = name.substr(kCRCPrefix.size());
if (!crc_values.emplace(name_suffix, elf.GetElfSymbolCRC(symbol))
.second) {
Die() << "Multiple CRC values for symbol '" << name_suffix << '\'';
return crc_values;
NamespacesMap GetNamespacesMap(const SymbolTable& symbols,
const ElfLoader& elf) {
constexpr std::string_view kNSPrefix = "__kstrtabns_";
NamespacesMap namespaces;
for (const auto& symbol : symbols) {
const std::string_view name =;
if (name.substr(0, kNSPrefix.size()) == kNSPrefix) {
const std::string_view name_suffix = name.substr(kNSPrefix.size());
const std::string_view ns = elf.GetElfSymbolNamespace(symbol);
if (ns.empty()) {
// The global namespace is explicitly represented as the empty string,
// but the common interpretation is that such symbols lack an export
// namespace.
if (!namespaces.emplace(name_suffix, ns).second) {
Die() << "Multiple namespaces for symbol '" << name_suffix << '\'';
return namespaces;
AddressMap GetCFIAddressMap(const SymbolTable& symbols, const ElfLoader& elf) {
AddressMap name_to_address;
for (const auto& symbol : symbols) {
const std::string_view name_prefix = UnwrapCFISymbolName(;
const size_t address = elf.GetAbsoluteAddress(symbol);
if (!name_to_address.emplace(name_prefix, address).second) {
Die() << "Multiple CFI symbols referring to symbol '" << name_prefix
<< '\'';
return name_to_address;
bool IsPublicFunctionOrVariable(const SymbolTableEntry& symbol) {
const auto symbol_type = symbol.symbol_type;
// Reject symbols that are not functions or variables.
if (symbol_type != SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::FUNCTION &&
symbol_type != SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::OBJECT &&
symbol_type != SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::TLS &&
symbol_type != SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::GNU_IFUNC) {
return false;
// Function or variable of ValueType::ABSOLUTE is not expected in any binary,
// but GNU `ld` adds object of such type for every version name defined in
// file. Such symbol should be rejected, because in fact it is not variable.
if (symbol.value_type == SymbolTableEntry::ValueType::ABSOLUTE) {
Check(symbol_type == SymbolTableEntry::SymbolType::OBJECT)
<< "Unexpected function or variable with ABSOLUTE value type";
return false;
// Undefined symbol is dependency of the binary but is not part of ABI
// provided by binary and should be rejected.
if (symbol.value_type == SymbolTableEntry::ValueType::UNDEFINED) {
return false;
// Local symbol is not visible outside the binary, so it is not public
// and should be rejected.
if (symbol.binding == SymbolTableEntry::Binding::LOCAL) {
return false;
// "Hidden" and "internal" visibility values mean that symbol is not public
// and should be rejected.
if (symbol.visibility == SymbolTableEntry::Visibility::HIDDEN ||
symbol.visibility == SymbolTableEntry::Visibility::INTERNAL) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
class Reader {
Reader(Graph& graph, const std::string& path, ReadOptions options,
const std::unique_ptr<Filter>& file_filter, Metrics& metrics)
: graph_(graph),
metrics_(metrics) {}
Reader(Graph& graph, char* data, size_t size, ReadOptions options,
const std::unique_ptr<Filter>& file_filter, Metrics& metrics)
: graph_(graph),
dwarf_(data, size),
metrics_(metrics) {}
Id Read();
using SymbolIndex =
std::map<std::pair<dwarf::Address, std::string>, std::vector<size_t>>;
Id BuildRoot(const std::vector<std::pair<ElfSymbol, size_t>>& symbols) {
// On destruction, the unification object will remove or rewrite each graph
// node for which it has a mapping.
// Graph rewriting is expensive so an important optimisation is to restrict
// the nodes in consideration to the ones allocated by the DWARF processor
// here and any symbol or type roots that follow. This is done by setting
// the starting node ID to be the current graph limit.
Unification unification(graph_, graph_.Limit(), metrics_);
const dwarf::Types types = dwarf::Process(
dwarf_, elf_.IsLittleEndianBinary(), file_filter_, graph_);
// A less important optimisation is avoiding copying the mapping array as it
// is populated. This is done by reserving space to the new graph limit.
// fill address to id
// In general, we want to handle as many of the following cases as possible.
// In practice, determining the correct ELF-DWARF match may be impossible.
// * compiler-driven aliasing - multiple symbols with same address
// * zero-size symbol false aliasing - multiple symbols and types with same
// address
// * weak/strong linkage symbols - multiple symbols and types with same
// address
// * assembly symbols - multiple declarations but no definition and no
// address in DWARF.
SymbolIndex address_name_to_index;
for (size_t i = 0; i < types.symbols.size(); ++i) {
const auto& symbol = types.symbols[i];
const auto& name =
symbol.linkage_name.has_value() ? *symbol.linkage_name :;
address_name_to_index[std::make_pair(symbol.address, name)].push_back(i);
std::map<std::string, Id> symbols_map;
for (auto [symbol, address] : symbols) {
// TODO: add VersionInfoToString to SymbolKey name
// TODO: check for uniqueness of SymbolKey in map after
// support for version info
MaybeAddTypeInfo(address_name_to_index, types.symbols, address, symbol,
std::map<std::string, Id> types_map;
if (options_.Test(ReadOptions::TYPE_ROOTS)) {
const InterfaceKey get_key(graph_);
for (const auto id : types.named_type_ids) {
const auto [it, inserted] = types_map.emplace(get_key(id), id);
if (!inserted && !unification.Unify(id, it->second)) {
Die() << "found conflicting interface type: " << it->first;
Id root = graph_.Add<Interface>(
std::move(symbols_map), std::move(types_map));
// Use all named types and DWARF declarations as roots for type resolution.
std::vector<Id> roots;
roots.reserve(types.named_type_ids.size() + types.symbols.size() + 1);
for (const auto& symbol : types.symbols) {
for (const auto id : types.named_type_ids) {
stg::ResolveTypes(graph_, unification, {roots}, metrics_);
return root;
static bool IsEqual(Unification& unification,
const dwarf::Types::Symbol& lhs,
const dwarf::Types::Symbol& rhs) {
return == && lhs.linkage_name == rhs.linkage_name
&& lhs.address == rhs.address && unification.Unify(,;
static ElfSymbol SymbolTableEntryToElfSymbol(
const CRCValuesMap& crc_values, const NamespacesMap& namespaces,
const SymbolTableEntry& symbol) {
return ElfSymbol(
/* symbol_name = */ std::string(,
/* version_info = */ std::nullopt,
/* is_defined = */
symbol.value_type != SymbolTableEntry::ValueType::UNDEFINED,
/* symbol_type = */ ConvertSymbolType(symbol.symbol_type),
/* binding = */ symbol.binding,
/* visibility = */ symbol.visibility,
/* crc = */ MaybeGet(crc_values, std::string(,
/* ns = */ MaybeGet(namespaces, std::string(,
/* type_id = */ std::nullopt,
/* full_name = */ std::nullopt);
static void MaybeAddTypeInfo(
const SymbolIndex& address_name_to_index,
const std::vector<dwarf::Types::Symbol>& dwarf_symbols,
size_t address_value, ElfSymbol& node, Unification& unification) {
const bool is_tls = node.symbol_type == ElfSymbol::SymbolType::TLS;
if (is_tls) {
// TLS symbols address may be incorrect because of unsupported
// relocations. Resetting it to zero the same way as it is done in
// dwarf::Entry::GetAddressFromLocation.
// TODO: match TLS variables by address
address_value = 0;
const dwarf::Address address{.value = address_value, .is_tls = is_tls};
// try to find the first symbol with given address
const auto start_it = address_name_to_index.lower_bound(
std::make_pair(address, std::string()));
auto best_symbols_it = address_name_to_index.end();
bool matched_by_name = false;
size_t candidates = 0;
for (auto it = start_it;
it != address_name_to_index.end() && it->first.first == address;
++it) {
// We have at least matching addresses.
if (it->first.second == node.symbol_name) {
// If we have also matching names we can stop looking further.
matched_by_name = true;
best_symbols_it = it;
if (best_symbols_it == address_name_to_index.end()) {
// Otherwise keep the first match.
best_symbols_it = it;
if (best_symbols_it != address_name_to_index.end()) {
const auto& best_symbols = best_symbols_it->second;
Check(!best_symbols.empty()) << "best_symbols.empty()";
const auto& best_symbol = dwarf_symbols[best_symbols[0]];
for (size_t i = 1; i < best_symbols.size(); ++i) {
const auto& other = dwarf_symbols[best_symbols[i]];
// TODO: allow "compatible" duplicates, for example
// "void foo(int bar)" vs "void foo(const int bar)"
if (!IsEqual(unification, best_symbol, other)) {
Die() << "Duplicate DWARF symbol: address="
<< best_symbol.address << ", name=" <<;
if ( {
Die() << "DWARF symbol (address = " << best_symbol.address
<< ", linkage_name = "
<< best_symbol.linkage_name.value_or("{missing}")
<< " should have a name";
// There may be multiple DWARF symbols with same address (zero-length
// arrays), or ELF symbol has different name from DWARF symbol (aliases).
// But if we have both situations at once, we can't match ELF to DWARF and
// it should be fixed in analysed binary source code.
Check(matched_by_name || candidates == 1)
<< "multiple candidates without matching names,"
node.type_id =;
node.full_name =;
Graph& graph_;
// The order of the following two fields is important because ElfLoader uses
// an Elf* from dwarf::Handler without owning it.
dwarf::Handler dwarf_;
elf::ElfLoader elf_;
ReadOptions options_;
const std::unique_ptr<Filter>& file_filter_;
Metrics& metrics_;
Id Reader::Read() {
const auto all_symbols = elf_.GetElfSymbols();
const bool is_linux_kernel = elf_.IsLinuxKernelBinary();
const SymbolNameList ksymtab_symbols =
is_linux_kernel ? GetKsymtabSymbols(all_symbols) : SymbolNameList();
CRCValuesMap crc_values;
NamespacesMap namespaces;
if (is_linux_kernel) {
crc_values = GetCRCValuesMap(all_symbols, elf_);
namespaces = GetNamespacesMap(all_symbols, elf_);
const auto cfi_address_map = GetCFIAddressMap(elf_.GetCFISymbols(), elf_);
std::vector<std::pair<ElfSymbol, size_t>> symbols;
for (const auto& symbol : all_symbols) {
if (IsPublicFunctionOrVariable(symbol) &&
(!is_linux_kernel || ksymtab_symbols.count( {
const auto cfi_it = cfi_address_map.find(std::string(;
const size_t address = cfi_it != cfi_address_map.end()
? cfi_it->second
: elf_.GetAbsoluteAddress(symbol);
SymbolTableEntryToElfSymbol(crc_values, namespaces, symbol), address);
Id root = BuildRoot(symbols);
// Types produced by ELF/DWARF readers may require removing useless
// qualifiers.
RemoveUselessQualifiers(graph_, root);
return root;
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
Id Read(Graph& graph, const std::string& path, ReadOptions options,
const std::unique_ptr<Filter>& file_filter, Metrics& metrics) {
return internal::Reader(graph, path, options, file_filter, metrics).Read();
Id Read(Graph& graph, char* data, size_t size, ReadOptions options,
const std::unique_ptr<Filter>& file_filter, Metrics& metrics) {
return internal::Reader(graph, data, size, options, file_filter, metrics)
} // namespace elf
} // namespace stg