blob: a992ab73843b4a4ef11cf5b9e8c5b18b8a061835 [file] [log] [blame]
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//! FfiDefault trait
//! When we make a FFI call into Rust we always need to return a value, even if that value will be
//! ignored because we're flagging an exception. This trait defines what that value is for our
//! supported FFI types.
use paste::paste;
pub trait FfiDefault {
fn ffi_default() -> Self;
// Most types can be handled by delegating to Default
macro_rules! impl_ffi_default_with_default {
($($T:ty,)+) => { impl_ffi_default_with_default!($($T),+); };
($($T:ty),*) => {
paste! {
impl FfiDefault for $T {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {
impl_ffi_default_with_default! {
bool, i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64
// Implement FfiDefault for the remaining types
impl FfiDefault for () {
fn ffi_default() {}
impl FfiDefault for crate::Handle {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {
impl FfiDefault for *const std::ffi::c_void {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {
impl FfiDefault for crate::RustBuffer {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {
unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0) }
impl FfiDefault for crate::ForeignFuture {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {
extern "C" fn free(_handle: u64) {}
crate::ForeignFuture { handle: 0, free }
impl<T> FfiDefault for Option<T> {
fn ffi_default() -> Self {