blob: 324b8f942e3808812f81503819fad1df3b09e4e9 [file] [log] [blame]
use proc_macro::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
use proc_macro2::Span;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse::Parser, Ident};
pub(crate) fn declare_output_enum(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// passed in is: `(_ _ _)` with one `_` per branch
let branches = match input.into_iter().next() {
Some(TokenTree::Group(group)) =>,
_ => panic!("unexpected macro input"),
let variants = (0..branches)
.map(|num| Ident::new(&format!("_{}", num), Span::call_site()))
// Use a bitfield to track which futures completed
let mask = Ident::new(
if branches <= 8 {
} else if branches <= 16 {
} else if branches <= 32 {
} else if branches <= 64 {
} else {
panic!("up to 64 branches supported");
TokenStream::from(quote! {
pub(super) enum Out<#( #variants ),*> {
#( #variants(#variants), )*
// Include a `Disabled` variant signifying that all select branches
// failed to resolve.
pub(super) type Mask = #mask;
pub(crate) fn clean_pattern_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// If this isn't a pattern, we return the token stream as-is. The select!
// macro is using it in a location requiring a pattern, so an error will be
// emitted there.
let mut input: syn::Pat = match syn::Pat::parse_single.parse(input.clone()) {
Ok(it) => it,
Err(_) => return input,
clean_pattern(&mut input);
// Removes any occurrences of ref or mut in the provided pattern.
fn clean_pattern(pat: &mut syn::Pat) {
match pat {
syn::Pat::Lit(_literal) => {}
syn::Pat::Macro(_macro) => {}
syn::Pat::Path(_path) => {}
syn::Pat::Range(_range) => {}
syn::Pat::Rest(_rest) => {}
syn::Pat::Verbatim(_tokens) => {}
syn::Pat::Wild(_underscore) => {}
syn::Pat::Ident(ident) => {
ident.by_ref = None;
ident.mutability = None;
if let Some((_at, pat)) = &mut ident.subpat {
clean_pattern(&mut *pat);
syn::Pat::Or(or) => {
for case in &mut or.cases {
syn::Pat::Slice(slice) => {
for elem in &mut slice.elems {
syn::Pat::Struct(struct_pat) => {
for field in &mut struct_pat.fields {
clean_pattern(&mut field.pat);
syn::Pat::Tuple(tuple) => {
for elem in &mut tuple.elems {
syn::Pat::TupleStruct(tuple) => {
for elem in &mut tuple.elems {
syn::Pat::Reference(reference) => {
reference.mutability = None;
clean_pattern(&mut reference.pat);
syn::Pat::Type(type_pat) => {
clean_pattern(&mut type_pat.pat);
_ => {}