blob: b350f46a1858cbee0501f48cde65c9a364cb71aa [file] [log] [blame]
Development And Publishing
Environment Setup
To create a local virtualenv, run::
make setup
This will create a virtualenv at ``./venv``, install dependencies with pip,
and install pyright using npm.
To activate the environment in your shell::
. ./venv/bin/activate
Alternately, run everything with the make tasks, which source the activate
script before running commands.
To create a Conda environment, run::
conda env create
npm i
To update the environment, run::
conda env update
npm i --update
To activate the environment, run::
conda activate pyee
The other Makefile tasks should operate normally if the environment is
Formatting, Linting and Testing
The basics are wrapped with a Makefile::
make format # runs black
make lint # runs flake8
make test # runs pytest
Generating Docs
Docs for published projects are automatically generated by readthedocs, but
you can also preview them locally by running::
make build_docs
Then, you can serve them with Python's dev server with::
make serve_docs
Do a Final Check
Make sure that formatting looks good and that linting and testing are passing.
Update the Changelog
Update the CHANGELOG.rst file to detail the changes being rolled into the new
Update the Version in
This project *used* to use ``vcversioner`` and versioning of the package
would automatically leverage the appropriate git tag, but that is no longer the
I do my best to follow `semver <>` when updating versions.
Add a Git Tag
This project uses git tags to tag versions::
git tag -a {version} -m 'Release {version}'
You don't need to prefix the version with a ``v``.
Build and Publish
To package everything, run::
make package
To publish::
make publish
Push the Tag to GitHub
git push origin main --tags
Check on RTD
RTD should build automatically but I find there's a delay so I like to kick it
off manually. Log into `RTD <>`, log in, then go
to `the pyee project page <>` and build
latest and stable.
Announce on Twitter
It's not official, but I like to announce the release on Twitter.