blob: c3ccf8131e10a0c65d019cee28cbc73f1750e884 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <filesystem>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/common.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/huffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/puffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/stream.h"
namespace puffin {
class LRUCache {
using Key = int;
using Value = std::shared_ptr<Buffer>;
typedef typename std::pair<Key, Value> key_value_pair_t;
typedef typename std::list<key_value_pair_t>::iterator iterator;
LRUCache(size_t max_size);
LRUCache(const LRUCache&) = delete;
void put(const Key& key, const Value& value);
bool EvictLRUItem();
// Ensure that cache has sufficient space for a new item of |size| bytes
void EnsureSpace(size_t size);
const Value get(const Key& key);
bool exists(const Key& key) const {
return items_map_.find(key) != items_map_.end();
size_t size() const { return cache_size_; }
size_t capacity() const { return max_size_; }
bool WriteToDisk(const Key& key, const Value& value);
Value ReadFromDisk(const Key& key);
std::list<key_value_pair_t> items_list_;
std::unordered_map<Key, iterator> items_map_;
size_t cache_size_ = 0;
size_t max_size_;
std::filesystem::path tmpdir_;
std::set<Key> ondisk_items_;
// A class for puffing a deflate stream and huffing into a deflate stream. The
// puff stream is "imaginary", which means it doesn't really exists; It is build
// and used on demand. This class uses a given deflate stream, and puffs the
// deflate buffers in the stream as needed or vice versa. An object of this
// class can be used for reading and writing puff data but should not be used
// for both reading and writing using the same instance. In theory we can
// separate this class into two classes, namely |PuffStream| and |HuffStream|,
// but they are sharing a lot of codes which might be inconvenient and
// unnecessary to do so. In this implementation, there is no protection against
// reading and writing at the same time.
class PuffinStream : public StreamInterface {
~PuffinStream() override = default;
// Creates a |PuffinStream| for reading puff buffers from a deflate stream.
// |stream| IN The deflate stream.
// |puffer| IN The |Puffer| used for puffing the stream.
// |puff_size| IN The size of the puff stream (assuming |stream| has been
// completely puffed.
// |deflates| IN The location of deflates in |stream|.
// |puffs| IN The location of puffs into the final puff stream.
// |max_cache_size| IN The amount of memory to use for caching puff buffers.
// If the mount is smaller than the maximum puff buffer
// size in |puffs|, then its value will be set to zero
// and no puff will be cached.
static UniqueStreamPtr CreateForPuff(UniqueStreamPtr stream,
std::shared_ptr<Puffer> puffer,
uint64_t puff_size,
const std::vector<BitExtent>& deflates,
const std::vector<ByteExtent>& puffs,
size_t max_cache_size = 0);
// Creates a |PuffinStream| for writing puff buffers into a deflate stream.
// |stream| IN The deflate stream.
// |huffer| IN The |Huffer| used for huffing into the |stream|.
// |puff_size| IN The size of the puff stream (assuming |stream| has been
// completely puffed.
// |deflates| IN The location of deflates in |stream|.
// |puffs| IN The location of puffs into the input puff stream.
static UniqueStreamPtr CreateForHuff(UniqueStreamPtr stream,
std::shared_ptr<Huffer> huffer,
uint64_t puff_size,
const std::vector<BitExtent>& deflates,
const std::vector<ByteExtent>& puffs);
bool GetSize(uint64_t* size) const override;
// Returns the current offset in the imaginary puff stream.
bool GetOffset(uint64_t* offset) const override;
// Sets the current offset in the imaginary puff stream.
bool Seek(uint64_t offset) override;
// Reads from the deflate stream |stream_| and writes the puff stream into
// |buffer|.
bool Read(void* buffer, size_t length) override;
// Reads the puff stream from |buffer|, huffs it and writes it into the
// deflate stream |stream_|. The current assumption for write is that data is
// wrote from beginning to end with no retraction or random change of offset.
// This function, writes non-puff data directly to |stream_| and caches the
// puff data into |puff_buffer_|. When |puff_buffer_| is full, it huffs it
// into |deflate_buffer_| and writes it to |stream_|.
bool Write(const void* buffer, size_t length) override;
bool Close() override;
// The non-public internal Ctor.
PuffinStream(UniqueStreamPtr stream,
std::shared_ptr<Puffer> puffer,
std::shared_ptr<Huffer> huffer,
uint64_t puff_size,
const std::vector<BitExtent>& deflates,
const std::vector<ByteExtent>& puffs,
size_t max_cache_size);
// See |extra_byte_|.
bool SetExtraByte();
// Returns the cache for the |puff_id|th puff. If it does not find it, either
// returns the least accessed cached (if cache is full) or creates a new empty
// buffer. It returns false if it cannot find the |puff_id|th puff cache.
bool GetPuffCache(int puff_id,
uint64_t puff_size,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* buffer);
UniqueStreamPtr stream_;
std::shared_ptr<Puffer> puffer_;
std::shared_ptr<Huffer> huffer_;
// The size of the imaginary puff stream.
uint64_t puff_stream_size_;
std::vector<BitExtent> deflates_;
// The current deflate is being processed.
std::vector<BitExtent>::iterator cur_deflate_;
std::vector<ByteExtent> puffs_;
// The current puff is being processed.
std::vector<ByteExtent>::iterator cur_puff_;
std::vector<uint64_t> upper_bounds_;
// The current offset in the imaginary puff stream is |puff_pos_| +
// |skip_bytes_|
uint64_t puff_pos_;
uint64_t skip_bytes_;
// The current bit offset in |stream_|.
uint64_t deflate_bit_pos_;
// This value caches the first or last byte of a deflate stream. This is
// needed when two deflate stream end on the same byte (with greater than zero
// bit offset difference) or a deflate starts from middle of the byte. We need
// to cache the value in here before we have the rest of the puff buffer to
// make the deflate.
uint8_t last_byte_;
// We have to figure out if we need to cache an extra puff byte for the last
// byte of the deflate. This is only needed if the last bit of the current
// deflate is not in the same byte as the first bit of the next deflate. The
// value is either 0 or 1. If 1.
size_t extra_byte_;
// True if the stream is only for puffing. False if for huffing.
bool is_for_puff_;
// True if the |Close()| is called.
bool closed_;
std::unique_ptr<Buffer> deflate_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> puff_buffer_;
// The LRU cache for holding puff data
LRUCache lru_cache_;
} // namespace puffin