ANDROID: mesa: import gfxstream

Mega-change to support gfxstream.  We should really figure out a
history preserving method...

Common question: Why do we need to import gfxstream into Mesa, and
not have a transition period where we build parts of Mesa in Soong,
and have gfxstream depend on those built parts.

Answer: That may work right now for Android, but there are other
consumers of gfxstream (b:282968393) that have their own versions
of Mesa and gfxstream respectively.  We would break them if we
deleted version of Mesa in gfxstream immediately.

In addition, GfxstreamEnd2EndTests depends on a certain version
of vk.xml, but upstream Mesa uses a newer version.  But we can't
migrate to the newer version since upstream Vulkan.hpp (the vk.xml
dependent part of the code) hasn't migrated to the newer version.

In addition, this is exactly the upstream merge request here:

The goal AOSP Mesa is to test these MRs in production-like

Bug: 327408955
Test: compile
Change-Id: I7baa0474ce2b7b256e687784d5d324ee7cba7e0d
768 files changed