blob: bc03d6a729ee6c8a83669bf9a73ff50858016938 [file] [log] [blame]
// RegistryContextMenu.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h"
#include "../../../Windows/Registry.h"
#include "RegistryContextMenu.h"
using namespace NWindows;
using namespace NRegistry;
#ifndef UNDER_CE
// does extension can work, if Approved is removed ?
// CLISID (and Approved ?) items are separated for 32-bit and 64-bit code.
// shellex items shared by 32-bit and 64-bit code?
#define k_Clsid_A "{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}"
static LPCTSTR const k_Clsid = TEXT(k_Clsid_A);
static LPCTSTR const k_ShellExtName = TEXT("7-Zip Shell Extension");
static LPCTSTR const k_Approved = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Shell Extensions\\Approved");
static LPCTSTR const k_Inproc = TEXT("InprocServer32");
static LPCSTR const k_KeyPostfix_ContextMenu = "\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\7-Zip";
static LPCSTR const k_KeyPostfix_DragDrop = "\\shellex\\DragDropHandlers\\7-Zip";
static LPCSTR const k_KeyName_File = "*";
static LPCSTR const k_KeyName_Folder = "Folder";
static LPCSTR const k_KeyName_Directory = "Directory";
static LPCSTR const k_KeyName_Drive = "Drive";
static LPCSTR const k_shellex_Prefixes[] =
static const bool k_shellex_Statuses[2][4] =
{ true, true, true, false },
{ false, false, true, true }
// can we use static RegDeleteKeyExW in _WIN64 mode?
// is it supported by Windows 2003 x64?
#ifdef _WIN64
#define INIT_REG_WOW
LONG (APIENTRY *Func_RegDeleteKeyExW)(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM samDesired, DWORD Reserved);
static Func_RegDeleteKeyExW func_RegDeleteKeyExW;
static void Init_RegDeleteKeyExW()
if (!func_RegDeleteKeyExW)
func_RegDeleteKeyExW = Z7_GET_PROC_ADDRESS(
Func_RegDeleteKeyExW, GetModuleHandleW(L"advapi32.dll"),
#define INIT_REG_WOW if (wow != 0) Init_RegDeleteKeyExW();
// #endif
static LONG MyRegistry_DeleteKey(HKEY parentKey, LPCTSTR name, UInt32 wow)
if (wow == 0)
return RegDeleteKey(parentKey, name);
#ifdef _WIN64
return RegDeleteKeyExW
if (!func_RegDeleteKeyExW)
return E_NOTIMPL;
return func_RegDeleteKeyExW
// #endif
(parentKey, GetUnicodeString(name), wow, 0);
static LONG MyRegistry_DeleteKey_HKCR(LPCTSTR name, UInt32 wow)
return MyRegistry_DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, name, wow);
// static NSynchronization::CCriticalSection g_CS;
static AString Get_ContextMenuHandler_KeyName(LPCSTR keyName)
{ return (AString)keyName + k_KeyPostfix_ContextMenu; }
static CSysString Get_DragDropHandler_KeyName(LPCTSTR keyName)
{ return (AString)keyName + k_KeyPostfix_DragDrop); }
static bool CheckHandlerCommon(const AString &keyName, UInt32 wow)
CKey key;
if (key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, (CSysString)keyName, KEY_READ | wow) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
CSysString value;
if (key.QueryValue(NULL, value) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
return StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(value, k_Clsid_A);
bool CheckContextMenuHandler(const UString &path, UInt32 wow)
// NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(g_CS);
CSysString s ("CLSID\\");
s += k_Clsid_A;
s += "\\InprocServer32";
NRegistry::CKey key;
return false;
UString regPath;
if (key.QueryValue(NULL, regPath) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
if (!path.IsEqualTo_NoCase(regPath))
return false;
CheckHandlerCommon(Get_ContextMenuHandler_KeyName(k_KeyName_File), wow);
&& CheckHandlerCommon(Get_ContextMenuHandler_KeyName(k_KeyName_Directory), wow)
// && CheckHandlerCommon(Get_ContextMenuHandler_KeyName(k_KeyName_Folder))
&& CheckHandlerCommon(Get_DragDropHandler_KeyName(k_KeyName_Directory), wow)
&& CheckHandlerCommon(Get_DragDropHandler_KeyName(k_KeyName_Drive), wow);
static LONG MyCreateKey(CKey &key, HKEY parentKey, LPCTSTR keyName, UInt32 wow)
return key.Create(parentKey, keyName, REG_NONE,
LONG SetContextMenuHandler(bool setMode, const UString &path, UInt32 wow)
// NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(g_CS);
LONG res;
CSysString s ("CLSID\\");
s += k_Clsid_A;
if (setMode)
CKey key;
res = MyCreateKey(key, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, s, wow);
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
key.SetValue(NULL, k_ShellExtName);
CKey keyInproc;
res = MyCreateKey(keyInproc, key, k_Inproc, wow);
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
res = keyInproc.SetValue(NULL, path);
keyInproc.SetValue(TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Apartment"));
CKey key;
if (MyCreateKey(key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, k_Approved, wow) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
key.SetValue(k_Clsid, k_ShellExtName);
CSysString s2 (s);
s2 += "\\InprocServer32";
MyRegistry_DeleteKey_HKCR(s2, wow);
res = MyRegistry_DeleteKey_HKCR(s, wow);
// shellex items probably are shared beween 32-bit and 64-bit apps. So we don't delete items for delete operation.
if (setMode)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (unsigned k = 0; k < Z7_ARRAY_SIZE(k_shellex_Prefixes); k++)
CSysString s (k_shellex_Prefixes[k]);
s += (i == 0 ? k_KeyPostfix_ContextMenu : k_KeyPostfix_DragDrop);
if (k_shellex_Statuses[i][k])
CKey key;
MyCreateKey(key, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, s, wow);
key.SetValue(NULL, k_Clsid);
MyRegistry_DeleteKey_HKCR(s, wow);
return res;