blob: a36c78e11e047d1f906ea46dec9f91fd318960ca [file] [log] [blame]
// HmacSha1.h
// Implements HMAC-SHA-1 (RFC2104, FIPS-198)
#include "Sha1Cls.h"
namespace NCrypto {
namespace NSha1 {
// Use: SetKey(key, keySize); for () Update(data, size); FinalFull(mac);
class CHmac
CContext _sha;
CContext _sha2;
void SetKey(const Byte *key, size_t keySize);
void Update(const Byte *data, size_t dataSize) { _sha.Update(data, dataSize); }
// Final() : mac is recommended to be aligned for 4 bytes
// GetLoopXorDigest1() : mac is required to be aligned for 4 bytes
// The caller can use: UInt32 mac[NSha1::kNumDigestWords] and typecast to (Byte *) and (void *);
void Final(Byte *mac);
void GetLoopXorDigest1(void *mac, UInt32 numIteration);