blob: f7f7b509554aa773dab9f4a88074c4a42465ecdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class TestingOptions {
* Semicolon-separated names of test groups tests from which should be executed, by default all tests will be executed.
* <p> Test groups are defined in files and there is an implicit 'ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED' group for tests which aren't
* included into any group and 'ALL' group for all tests. By default 'ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED' group is used. </p>
String testGroups = System.getProperty("", OLD_TEST_GROUP)
* Semicolon-separated patterns for test class names which need to be executed. Wildcard '*' is supported. If this option is specified,
* {@link #testGroups} will be ignored.
String testPatterns = System.getProperty("", OLD_TEST_PATTERNS)
* Semicolon-separated names of JUnit run configurations in the project which need to be executed. If this option is specified,
* {@link #testGroups}, {@link #testPatterns} and {@link #mainModule} will be ignored.
String testConfigurations = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies components from which product will be used to run tests, by default IDEA Ultimate will be used.
String platformPrefix = System.getProperty("", OLD_PLATFORM_PREFIX)
* Enables debug for testing process
boolean debugEnabled = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", true)
* Specifies address on which the testing process will listen for connections, by default a localhost will be used.
String debugHost = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
* Specifies port on which the testing process will listen for connections, by default a random port will be used.
int debugPort = SystemProperties.getIntProperty("", OLD_DEBUG_PORT)
* If {@code true} to suspend the testing process until a debugger connects to it.
boolean suspendDebugProcess = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", OLD_SUSPEND_DEBUG_PROCESS)
* Custom JVM memory options (e.g. -Xmx) for the testing process.
String jvmMemoryOptions = System.getProperty("", OLD_JVM_MEMORY_OPTIONS)
* Specifies a module which classpath will be used to search the test classes.
String mainModule = System.getProperty("", OLD_MAIN_MODULE)
* Specifies a custom test suite, com.intellij.tests.BootstrapTests is using by default.
String bootstrapSuite = System.getProperty("", BOOTSTRAP_SUITE_DEFAULT)
* Specifies path to runtime which will be used to run tests.
* By default {@code runtimeBuild} from will be used.
* If it is missing then tests will run under the same runtime which is used to run the build scripts.
String customRuntimePath = System.getProperty(TEST_JRE_PROPERTY)
* Specifies if ant or junit 5 direct runner should be used
boolean preferAntRunner = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
* Enables capturing traces with IntelliJ test discovery agent.
* This agent captures lightweight coverage during your testing session
* and allows to rerun only corresponding tests for desired method or class in your project.
* For the further information please see <a href=""/>IntelliJ Coverage repository</a>.
boolean testDiscoveryEnabled = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
* Specifies a path to the trace file for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
String testDiscoveryTraceFilePath = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated include class patterns for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
String testDiscoveryIncludePatterns = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated exclude class patterns for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
String testDiscoveryExcludePatterns = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated project artifacts that need to be built before running the tests.
String beforeRunProjectArtifacts = System.getProperty("")
* If {@code true} causal profiler agent will be attached to the testing process.
boolean enableCausalProfiling = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
* Pattern to match tests in {@link #mainModule} or default main module tests compilation outputs.
* Tests from each matched class will be executed in a fresh jdk.jfr.internal.JVM.
* E.g. "com/intellij/util/ui/standalone/**Test.class"
String batchTestIncludes = System.getProperty("")
boolean performanceTestsOnly = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty(PERFORMANCE_TESTS_ONLY_FLAG, false)
* Terminate execution immediately if any test fails. Both build script and test JVMs are terminated.
boolean failFast = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
private static final String OLD_TEST_GROUP = System.getProperty("", ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED_GROUP)
private static final String OLD_TEST_PATTERNS = System.getProperty("idea.test.patterns")
private static final String OLD_PLATFORM_PREFIX = System.getProperty("idea.platform.prefix")
private static final int OLD_DEBUG_PORT = SystemProperties.getIntProperty("debug.port", 0) // 0 means any random port, same as in case of missing 'address' parameter
private static final boolean OLD_SUSPEND_DEBUG_PROCESS = System.getProperty("debug.suspend", "n") == "y"
private static final String OLD_JVM_MEMORY_OPTIONS = System.getProperty("test.jvm.memory")
private static final String OLD_MAIN_MODULE = System.getProperty("")
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_SUITE_DEFAULT = "com.intellij.tests.BootstrapTests"
public static final String PERFORMANCE_TESTS_ONLY_FLAG = "idea.performance.tests"
public static final String TEST_JRE_PROPERTY = ""