blob: 921e4d4c5fc8f3fd80a846c9b4ee9a2c1330a50a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h"
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/doc-hit-info.h"
#include "icing/schema/section.h"
#include "icing/store/document-id.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
// Data structure that maps a single matched query term to its section mask
// and the list of term frequencies.
// TODO(b/158603837): add stat on whether the matched terms are prefix matched
// or not. This information will be used to boost exact match.
struct TermMatchInfo {
std::string_view term;
// SectionIdMask associated to the term.
SectionIdMask section_ids_mask;
// Array with fixed size kMaxSectionId. For every section id, i.e.
// vector index, it stores the term frequency of the term.
std::array<Hit::TermFrequency, kTotalNumSections> term_frequencies;
explicit TermMatchInfo(
std::string_view term, SectionIdMask section_ids_mask,
std::array<Hit::TermFrequency, kTotalNumSections> term_frequencies)
: term(term),
term_frequencies(std::move(term_frequencies)) {}
// Iterator over DocHitInfos (collapsed Hits) in REVERSE document_id order.
// NOTE: You must call Advance() before calling hit_info().
// Example:
// DocHitInfoIterator itr = GetIterator(...);
// while (itr.Advance()) {
// HandleDocHitInfo(itr.hit_info());
// }
class DocHitInfoIterator {
using ChildrenMapper = std::function<std::unique_ptr<DocHitInfoIterator>(
// CallStats is a wrapper class of all stats to collect among all levels of
// the DocHitInfoIterator tree. Mostly the internal nodes will aggregate the
// number of all leaf nodes, while the leaf nodes will return the actual
// numbers.
struct CallStats {
// The number of times Advance() was called on the leaf node for term lite
// index.
// - Leaf nodes:
// - DocHitInfoIteratorTermLite should maintain and set it correctly.
// - Others should set it 0.
// - Internal nodes: should aggregate values from all children.
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index;
// The number of times Advance() was called on the leaf node for term main
// index.
// - Leaf nodes:
// - DocHitInfoIteratorTermMain should maintain and set it correctly.
// - Others should set it 0.
// - Internal nodes: should aggregate values from all children.
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index;
// The number of times Advance() was called on the leaf node for integer
// index.
// - Leaf nodes:
// - DocHitInfoIteratorNumeric should maintain and set it correctly.
// - Others should set it 0.
// - Internal nodes: should aggregate values from all children.
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index;
// The number of times Advance() was called on the leaf node without reading
// any hits from index. Usually it is a special field for
// DocHitInfoIteratorAllDocumentId.
// - Leaf nodes:
// - DocHitInfoIteratorAllDocumentId should maintain and set it correctly.
// - Others should set it 0.
// - Internal nodes: should aggregate values from all children.
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_no_index;
// The number of flash index blocks that have been read as a result of
// operations on this object.
// - Leaf nodes: should maintain and set it correctly for all child classes
// involving flash index block access.
// - Internal nodes: should aggregate values from all children.
int32_t num_blocks_inspected;
explicit CallStats()
: CallStats(/*num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index_in=*/0,
/*num_blocks_inspected_in=*/0) {}
explicit CallStats(int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index_in,
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index_in,
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index_in,
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls_no_index_in,
int32_t num_blocks_inspected_in)
: num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index(
num_blocks_inspected(num_blocks_inspected_in) {}
int32_t num_leaf_advance_calls() const {
return num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index +
num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index +
num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index +
bool operator==(const CallStats& other) const {
return num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index ==
other.num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index &&
num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index ==
other.num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index &&
num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index ==
other.num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index &&
num_leaf_advance_calls_no_index ==
other.num_leaf_advance_calls_no_index &&
num_blocks_inspected == other.num_blocks_inspected;
CallStats operator+(const CallStats& other) const {
return CallStats(num_leaf_advance_calls_lite_index +
num_leaf_advance_calls_main_index +
num_leaf_advance_calls_integer_index +
num_leaf_advance_calls_no_index +
num_blocks_inspected + other.num_blocks_inspected);
CallStats& operator+=(const CallStats& other) {
*this = *this + other;
return *this;
struct TrimmedNode {
// the query results which we should only search for suggestion in these
// documents.
std::unique_ptr<DocHitInfoIterator> iterator_;
// term of the trimmed node which we need to generate suggested strings.
std::string term_;
// the string in the query which indicates the target section we should
// search for suggestions.
std::string target_section_;
// the start index of the current term in the given search query.
int term_start_index_;
// The length of the given unnormalized term in the search query
int unnormalized_term_length_;
TrimmedNode(std::unique_ptr<DocHitInfoIterator> iterator, std::string term,
int term_start_index, int unnormalized_term_length)
: iterator_(std::move(iterator)),
unnormalized_term_length_(unnormalized_term_length) {}
// Trim the rightmost iterator of the iterator tree.
// This is to support search suggestions for the last term which is the
// right-most node of the root iterator tree. Only support trim the right-most
// node on the AND, AND_NARY, OR, OR_NARY, OR_LEAF, Filter, and the
// property-in-schema-check iterator.
// After calling this method, this iterator is no longer usable. Please use
// the returned iterator.
// Returns:
// the new iterator without the right-most child, if was able to trim the
// right-most node.
// nullptr if the current iterator should be trimmed.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if the right-most node is not suppose to be trimmed.
virtual libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<TrimmedNode> TrimRightMostNode() && = 0;
// Map all direct children of this iterator according to the passed mapper.
virtual void MapChildren(const ChildrenMapper& mapper) = 0;
virtual bool is_leaf() { return false; }
// Whether the iterator has already been applied all the required section
// restrictions.
// If true, calling DocHitInfoIteratorSectionRestrict::ApplyRestrictions on
// this iterator will have no effect.
virtual bool full_section_restriction_applied() const { return false; }
virtual ~DocHitInfoIterator() = default;
// Returns:
// OK if was able to advance to a new document_id.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if there are less than 2 iterators for an AND/OR
// iterator
// RESOUCE_EXHAUSTED if we've run out of document_ids to iterate over
virtual libtextclassifier3::Status Advance() = 0;
// Returns the DocHitInfo that the iterator is currently at. The DocHitInfo
// will have a kInvalidDocumentId if Advance() was not called after
// construction or if Advance returned an error.
const DocHitInfo& doc_hit_info() const { return doc_hit_info_; }
// Returns CallStats of the DocHitInfoIterator tree.
virtual CallStats GetCallStats() const = 0;
// A string representing the iterator.
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
// For the last hit docid, retrieves all the matched query terms and other
// stats, see TermMatchInfo.
// filtering_section_mask filters the matching sections and should be set only
// by DocHitInfoIteratorSectionRestrict.
// If Advance() wasn't called after construction, Advance() returned false or
// the concrete HitIterator didn't override this method, the vectors aren't
// populated.
virtual void PopulateMatchedTermsStats(
std::vector<TermMatchInfo>* matched_terms_stats,
SectionIdMask filtering_section_mask = kSectionIdMaskAll) const {}
DocHitInfo doc_hit_info_;
// Helper function to advance the given iterator to at most the given
// document_id.
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<DocumentId> AdvanceTo(DocHitInfoIterator* it,
DocumentId document_id) {
while (it->Advance().ok()) {
if (it->doc_hit_info().document_id() <= document_id) {
return it->doc_hit_info().document_id();
// Didn't find anything for the other iterator, reset to invalid values and
// return.
doc_hit_info_ = DocHitInfo(kInvalidDocumentId);
return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError(
"No more DocHitInfos in iterator");
// A leaf node is a term node or a chain of section restriction node applied on
// a term node.
class DocHitInfoLeafIterator : public DocHitInfoIterator {
bool is_leaf() override { return true; }
// Calling MapChildren on leaf node does not make sense, and will do nothing.
void MapChildren(const ChildrenMapper& mapper) override {}
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing