blob: 6e07bbf1ad4467acf8ae48df12106eadfe7cf17b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package fcp.confidentialcompute;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "proto/micro_rpc/options.proto";
// An interface for a service that transforms data in some way, e.g. as part of
// a data processing pipeline. If these services run within externally-
// verifiable enclaves, they can be used in combination with a Ledger to
// implement externally-verifiable data pipelines.
// This service defines the API for a transform's Oak enclave app. The service
// definition is compatible with the Oak microRPC libraries:
service PipelineTransform {
// Performs configuration of the service that overwrites previous
// configuration provided to Initialize or to this method, and attests the
// configuration.
// This method can be skipped and an attestation previously returned by this
// method can be used if the configuration is unchanged. Skipping this method
// when the configuration is unchanged minimizes the amount of data that needs
// to be sent through the TEE boundary.
// method_id: 3
rpc ConfigureAndAttest(ConfigureAndAttestRequest)
returns (ConfigureAndAttestResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 3;
// Generates a specified number of nonces that will be used as associated data
// to ensure that a given encrypted record is processed exactly once by a
// Transform call. For each nonce generated by this method, a single encrypted
// record can can be processed successfully by Transform.
// method_id: 4
rpc GenerateNonces(GenerateNoncesRequest) returns (GenerateNoncesResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 4;
// Transforms zero or more inputs into zero or more outputs. This method can
// be used to implement map (1 -> 1), filter (1 -> 0 or 1), combine (N ->
// 1), "do" (1 -> N), or more general (M -> N) operations.
// method_id: 2
rpc Transform(TransformRequest) returns (TransformResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 2;
message ConfigureAndAttestRequest {
// Implementation-specific configuration that will override any previous
// configuration provided to this method.
google.protobuf.Any configuration = 1;
message ConfigureAndAttestResponse {
// The CBOR Web Token (CTW; RFC 8392) containing the enclave's public key. The
// CWT will contain all the claims and properties required by
// `fcp.confidentialcompute.AuthorizeAccessRequest.recipient_public_key`. A
// new keypair will be generated whenever the ConfigureAndAttest method is
// called with a new configuration. The following additional CWT claims may be
// present:
// -65538: google.protobuf.Struct containing app-specific config properties
bytes public_key = 1;
reserved 2, 3;
message GenerateNoncesRequest {
// The number of nonces to generate. Each nonce corresponds to a single record
// that can be decrypted and processed.
int32 nonces_count = 1;
message GenerateNoncesResponse {
// Nonces used by the sealed worker application to ensure the same data
// access authorized by the ledger cannot be replayed multiple times by a
// portion of the stack running outside a Trusted Execution Environment to
// cause it to process the same data multiple times. The nonces will be saved
// by the sealed worker application, and the sealed application will discard
// each one after using it once as part of the associated data to decrypt the
// symmetric key, ensuring that another request must be made to the ledger in
// order to process the same data again. The number of nonces will match
// `nonces_count` in the request.
repeated bytes nonces = 3;
// A request providing the inputs to be transformed.
message TransformRequest {
repeated Record inputs = 1;
// A response providing the results of the transformation.
message TransformResponse {
repeated Record outputs = 1;
// The number of input records that were ignored due to being invalid.
int32 num_ignored_inputs = 2;
// A data record used as one of the inputs or outputs of a transform.
message Record {
oneof kind {
bytes unencrypted_data = 1
HpkePlusAeadData hpke_plus_aead_data = 2;
// Describes the type of data-unaware compression that has been applied prior
// to any encryption.
enum CompressionType {
// No compression was applied.
// GZIP compression was applied.
CompressionType compression_type = 3;
// Information about plaintext encrypted with AEAD, with the symmetric key
// then encrypted with HPKE.
message HpkePlusAeadData {
// The data, encrypted using AES-128-GCM.
bytes ciphertext = 1;
// The associated data for `ciphertext`.
bytes ciphertext_associated_data = 2;
// The symmetric key used to encrypt `ciphertext`, encrypted using HPKE.
// The key is encoded as a COSE_Key struct (RFC 9052); at least the
// following algorithms should be supported:
// -65538: AEAD_AES_128_GCM_SIV (fixed nonce)
bytes encrypted_symmetric_key = 3;
// The associated data for `encrypted_symmetric_key`.
oneof symmetric_key_associated_data_components {
LedgerAssociatedData ledger_symmetric_key_associated_data = 6;
RewrappedAssociatedData rewrapped_symmetric_key_associated_data = 7;
// The ephemeral Diffe-Hellman key needed to derive the symmetric key used
// to encrypt `encrypted_secret_key`.
bytes encapsulated_public_key = 5;
// Components which will be appended together to create the associated data
// to be used for decryption of the symmetric key by the Ledger so that it
// can check the policy and grant access to worker components.
message LedgerAssociatedData {
// A serialized `fcp.confidentialcompute.BlobHeader`.
bytes record_header = 1;
// Components which will be appended together to create the associated data
// to be used for decryption of the symmetric key by a sealed worker
// application after the Ledger has checked the policy and rewrapped the
// symmetric key for access by the worker.
message RewrappedAssociatedData {
// If the application will be re-encrypting its output, the CWT for the
// public key to use. The CWT has the same required claims and parameters
// as `fcp.confidentialcompute.CreateKeyResponse.public_key`. Reusing the
// same public key as the input ensures that derived objects have the same
// expiration time as the original data. This key can be ignored if the
// application doesn't encrypt its outputs (e.g., because it produces
// anonymized aggregate results).
bytes reencryption_public_key = 1;
// Unique nonce for this record to protect against replay attacks by an
// unsealed portion of the stack. The sealed worker application will
// ensure that it has not already used the nonce before decrypting and
// processing the data.
bytes nonce = 2;
reserved 4;