blob: dc0ff1049fb9ad4003a9d7af964a2eb5f9064b14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package fcp.confidentialcompute;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "proto/attestation/endorsement.proto";
import "proto/attestation/evidence.proto";
import "proto/micro_rpc/options.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// The Ledger is responsible for ensuring that access to encrypted blobs of data
// conforms to a data access policy, including usage limits. This service also
// ensures crypto erasure of the blobs by rotating the keypairs used to encrypt
// them.
// This service defines the API for Ledger's Oak enclave app. The service
// definition is compatible with the Oak microRPC libraries:
// To use this service:
// 1. Create one or more key pairs (CreateKey).
// 2. Encrypt a blob using the public key and associate it with a data access
// policy (no interaction with the Ledger).
// 3. Request that the Ledger service unwrap the blob's encryption key so that
// it can be read (AuthorizeAccess).
service Ledger {
// Creates a new public/private keypair for encrypting the symmetric keys used
// to encrypt blobs.
// The resulting keypair can be used to encrypt many blobs; access to those
// blobs will be independently authorized. Access to the blobs will be
// disallowed once the keypair expires or is deleted.
// method_id: 1
rpc CreateKey(CreateKeyRequest) returns (CreateKeyResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 1;
// Deletes a public/private keypair. Once deleted, any blobs encrypted with
// the keypair will no longer be accessible.
// Use RevokeAccess instead to disallow access to a specific blob.
// method_id: 2
rpc DeleteKey(DeleteKeyRequest) returns (DeleteKeyResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 2;
// Authorizes the caller to read an encrypted blob. If the enclave requesting
// access is authorized by the blob's policy and the remaining access budget,
// the Ledger will decrypt and return the blob's symmetric key (re-encrypted
// so that only the enclave can read it).
// For more information about blob encryption and access policies, see
// method_id: 3
rpc AuthorizeAccess(AuthorizeAccessRequest)
returns (AuthorizeAccessResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 3;
// Prevents all future access to an encrypted blob; all subsequent
// AuthorizeAccess requests for the blob will fail.
// method_id: 4
rpc RevokeAccess(RevokeAccessRequest) returns (RevokeAccessResponse) {
option (.oak.micro_rpc.method_id) = 4;
message CreateKeyRequest {
// The current time, which must be monotonically increasing.
google.protobuf.Timestamp now = 1;
// The TTL of the created key.
google.protobuf.Duration ttl = 2;
message CreateKeyResponse {
// The serialized bytes of the public key.
// This field holds a CBOR Web Token (CWT; RFC 8392) signed by the application
// key in `attestation_evidence`. The CWT and COSE key (RFC 9052) will contain
// at least the following claims and parameters:
// CWT Claims (
// -65537: COSE_Key containing the public key parameters (bstr)
// 4: Expiration Time (int)
// 6: Issued At (int)
// COSE Key Parameters (
// 1: Key Type (int)
// 2: Key ID (bstr)
// 3: Algorithm (int)
// Supported COSE Algorithms:
// -65537: HPKE-Base-X25519-SHA256-AES128GCM
bytes public_key = 1;
reserved 2 to 5;
message DeleteKeyRequest {
// The public key CWT of the key to delete. This should match
// `CreateKeyResponse.public_key`.
bytes public_key = 2;
reserved 1;
message DeleteKeyResponse {}
message AuthorizeAccessRequest {
// The current time, which must be monotonically increasing.
google.protobuf.Timestamp now = 1;
// The serialized fcp.confidentialcompute.AccessPolicy the blob is subject to.
// This must match the hash in the BlobHeader.
bytes access_policy = 2;
// The serialized fcp.confidentialcompute.BlobHeader of the blob being
// accessed.
bytes blob_header = 3;
// Encapsulated HPKE secret key used (along with one of the Ledger's private
// keys) to decrypt `encrypted_symmetric_key`. The encapsulated key will have
// been produced as part of encrypting the blob's symmetric key using HPKE.
bytes encapsulated_key = 4;
// The blob's encrypted symmetric key, used to encrypt the blob data using
// AEAD. This symmetric key should have been encrypted using the Ledger-owned
// public key indicated in the blob header. The plaintext should be a COSE_Key
// structure (RFC 9052), but this is not enforced by this method.
bytes encrypted_symmetric_key = 5;
// The public key to use to encrypt the response.
// This field holds a CBOR Web Token (CWT) signed by the application key in
// `recipient_attestation_evidence`. The CWT and COSE key (RFC 9052) will
// contain at least the following claims and parameters:
// CWT Claims (
// -65537: COSE_Key containing the public key parameters (bstr)
// -65538: google.protobuf.Struct containing app-specific config properties
// COSE Key Parameters (
// 1: Key Type (int)
// 3: Algorithm (int)
// Supported COSE Algorithms:
// -65537: HPKE-Base-X25519-SHA256-AES128GCM
bytes recipient_public_key = 6;
// The attestation evidence for the application requesting access.
oak.attestation.v1.Evidence recipient_attestation_evidence = 9;
// The attestation endorsements for the application requesting access.
oak.attestation.v1.Endorsements recipient_attestation_endorsements = 11;
// Optional tag to disambiguate between otherwise identical accesses in the
// policy. This field is an orchestration-level hint, not something attested
// by the sealed application.
string recipient_tag = 8;
// Nonce used by the recipient to ensure the same AuthorizeAccessResponse
// cannot be replayed multiple times by an unsealed portion of the stack to
// cause it to process the same data multiple times. The recipient will
// discard it after using it once as part of the associated data to decrypt
// the symmetric key. This nonce must be appended to the associated data for
// the symmetric key.
bytes recipient_nonce = 10;
reserved 7;
message AuthorizeAccessResponse {
// Encapsulated HPKE secret key for decrypting `encrypted_symmetric_key`.
bytes encapsulated_key = 1;
// The symmetric key for reading the data, encrypted with HPKE using
// `AuthorizeAccessRequest.recipient_public_key`. The associated data for the
// hybrid encryption is `reencryption_public_key` +
// `AuthorizeAccessRequest::recipient_nonce`.
bytes encrypted_symmetric_key = 2;
// If the application will be re-encrypting its output, the CWT for the public
// key to use. The CWT has the same required claims and parameters as
// `CreateKeyResponse.public_key`. Reusing the same public key as the input
// ensures that derived objects have the same expiration time as the original
// data. This key can be ignored if the application doesn't encrypt its
// outputs (e.g., because it produces anonymized aggregate results).
bytes reencryption_public_key = 3;
message RevokeAccessRequest {
// The COSE "kid" property (RFC 9052) of the key used to encrypt the blob.
bytes key_id = 3;
// The id of the blob, matching the id in its header.
bytes blob_id = 2;
reserved 1;
message RevokeAccessResponse {}
// LedgerRequest and LedgerResponse combine individual request and response
// messages above, and used by the replicated implementation of the Ledger.
message LedgerRequest {
oneof request {
// Creates a new public/private keypair for encrypting the symmetric keys
// used to encrypt blobs.
CreateKeyRequest create_key = 1;
// Deletes a public/private keypair. Once deleted, any blobs encrypted with
// the keypair will no longer be accessible.
DeleteKeyRequest delete_key = 2;
// Authorizes the caller to read an encrypted blob. If the enclave
// requesting access is authorized by the blob's policy and the remaining
// access budget, the Ledger will decrypt and return the blob's symmetric
// key (re-encrypted so that only the enclave can read it).
AuthorizeAccessRequest authorize_access = 3;
// Prevents all future access to an encrypted blob; all subsequent
// AuthorizeAccess requests for the blob will fail.
RevokeAccessRequest revoke_access = 4;
message LedgerResponse {
// Error status similar to google.rpc.Status.
message Status {
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
oneof response {
// Response for CreateKeyRequest.
CreateKeyResponse create_key = 1;
// Response for DeleteKeyRequest.
DeleteKeyResponse delete_key = 2;
// Response for AuthorizeAccessRequest.
AuthorizeAccessResponse authorize_access = 3;
// Response for RevokeAccessRequest.
RevokeAccessResponse revoke_access = 4;
// Error response for all requests.
Status error = 5;
// Ledger configuration - used to configure replicated Ledger job.
message LedgerConfig {}