blob: f923b18a7f452af636cdec11f69c36a74045108b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
// This file contains utility functions for parsing numbers, in the context of
// network protocols.
// Q: Doesn't //base already provide these in string_number_conversions.h, with
// functions like base::StringToInt()?
// A: Yes, and those functions are used under the hood by these implementations.
// However using the base::StringTo*() has historically led to subtle bugs
// in the context of parsing network protocols:
// * Permitting a leading '+'
// * Incorrectly classifying overflow/underflow from a parsing failure
// * Allowing negative numbers for non-negative fields
// This API tries to avoid these problems by picking sensible defaults for
// //net code. For more details see
namespace net {
// Format to use when parsing integers.
enum class ParseIntFormat {
// Accepts non-negative base 10 integers of the form:
// 1*DIGIT
// This construction is used in a variety of IETF standards, such as RFC 7230
// (HTTP).
// When attempting to parse a negative number using this format, the failure
// will be FAILED_PARSE since it violated the expected format (and not
// Also note that inputs need not be in minimal encoding: "0003" is valid and
// equivalent to "3".
// Accept optionally negative base 10 integers of the form:
// ["-"] 1*DIGIT
// In other words, this accepts the same things as NON_NEGATIVE, and
// additionally recognizes those numbers prefixed with a '-'.
// Note that by this definition "-0" IS a valid input.
// Like NON_NEGATIVE, but rejects anything not in minimal encoding - that is,
// it rejects anything with leading 0's, except "0".
// Like OPTIONALLY_NEGATIVE, but rejects anything not in minimal encoding -
// that is, it rejects "-0" and anything with leading 0's, except "0".
// The specific reason why a ParseInt*() function failed.
enum class ParseIntError {
// The parsed number couldn't fit into the provided output type because it was
// too high.
// The parsed number couldn't fit into the provided output type because it was
// too low.
// The number failed to be parsed because it wasn't a valid decimal number (as
// determined by the policy).
// The ParseInt*() functions parse a string representing a number.
// The format of the strings that are accepted is controlled by the |format|
// parameter. This allows rejecting negative numbers.
// These functions return true on success, and fill |*output| with the result.
// On failure, it is guaranteed that |*output| was not modified. If
// |optional_error| was non-null, then it is filled with the reason for the
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] NET_EXPORT bool ParseInt32(
base::StringPiece input,
ParseIntFormat format,
int32_t* output,
ParseIntError* optional_error = nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] NET_EXPORT bool ParseInt64(
base::StringPiece input,
ParseIntFormat format,
int64_t* output,
ParseIntError* optional_error = nullptr);
// The ParseUint*() functions parse a string representing a number.
// These are equivalent to calling ParseInt*(), except with unsigned output
// types. ParseIntFormat may only be one of {NON_NEGATIVE, STRICT_NON_NEGATIVE}.
[[nodiscard]] NET_EXPORT bool ParseUint32(
base::StringPiece input,
ParseIntFormat format,
uint32_t* output,
ParseIntError* optional_error = nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] NET_EXPORT bool ParseUint64(
base::StringPiece input,
ParseIntFormat format,
uint64_t* output,
ParseIntError* optional_error = nullptr);
} // namespace net