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### WLAN Config INI
# Copyright (C) 2021, Broadcom.
# Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
# agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
# available at, with the
# following added to such license:
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
# permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
# distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
# you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
# the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
# derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
# modifications of the software.
# <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
### set MAC address
###country code: country_abbre/reversion
###set band to a,b,auto
###11d enable/disable
###11r enable/disable
###scan parameters
##dwell time for active scan(assoc)
##dwell time for active scan(unassoc)
##dwell time for passive scan
##dwell time to home channel when associated
##Max time to be away from home channel
##probe request quantity in each active scan period
###roaming parameters
##beacon timeout in second to treat beacon lost
## beacon monitor
##roam trigger by LOW RSSI factor
##change the roam trigger for all band
##roam trigger by signal drop step factor
##roam trigger by QBSS load(CU) factor
##roam score compute algorithm
### powersaving related
##power management 0,1,2
###11k bitmask.
#0x0001 Link_Measurement
#0x0002 Neighbor_Report
#0x0004 Parallel_Measurement
#0x0008 Repeated_Measurement
#0x0010 Beacon_Passive - mandatory
#0x0020 Beacon_Active - mandatory
#0x0040 Beacon_Table - mandatory
#0x0080 Beacon_measurement_Reporting_Condition
#0x0100 Frame_Measurement
#0x0200 Channel_load_Measurement
#0x0400 Noise_Histogram_measurement
#0x0800 Statistics_Measurement
#0x1000 LCI_Measurement
#0x2000 LCI_Azimuth
#0x4000 Tx_Stream_Category_Measurement
#0x8000 Triggered_Tx_stream_Category_Measurement
#0x10000 AP_Channel_Report
#0x20000 RM_MIB
#0x8000000 Measurement_Pilot_Transmission_Information
#0x10000000 Neighbor_Report_TSF_Offset
#0x20000000 RCPI_Measurement
#0x40000000 RSNI_Measurement
#0x80000000 BSS_Average_Access_Delay
#0x100000000 BSS_Available_Admission_Capacity
#0x200000000 Antenna_Information
#0x400000000 FTM_Range_Reporting
#0x800000000 Civic_Location_Measurement
###BW CAP. BW20:bit 0. BW40:bit 1. BW80:bit 2.
### 802.11 mode
## 802.11ax disable
## 802.11ac disable
## 802.11n disable
##802.11g. 0:legacy b. 1:auto. 2:gmode only.
###802.11ax. 1:5G. 2:2G. 0x8:AP. 0x20:P2P. 0x40:multi bssid.
###802.11ac VHT features: bit 0 2G VHT,bit1 VHT ext rates, bit 3 124QAM.
### rate set
##rateset legacy: 6,9,12,24,36,48,54. b is to set basic rate.
##rateset ht: bitmask for msc rate. Least significant bit is MCS0. 0xff indecates mcs0-7
#sets HE MCS values for each supported count of spatial streams.
#0xff,0x3ff limits HE rates to MCS 0-7 for 1 stream, MCS 0-9 for 2 streams
###assoc preference.
#0 for auto, for 1 5G, 2 for 2.4G
### retry times
##short retry limit
##long retry limit
### Per-Frame Retry Limit
##AUTH retry limit, when pfrt_en=1
##ASSOC REQ retry limit, when pfrt_en=1
##REASSOC REQ retry limit, when pfrt_en=1
##ACTION Frame retry limit, when pfrt_en=1
##default:300. unit: ms
##default:300. unit: ms
###bitmask for ampdu tid
###keep alive timer in ms
### packet filter
##packet filter add: id(user specified),offset,bitmask,pattern
##packet filter enable: id,enable/disable