blob: 12f38f89c6ef8c8bce8d73d2bfa28fe1831dc59a [file] [log] [blame]
* Broadcom EWP
* Software-specific EWP definitions shared between device and host side
* Copyright (C) 2024, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#ifndef _ewp_h_
#define _ewp_h_
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <event_log.h>
#ifdef EWP_HW
#define EWP_LOG(args)
#define EWP_ERR(args)
#endif /* EVENT_LOG_COMPILE */
#define EWP_LOG(args)
#define EWP_ERR(args)
#endif /* EWP_HW */
enum {
EWP_HW_STATE_INIT_PRESTART = 0, // f/w init has not yet started
EWP_HW_STATE_INIT_START = 1, // f/w init has started
EWP_HW_STATE_INIT_END = 2, // f/w init has ended successfully
EWP_HW_STATE_INIT_TRAP = 3, // f/w init trapped
typedef struct ewp_hw_blk {
uint PHYS_ADDR_N(addr); // Start address of the buffer
uint size; // Size of the the buffer
} ewp_hw_blk_t;
/* Element indices to set elements in ewp_info structure using ewp_info_set() */
#define EWP_HW_INFO_INIT_LOG_BUF 1u // init_log_buf
#define EWP_HW_INFO_MOD_DUMP_BUF 2u // mod_dump_buf
#define EWP_HW_INFO_REG_DUMP_BUF 3u // reg_dump_buf
#define EWP_HW_INFO_VER 0x1u
typedef struct ewp_hw_info {
uint8 version;
uint8 pad[3];
ewp_hw_blk_t init_log_buf; // Info about buffer to save init logs
ewp_hw_blk_t mod_dump_buf; // Info about buffer to save module dumps
ewp_hw_blk_t reg_dump_buf; // Info about uffer to save reg dumps
} ewp_hw_info_t;
/* Element indices to set elements in ewp_info structure using ewp_info_set() */
#define EWP_INFO_HND_DEBUG 1u // hnd_debug_addr
#define EWP_INFO_HND_DEBUG_PTR 2u // hnd_debug_ptr_addr
#define EWP_INFO_SSSR_INFO 3u // sssr_info_addr
#define EWP_INFO_SDTC_INFO 4u // sdtc_info_addr
#ifdef COEX_CPU
#define EWP_INFO_COEX_CPU_INFO 5u // coex_cpu_info_addr
#endif /* COEX_CPU */
#define EWP_INFO_ETB_CONFIG 6u //etb_config_info_addr
#define EWP_INFO_VER 0x1u
typedef struct ewp_info {
uint8 version;
uint8 init_state; // Init state
uint16 flags;
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(ewp_hw_info_addr); // Ptr to ewp_hw_info_t
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(hnd_debug_addr); // Ptr to hnd_debug_t
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(hnd_debug_ptr_addr); // Ptr to hnd_debug_ptr_t
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(sssr_info_addr); // Ptr to sssr_reg_info_cmn_t
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(sdtc_info_addr); // Ptr to sdtc info
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(coex_cpu_info_addr); // Ptr to coex cpu info
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(etb_config_info_addr); // Ptr to etb_config_info_t
} ewp_info_t;
#ifdef COEX_CPU
#define EWP_COEX_CPU_INFO_VER 0x1u
typedef struct ewp_coex_cpu_info {
uint8 version;
uint8 pad[3];
uint32 itcm_sz;
uint32 dtcm_sz;
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(itcm_base);
uint32 PHYS_ADDR_N(dtcm_base);
} ewp_coex_cpu_info_t;
#endif /* COEX_CPU */
#define ETB_USER_SDTC_MAX_SIZE (32 * 1024)
#define ETB_USER_ETM_MAX_SIZE (32 * 1024)
#define ETB_USER_ETMCOEX_MAX_SIZE (16 * 1024)
typedef enum etb_user {
} etb_user_t;
typedef struct etb_block {
bool inited; // ETB block inited ?
uint8 type; // Size of the blk
uint16 size; // type: ETM CA7/CM7, SDTC
uint32 addr; // Base addr of the blk
uint32 rwp; // TMC read/write pointer
} etb_block_t;
typedef struct etb_config_info {
uint8 version; // Version
uint8 num_etb; // Max no. of ETBs
uint8 pad[2];
etb_block_t eblk[]; // Individual ETB blocks
} etb_config_info_t;
#endif /* _bcmpcie_h_ */