blob: c6cc9f8460ac56a6ae6185ba8ff1fbf7b7ab9f35 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use crate::read::{
self, Architecture, Export, FileFlags, Import, NoDynamicRelocationIterator, Object, ObjectKind,
ObjectSection, ReadError, ReadRef, Result, SectionIndex, SymbolIndex,
use crate::{pe, LittleEndian as LE};
use super::{
CoffComdat, CoffComdatIterator, CoffSection, CoffSectionIterator, CoffSegment,
CoffSegmentIterator, CoffSymbol, CoffSymbolIterator, CoffSymbolTable, SectionTable,
/// The common parts of `PeFile` and `CoffFile`.
pub(crate) struct CoffCommon<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>> {
pub(crate) sections: SectionTable<'data>,
// TODO: ImageSymbolExBytes
pub(crate) symbols: SymbolTable<'data, R>,
pub(crate) image_base: u64,
/// A COFF object file.
pub struct CoffFile<'data, R: ReadRef<'data> = &'data [u8]> {
pub(super) header: &'data pe::ImageFileHeader,
pub(super) common: CoffCommon<'data, R>,
pub(super) data: R,
impl<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>> CoffFile<'data, R> {
/// Parse the raw COFF file data.
pub fn parse(data: R) -> Result<Self> {
let mut offset = 0;
let header = pe::ImageFileHeader::parse(data, &mut offset)?;
let sections = header.sections(data, offset)?;
let symbols = header.symbols(data)?;
Ok(CoffFile {
common: CoffCommon {
image_base: 0,
impl<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>> read::private::Sealed for CoffFile<'data, R> {}
impl<'data, 'file, R> Object<'data, 'file> for CoffFile<'data, R>
'data: 'file,
R: 'file + ReadRef<'data>,
type Segment = CoffSegment<'data, 'file, R>;
type SegmentIterator = CoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R>;
type Section = CoffSection<'data, 'file, R>;
type SectionIterator = CoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R>;
type Comdat = CoffComdat<'data, 'file, R>;
type ComdatIterator = CoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R>;
type Symbol = CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R>;
type SymbolIterator = CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R>;
type SymbolTable = CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R>;
type DynamicRelocationIterator = NoDynamicRelocationIterator;
fn architecture(&self) -> Architecture {
match self.header.machine.get(LE) {
pe::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT => Architecture::Arm,
pe::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 => Architecture::Aarch64,
pe::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 => Architecture::I386,
pe::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 => Architecture::X86_64,
_ => Architecture::Unknown,
fn is_little_endian(&self) -> bool {
fn is_64(&self) -> bool {
// Windows COFF is always 32-bit, even for 64-bit architectures. This could be confusing.
fn kind(&self) -> ObjectKind {
fn segments(&'file self) -> CoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
CoffSegmentIterator {
file: self,
iter: self.common.sections.iter(),
fn section_by_name_bytes(
&'file self,
section_name: &[u8],
) -> Option<CoffSection<'data, 'file, R>> {
.find(|section| section.name_bytes() == Ok(section_name))
fn section_by_index(&'file self, index: SectionIndex) -> Result<CoffSection<'data, 'file, R>> {
let section = self.common.sections.section(index.0)?;
Ok(CoffSection {
file: self,
fn sections(&'file self) -> CoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
CoffSectionIterator {
file: self,
iter: self.common.sections.iter().enumerate(),
fn comdats(&'file self) -> CoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
CoffComdatIterator {
file: self,
index: 0,
fn symbol_by_index(&'file self, index: SymbolIndex) -> Result<CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R>> {
let symbol = self.common.symbols.symbol(index.0)?;
Ok(CoffSymbol {
file: &self.common,
fn symbols(&'file self) -> CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
CoffSymbolIterator {
file: &self.common,
index: 0,
fn symbol_table(&'file self) -> Option<CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R>> {
Some(CoffSymbolTable { file: &self.common })
fn dynamic_symbols(&'file self) -> CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
CoffSymbolIterator {
file: &self.common,
// Hack: don't return any.
index: self.common.symbols.len(),
fn dynamic_symbol_table(&'file self) -> Option<CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R>> {
fn dynamic_relocations(&'file self) -> Option<NoDynamicRelocationIterator> {
fn imports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Import<'data>>> {
// TODO: this could return undefined symbols, but not needed yet.
fn exports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Export<'data>>> {
// TODO: this could return global symbols, but not needed yet.
fn has_debug_symbols(&self) -> bool {
fn relative_address_base(&self) -> u64 {
fn entry(&self) -> u64 {
fn flags(&self) -> FileFlags {
FileFlags::Coff {
characteristics: self.header.characteristics.get(LE),
impl pe::ImageFileHeader {
/// Read the file header.
/// `data` must be the entire file data.
/// `offset` must be the file header offset. It is updated to point after the optional header,
/// which is where the section headers are located.
pub fn parse<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(data: R, offset: &mut u64) -> read::Result<&'data Self> {
let header = data
.read_error("Invalid COFF file header size or alignment")?;
// Skip over the optional header.
*offset = offset
.read_error("Invalid COFF optional header size")?;
// TODO: maybe validate that the machine is known?
/// Read the section table.
/// `data` must be the entire file data.
/// `offset` must be after the optional file header.
pub fn sections<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(
data: R,
offset: u64,
) -> read::Result<SectionTable<'data>> {
SectionTable::parse(self, data, offset)
/// Read the symbol table and string table.
/// `data` must be the entire file data.
pub fn symbols<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(
data: R,
) -> read::Result<SymbolTable<'data, R>> {
SymbolTable::parse(self, data)