blob: 215100de0a13ce0c715a193ea8f580827c5e30a1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Race-condition-like interaction between a read and a reborrow.
//! Even though no write or fake write occurs, reads have an effect on protected
//! Reserved. This is a protected-retag/read data race, but is not *detected* as
//! a data race violation because reborrows are not writes.
//! This test is sensitive to the exact schedule so we disable preemption.
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows -Zmiri-preemption-rate=0
use std::ptr::addr_of_mut;
use std::thread;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct SendPtr(*mut u8);
unsafe impl Send for SendPtr {}
// First thread is just a reborrow, but for an instant `x` is
// protected and thus vulnerable to foreign reads.
fn thread_1(x: &mut u8) -> SendPtr {
thread::yield_now(); // make the other thread go first
SendPtr(x as *mut u8)
// Second thread simply performs a read.
fn thread_2(x: &u8) {
let _val = *x;
fn main() {
let mut x = 0u8;
let x_1 = unsafe { &mut *addr_of_mut!(x) };
let xg = unsafe { &*addr_of_mut!(x) };
// The two threads are executed in parallel on aliasing pointers.
// UB occurs if the read of thread_2 occurs while the protector of thread_1
// is in place.
let hf = thread::spawn(move || thread_1(x_1));
let hg = thread::spawn(move || thread_2(xg));
let SendPtr(p) = hf.join().unwrap();
let () = hg.join().unwrap();
unsafe { *p = 1 }; //~ ERROR: /write access through .* is forbidden/