Custom attributes

The Default trait supports the following attributes:

Default enumeration

You can use derivative to derive a default implementation on enumerations! This does not work with rustc's #[derive(Default)]. All you need is to specify what variant is the default value:

# extern crate derivative;
# use derivative::Derivative;
#[derive(Debug, Derivative)]
enum Enum {

println!("{:?}", Enum::default()); // B

Setting the value of a field

You can use derivative to change the default value of a field in a Default implementation:

# extern crate derivative;
# use derivative::Derivative;
#[derive(Debug, Derivative)]
struct Foo {
    foo: u8,
    bar: u8,

println!("{:?}", Foo::default()); // Foo { foo: 0, bar: 42 }

new function

You can use derivative to derive a convenience new method for your type that calls Default::default:

# extern crate derivative;
# use derivative::Derivative;
#[derive(Debug, Derivative)]
struct Foo {
    foo: u8,
    bar: u8,

println!("{:?}", Foo::new()); // Foo { foo: 0, bar: 0 }

Custom bound

The following does not work because derive adds a T: Default bound on the impl Default for Foo<T>:

# extern crate derivative;
# use derivative::Derivative;
struct Foo<T> {
    foo: Option<T>,

struct NonDefault;

Foo::<NonDefault>::default(); // gives:
// error: no associated item named `default` found for type `Foo<NonDefault>` in the current scope
//  = note: the method `default` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied: `NonDefault : std::default::Default`

That bound however is useless as Option<T>: Default for any T. derivative allows you to explicitly specify a bound if the inferred one is not correct:

# extern crate derivative;
# use derivative::Derivative;
#[derivative(Default(bound=""))] // don't need any bound
struct Foo<T> {
    foo: Option<T>,

struct NonDefault;

Foo::<NonDefault>::default(); // works!