

cargo-doc --- Build a package's documentation


cargo doc [options]


Build the documentation for the local package and all dependencies. The output is placed in target/doc in rustdoc's usual format.


Documentation Options

Package Selection

By default, when no package selection options are given, the packages selected depend on the selected manifest file (based on the current working directory if --manifest-path is not given). If the manifest is the root of a workspace then the workspaces default members are selected, otherwise only the package defined by the manifest will be selected.

The default members of a workspace can be set explicitly with the workspace.default-members key in the root manifest. If this is not set, a virtual workspace will include all workspace members (equivalent to passing --workspace), and a non-virtual workspace will include only the root crate itself.

Target Selection

When no target selection options are given, cargo doc will document all binary and library targets of the selected package. The binary will be skipped if its name is the same as the lib target. Binaries are skipped if they have required-features that are missing.

The default behavior can be changed by setting doc = false for the target in the manifest settings. Using target selection options will ignore the doc flag and will always document the given target.

Feature Selection

The feature flags allow you to control which features are enabled. When no feature options are given, the default feature is activated for every selected package.

See the features documentation for more details.

Compilation Options

Output Options

Display Options

Manifest Options

Common Options

Miscellaneous Options


See the reference for details on environment variables that Cargo reads.


  • 0: Cargo succeeded.
  • 101: Cargo failed to complete.


  1. Build the local package documentation and its dependencies and output to target/doc.

    cargo doc


cargo(1), cargo-rustdoc(1), rustdoc(1)