

cargo-vendor --- Vendor all dependencies locally


cargo vendor [options] [path]


This cargo subcommand will vendor all and git dependencies for a project into the specified directory at <path>. After this command completes the vendor directory specified by <path> will contain all remote sources from dependencies specified. Additional manifests beyond the default one can be specified with the -s option.

The configuration necessary to use the vendored sources would be printed to stdout after cargo vendor completes the vendoring process. You will need to add or redirect it to your Cargo configuration file, which is usually .cargo/config.toml locally for the current package.


Vendor Options


{{#option “-s manifest” “--sync manifest” }} Specify an extra Cargo.toml manifest to workspaces which should also be vendored and synced to the output. May be specified multiple times. {{/option}}

{{#option “--no-delete” }} Don't delete the “vendor” directory when vendoring, but rather keep all existing contents of the vendor directory {{/option}}

{{#option “--respect-source-config” }} Instead of ignoring [source] configuration by default in .cargo/config.toml read it and use it when downloading crates from, for example {{/option}}

{{#option “--versioned-dirs” }} Normally versions are only added to disambiguate multiple versions of the same package. This option causes all directories in the “vendor” directory to be versioned, which makes it easier to track the history of vendored packages over time, and can help with the performance of re-vendoring when only a subset of the packages have changed. {{/option}}


Manifest Options


{{> options-manifest-path }}

{{> options-locked }}


Display Options


{{> options-display }}


{{> section-options-common }}

{{> section-environment }}

{{> section-exit-status }}


  1. Vendor all dependencies into a local “vendor” folder

    cargo vendor
  2. Vendor all dependencies into a local “third-party/vendor” folder

    cargo vendor third-party/vendor
  3. Vendor the current workspace as well as another to “vendor”

    cargo vendor -s ../path/to/Cargo.toml
  4. Vendor and redirect the necessary vendor configs to a config file.

    cargo vendor > path/to/my/cargo/config.toml


{{man “cargo” 1}}