
{{~*set command=“add”}} {{~*set actionverb=“Add”}} {{~*set nouns=“adds”}}


cargo-add --- Add dependencies to a Cargo.toml manifest file


cargo add [options] crate...
cargo add [options] --path path
cargo add [options] --git url [crate...]\


This command can add or modify dependencies.

The source for the dependency can be specified with:

  • crate@version: Fetch from a registry with a version constraint of “version
  • --path path: Fetch from the specified path
  • --git url: Pull from a git repo at url

If no source is specified, then a best effort will be made to select one, including:

  • Existing dependencies in other tables (like dev-dependencies)
  • Workspace members
  • Latest release in the registry

When you add a package that is already present, the existing entry will be updated with the flags specified.

Upon successful invocation, the enabled (+) and disabled (-) features of the specified dependency will be listed in the command's output.


Source options


{{#option “--git url” }} Git URL to add the specified crate from. {{/option}}

{{#option “--branch branch” }} Branch to use when adding from git. {{/option}}

{{#option “--tag tag” }} Tag to use when adding from git. {{/option}}

{{#option “--rev sha” }} Specific commit to use when adding from git. {{/option}}

{{#option “--path path” }} Filesystem path to local crate to add. {{/option}}

{{> options-registry }}


Section options


{{#option “--dev” }} Add as a development dependency. {{/option}}

{{#option “--build” }} Add as a build dependency. {{/option}}

{{#option “--target target” }} Add as a dependency to the given target platform.

To avoid unexpected shell expansions, you may use quotes around each target, e.g., --target 'cfg(unix)'. {{/option}}


Dependency options


{{#option “--dry-run” }} Don't actually write the manifest {{/option}}

{{#option “--rename name” }} Rename the dependency. {{/option}}

{{#option “--optional” }} Mark the dependency as optional. {{/option}}

{{#option “--no-optional” }} Mark the dependency as required. {{/option}}

{{#option “--no-default-features” }} Disable the default features. {{/option}}

{{#option “--default-features” }} Re-enable the default features. {{/option}}

{{#option “-F features” “--features features” }} Space or comma separated list of features to activate. When adding multiple crates, the features for a specific crate may be enabled with package-name/feature-name syntax. This flag may be specified multiple times, which enables all specified features. {{/option}}

{{#option “--ignore-rust-version” }} Ignore rust-version specification in packages.

This option is unstable and available only on the nightly channel and requires the -Z unstable-options flag to enable. See for more information. {{/option}}


Display Options

{} {{> options-display }} {{/options}}

Manifest Options

{} {{> options-manifest-path }}

{{#option “-p spec” “--package spec” }} Add dependencies to only the specified package. {{/option}}

{{> options-locked }} {{/options}}

{{> section-options-common }}

{{> section-environment }}

{{> section-exit-status }}


  1. Add regex as a dependency

    cargo add regex
  2. Add trybuild as a dev-dependency

    cargo add --dev trybuild
  3. Add an older version of nom as a dependency

    cargo add nom@5
  4. Add support for serializing data structures to json with derives

    cargo add serde serde_json -F serde/derive
  5. Add windows as a platform specific dependency on cfg(windows)

    cargo add windows --target 'cfg(windows)'


{{man “cargo” 1}}, {{man “cargo-remove” 1}}