blob: 48c9a53a283104d304ed36888e9594a8b6a1431e [file] [log] [blame]
/* global addClass, getNakedUrl, getSettingValue */
/* global onEachLazy, removeClass, searchState, browserSupportsHistoryApi, exports */
"use strict";
// polyfill
if (!Array.prototype.toSpliced) {
// Can't use arrow functions, because we want `this`
Array.prototype.toSpliced = function() {
const me = this.slice();
Array.prototype.splice.apply(me, arguments);
return me;
(function() {
// This mapping table should match the discriminants of
// `rustdoc::formats::item_type::ItemType` type in Rust.
const itemTypes = [
const longItemTypes = [
"extern crate",
"type alias",
"trait method",
"struct field",
"enum variant",
"primitive type",
"assoc type",
"assoc const",
"foreign type",
"existential type",
"attribute macro",
"derive macro",
"trait alias",
// used for special search precedence
const TY_PRIMITIVE = itemTypes.indexOf("primitive");
const TY_KEYWORD = itemTypes.indexOf("keyword");
const TY_GENERIC = itemTypes.indexOf("generic");
const ROOT_PATH = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.rootPath : "../";
function hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(obj, property) {
return, property);
// In the search display, allows to switch between tabs.
function printTab(nb) {
let iter = 0;
let foundCurrentTab = false;
let foundCurrentResultSet = false;
onEachLazy(document.getElementById("search-tabs").childNodes, elem => {
if (nb === iter) {
addClass(elem, "selected");
foundCurrentTab = true;
} else {
removeClass(elem, "selected");
iter += 1;
const isTypeSearch = (nb > 0 || iter === 1);
iter = 0;
onEachLazy(document.getElementById("results").childNodes, elem => {
if (nb === iter) {
addClass(elem, "active");
foundCurrentResultSet = true;
} else {
removeClass(elem, "active");
iter += 1;
if (foundCurrentTab && foundCurrentResultSet) {
searchState.currentTab = nb;
// Corrections only kick in on type-based searches.
const correctionsElem = document.getElementsByClassName("search-corrections");
if (isTypeSearch) {
removeClass(correctionsElem[0], "hidden");
} else {
addClass(correctionsElem[0], "hidden");
} else if (nb !== 0) {
* The [edit distance] is a metric for measuring the difference between two strings.
* [edit distance]:
* This function was translated, mostly line-for-line, from
* The current implementation is the restricted Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm. It is restricted
* because it does not permit modifying characters that have already been transposed. The specific
* algorithm should not matter to the caller of the methods, which is why it is not noted in the
* documentation.
const editDistanceState = {
current: [],
prev: [],
prevPrev: [],
calculate: function calculate(a, b, limit) {
// Ensure that `b` is the shorter string, minimizing memory use.
if (a.length < b.length) {
const aTmp = a;
a = b;
b = aTmp;
const minDist = a.length - b.length;
// If we know the limit will be exceeded, we can return early.
if (minDist > limit) {
return limit + 1;
// Strip common prefix.
// We know that `b` is the shorter string, so we don't need to check
// `a.length`.
while (b.length > 0 && b[0] === a[0]) {
a = a.substring(1);
b = b.substring(1);
// Strip common suffix.
while (b.length > 0 && b[b.length - 1] === a[a.length - 1]) {
a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1);
b = b.substring(0, b.length - 1);
// If either string is empty, the distance is the length of the other.
// We know that `b` is the shorter string, so we don't need to check `a`.
if (b.length === 0) {
return minDist;
const aLength = a.length;
const bLength = b.length;
for (let i = 0; i <= bLength; ++i) {
this.current[i] = 0;
this.prev[i] = i;
this.prevPrev[i] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// row by row
for (let i = 1; i <= aLength; ++i) {
this.current[0] = i;
const aIdx = i - 1;
// column by column
for (let j = 1; j <= bLength; ++j) {
const bIdx = j - 1;
// There is no cost to substitute a character with itself.
const substitutionCost = a[aIdx] === b[bIdx] ? 0 : 1;
this.current[j] = Math.min(
// deletion
this.prev[j] + 1,
// insertion
this.current[j - 1] + 1,
// substitution
this.prev[j - 1] + substitutionCost
if ((i > 1) && (j > 1) && (a[aIdx] === b[bIdx - 1]) && (a[aIdx - 1] === b[bIdx])) {
// transposition
this.current[j] = Math.min(
this.prevPrev[j - 2] + 1
// Rotate the buffers, reusing the memory
const prevPrevTmp = this.prevPrev;
this.prevPrev = this.prev;
this.prev = this.current;
this.current = prevPrevTmp;
// `prev` because we already rotated the buffers.
const distance = this.prev[bLength];
return distance <= limit ? distance : (limit + 1);
function editDistance(a, b, limit) {
return editDistanceState.calculate(a, b, limit);
function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
const MAX_RESULTS = 200;
const NO_TYPE_FILTER = -1;
* @type {Array<Row>}
let searchIndex;
let currentResults;
* Map from normalized type names to integers. Used to make type search
* more efficient.
* @type {Map<string, integer>}
let typeNameIdMap;
const ALIASES = new Map();
* Special type name IDs for searching by array.
let typeNameIdOfArray;
* Special type name IDs for searching by slice.
let typeNameIdOfSlice;
* Special type name IDs for searching by both array and slice (`[]` syntax).
let typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice;
* Add an item to the type Name->ID map, or, if one already exists, use it.
* Returns the number. If name is "" or null, return null (pure generic).
* This is effectively string interning, so that function matching can be
* done more quickly. Two types with the same name but different item kinds
* get the same ID.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {integer}
function buildTypeMapIndex(name) {
if (name === "" || name === null) {
return null;
if (typeNameIdMap.has(name)) {
return typeNameIdMap.get(name);
} else {
const id = typeNameIdMap.size;
typeNameIdMap.set(name, id);
return id;
function isWhitespace(c) {
return " \t\n\r".indexOf(c) !== -1;
function isSpecialStartCharacter(c) {
return "<\"".indexOf(c) !== -1;
function isEndCharacter(c) {
return ",>-]".indexOf(c) !== -1;
function isStopCharacter(c) {
return isEndCharacter(c);
function isErrorCharacter(c) {
return "()".indexOf(c) !== -1;
function itemTypeFromName(typename) {
const index = itemTypes.findIndex(i => i === typename);
if (index < 0) {
throw ["Unknown type filter ", typename];
return index;
* If we encounter a `"`, then we try to extract the string from it until we find another `"`.
* This function will throw an error in the following cases:
* * There is already another string element.
* * We are parsing a generic argument.
* * There is more than one element.
* * There is no closing `"`.
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @param {boolean} isInGenerics
function getStringElem(query, parserState, isInGenerics) {
if (isInGenerics) {
throw ["Unexpected ", "\"", " in generics"];
} else if (query.literalSearch) {
throw ["Cannot have more than one literal search element"];
} else if (parserState.totalElems - parserState.genericsElems > 0) {
throw ["Cannot use literal search when there is more than one element"];
parserState.pos += 1;
const start = parserState.pos;
const end = getIdentEndPosition(parserState);
if (parserState.pos >= parserState.length) {
throw ["Unclosed ", "\""];
} else if (parserState.userQuery[end] !== "\"") {
throw ["Unexpected ", parserState.userQuery[end], " in a string element"];
} else if (start === end) {
throw ["Cannot have empty string element"];
// To skip the quote at the end.
parserState.pos += 1;
query.literalSearch = true;
* Returns `true` if the current parser position is starting with "::".
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @return {boolean}
function isPathStart(parserState) {
return parserState.userQuery.slice(parserState.pos, parserState.pos + 2) === "::";
* Returns `true` if the current parser position is starting with "->".
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @return {boolean}
function isReturnArrow(parserState) {
return parserState.userQuery.slice(parserState.pos, parserState.pos + 2) === "->";
* Returns `true` if the given `c` character is valid for an ident.
* @param {string} c
* @return {boolean}
function isIdentCharacter(c) {
return (
c === "_" ||
(c >= "0" && c <= "9") ||
(c >= "a" && c <= "z") ||
(c >= "A" && c <= "Z"));
* Returns `true` if the given `c` character is a separator.
* @param {string} c
* @return {boolean}
function isSeparatorCharacter(c) {
return c === ",";
* Returns `true` if the given `c` character is a path separator. For example
* `:` in `a::b` or a whitespace in `a b`.
* @param {string} c
* @return {boolean}
function isPathSeparator(c) {
return c === ":" || isWhitespace(c);
* Returns `true` if the previous character is `lookingFor`.
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @param {String} lookingFor
* @return {boolean}
function prevIs(parserState, lookingFor) {
let pos = parserState.pos;
while (pos > 0) {
const c = parserState.userQuery[pos - 1];
if (c === lookingFor) {
return true;
} else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
pos -= 1;
return false;
* Returns `true` if the last element in the `elems` argument has generics.
* @param {Array<QueryElement>} elems
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @return {boolean}
function isLastElemGeneric(elems, parserState) {
return (elems.length > 0 && elems[elems.length - 1].generics.length > 0) ||
prevIs(parserState, ">");
* Increase current parser position until it doesn't find a whitespace anymore.
* @param {ParserState} parserState
function skipWhitespace(parserState) {
while (parserState.pos < parserState.userQuery.length) {
const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
parserState.pos += 1;
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @param {string} name - Name of the query element.
* @param {Array<QueryElement>} generics - List of generics of this query element.
* @return {QueryElement} - The newly created `QueryElement`.
function createQueryElement(query, parserState, name, generics, isInGenerics) {
const path = name.trim();
if (path.length === 0 && generics.length === 0) {
throw ["Unexpected ", parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos]];
} else if (path === "*") {
throw ["Unexpected ", "*"];
if (query.literalSearch && parserState.totalElems - parserState.genericsElems > 0) {
throw ["Cannot have more than one element if you use quotes"];
const typeFilter = parserState.typeFilter;
parserState.typeFilter = null;
if (name === "!") {
if (typeFilter !== null && typeFilter !== "primitive") {
throw [
"Invalid search type: primitive never type ",
" and ",
" both specified",
if (generics.length !== 0) {
throw [
"Never type ",
" does not accept generic parameters",
return {
name: "never",
id: null,
fullPath: ["never"],
pathWithoutLast: [],
pathLast: "never",
generics: [],
typeFilter: "primitive",
if (path.startsWith("::")) {
throw ["Paths cannot start with ", "::"];
} else if (path.endsWith("::")) {
throw ["Paths cannot end with ", "::"];
} else if (path.includes("::::")) {
throw ["Unexpected ", "::::"];
} else if (path.includes(" ::")) {
throw ["Unexpected ", " ::"];
} else if (path.includes(":: ")) {
throw ["Unexpected ", ":: "];
const pathSegments = path.split(/::|\s+/);
// In case we only have something like `<p>`, there is no name.
if (pathSegments.length === 0 || (pathSegments.length === 1 && pathSegments[0] === "")) {
if (generics.length > 0 || prevIs(parserState, ">")) {
throw ["Found generics without a path"];
} else {
throw ["Unexpected ", parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos]];
for (const [i, pathSegment] of pathSegments.entries()) {
if (pathSegment === "!") {
if (i !== 0) {
throw ["Never type ", "!", " is not associated item"];
pathSegments[i] = "never";
parserState.totalElems += 1;
if (isInGenerics) {
parserState.genericsElems += 1;
return {
name: name.trim(),
id: null,
fullPath: pathSegments,
pathWithoutLast: pathSegments.slice(0, pathSegments.length - 1),
pathLast: pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1],
generics: generics,
* This function goes through all characters until it reaches an invalid ident character or the
* end of the query. It returns the position of the last character of the ident.
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @return {integer}
function getIdentEndPosition(parserState) {
const start = parserState.pos;
let end = parserState.pos;
let foundExclamation = -1;
while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
if (!isIdentCharacter(c)) {
if (c === "!") {
if (foundExclamation !== -1) {
throw ["Cannot have more than one ", "!", " in an ident"];
} else if (parserState.pos + 1 < parserState.length &&
isIdentCharacter(parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos + 1])
) {
throw ["Unexpected ", "!", ": it can only be at the end of an ident"];
foundExclamation = parserState.pos;
} else if (isErrorCharacter(c)) {
throw ["Unexpected ", c];
} else if (isPathSeparator(c)) {
if (c === ":") {
if (!isPathStart(parserState)) {
// Skip current ":".
parserState.pos += 1;
} else {
while (parserState.pos + 1 < parserState.length) {
const next_c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos + 1];
if (!isWhitespace(next_c)) {
parserState.pos += 1;
if (foundExclamation !== -1) {
if (foundExclamation !== start &&
isIdentCharacter(parserState.userQuery[foundExclamation - 1])
) {
throw ["Cannot have associated items in macros"];
} else {
// while the never type has no associated macros, we still
// can parse a path like that
foundExclamation = -1;
} else if (
c === "[" ||
isStopCharacter(c) ||
isSpecialStartCharacter(c) ||
) {
} else {
throw ["Unexpected ", c];
parserState.pos += 1;
end = parserState.pos;
// if start == end - 1, we got the never type
if (foundExclamation !== -1 &&
foundExclamation !== start &&
isIdentCharacter(parserState.userQuery[foundExclamation - 1])
) {
if (parserState.typeFilter === null) {
parserState.typeFilter = "macro";
} else if (parserState.typeFilter !== "macro") {
throw [
"Invalid search type: macro ",
" and ",
" both specified",
end = foundExclamation;
return end;
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @param {Array<QueryElement>} elems - This is where the new {QueryElement} will be added.
* @param {boolean} isInGenerics
function getNextElem(query, parserState, elems, isInGenerics) {
const generics = [];
let start = parserState.pos;
let end;
if (parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos] === "[") {
parserState.pos += 1;
getItemsBefore(query, parserState, generics, "]");
const typeFilter = parserState.typeFilter;
if (typeFilter !== null && typeFilter !== "primitive") {
throw [
"Invalid search type: primitive ",
" and ",
" both specified",
parserState.typeFilter = null;
parserState.totalElems += 1;
if (isInGenerics) {
parserState.genericsElems += 1;
name: "[]",
id: null,
fullPath: ["[]"],
pathWithoutLast: [],
pathLast: "[]",
typeFilter: "primitive",
} else {
const isStringElem = parserState.userQuery[start] === "\"";
// We handle the strings on their own mostly to make code easier to follow.
if (isStringElem) {
start += 1;
getStringElem(query, parserState, isInGenerics);
end = parserState.pos - 1;
} else {
end = getIdentEndPosition(parserState);
if (parserState.pos < parserState.length &&
parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos] === "<"
) {
if (start >= end) {
throw ["Found generics without a path"];
parserState.pos += 1;
getItemsBefore(query, parserState, generics, ">");
if (isStringElem) {
if (start >= end && generics.length === 0) {
parserState.userQuery.slice(start, end),
* This function parses the next query element until it finds `endChar`, calling `getNextElem`
* to collect each element.
* If there is no `endChar`, this function will implicitly stop at the end without raising an
* error.
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {ParserState} parserState
* @param {Array<QueryElement>} elems - This is where the new {QueryElement} will be added.
* @param {string} endChar - This function will stop when it'll encounter this
* character.
function getItemsBefore(query, parserState, elems, endChar) {
let foundStopChar = true;
let start = parserState.pos;
// If this is a generic, keep the outer item's type filter around.
const oldTypeFilter = parserState.typeFilter;
parserState.typeFilter = null;
let extra = "";
if (endChar === ">") {
extra = "<";
} else if (endChar === "]") {
extra = "[";
} else if (endChar === "") {
extra = "->";
} else {
extra = endChar;
while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
if (c === endChar) {
} else if (isSeparatorCharacter(c)) {
parserState.pos += 1;
foundStopChar = true;
} else if (c === ":" && isPathStart(parserState)) {
throw ["Unexpected ", "::", ": paths cannot start with ", "::"];
} else if (c === ":") {
if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
throw ["Unexpected ", ":"];
if (elems.length === 0) {
throw ["Expected type filter before ", ":"];
} else if (query.literalSearch) {
throw ["Cannot use quotes on type filter"];
// The type filter doesn't count as an element since it's a modifier.
const typeFilterElem = elems.pop();
checkExtraTypeFilterCharacters(start, parserState);
parserState.typeFilter =;
parserState.pos += 1;
parserState.totalElems -= 1;
query.literalSearch = false;
foundStopChar = true;
} else if (isEndCharacter(c)) {
throw ["Unexpected ", c, " after ", extra];
if (!foundStopChar) {
let extra = [];
if (isLastElemGeneric(query.elems, parserState)) {
extra = [" after ", ">"];
} else if (prevIs(parserState, "\"")) {
throw ["Cannot have more than one element if you use quotes"];
if (endChar !== "") {
throw [
"Expected ",
" or ",
", found ",
throw [
"Expected ",
", found ",
const posBefore = parserState.pos;
start = parserState.pos;
getNextElem(query, parserState, elems, endChar !== "");
if (endChar !== "" && parserState.pos >= parserState.length) {
throw ["Unclosed ", extra];
// This case can be encountered if `getNextElem` encountered a "stop character" right
// from the start. For example if you have `,,` or `<>`. In this case, we simply move up
// the current position to continue the parsing.
if (posBefore === parserState.pos) {
parserState.pos += 1;
foundStopChar = false;
if (parserState.pos >= parserState.length && endChar !== "") {
throw ["Unclosed ", extra];
// We are either at the end of the string or on the `endChar` character, let's move forward
// in any case.
parserState.pos += 1;
parserState.typeFilter = oldTypeFilter;
* Checks that the type filter doesn't have unwanted characters like `<>` (which are ignored
* if empty).
* @param {ParserState} parserState
function checkExtraTypeFilterCharacters(start, parserState) {
const query = parserState.userQuery.slice(start, parserState.pos).trim();
for (const c in query) {
if (!isIdentCharacter(query[c])) {
throw [
"Unexpected ",
" in type filter (before ",
* Parses the provided `query` input to fill `parserState`. If it encounters an error while
* parsing `query`, it'll throw an error.
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {ParserState} parserState
function parseInput(query, parserState) {
let foundStopChar = true;
let start = parserState.pos;
while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
const c = parserState.userQuery[parserState.pos];
if (isStopCharacter(c)) {
foundStopChar = true;
if (isSeparatorCharacter(c)) {
parserState.pos += 1;
} else if (c === "-" || c === ">") {
if (isReturnArrow(parserState)) {
throw ["Unexpected ", c, " (did you mean ", "->", "?)"];
throw ["Unexpected ", c];
} else if (c === ":" && !isPathStart(parserState)) {
if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
throw [
"Unexpected ",
" (expected path after type filter ",
parserState.typeFilter + ":",
} else if (query.elems.length === 0) {
throw ["Expected type filter before ", ":"];
} else if (query.literalSearch) {
throw ["Cannot use quotes on type filter"];
// The type filter doesn't count as an element since it's a modifier.
const typeFilterElem = query.elems.pop();
checkExtraTypeFilterCharacters(start, parserState);
parserState.typeFilter =;
parserState.pos += 1;
parserState.totalElems -= 1;
query.literalSearch = false;
foundStopChar = true;
} else if (isWhitespace(c)) {
if (!foundStopChar) {
let extra = "";
if (isLastElemGeneric(query.elems, parserState)) {
extra = [" after ", ">"];
} else if (prevIs(parserState, "\"")) {
throw ["Cannot have more than one element if you use quotes"];
if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
throw [
"Expected ",
" or ",
", found ",
throw [
"Expected ",
", ",
" or ",
", found ",
const before = query.elems.length;
start = parserState.pos;
getNextElem(query, parserState, query.elems, false);
if (query.elems.length === before) {
// Nothing was added, weird... Let's increase the position to not remain stuck.
parserState.pos += 1;
foundStopChar = false;
if (parserState.typeFilter !== null) {
throw [
"Unexpected ",
" (expected path after type filter ",
parserState.typeFilter + ":",
while (parserState.pos < parserState.length) {
if (isReturnArrow(parserState)) {
parserState.pos += 2;
// Get returned elements.
getItemsBefore(query, parserState, query.returned, "");
// Nothing can come afterward!
if (query.returned.length === 0) {
throw ["Expected at least one item after ", "->"];
} else {
parserState.pos += 1;
* Takes the user search input and returns an empty `ParsedQuery`.
* @param {string} userQuery
* @return {ParsedQuery}
function newParsedQuery(userQuery) {
return {
original: userQuery,
userQuery: userQuery.toLowerCase(),
elems: [],
returned: [],
// Total number of "top" elements (does not include generics).
foundElems: 0,
// Total number of elements (includes generics).
totalElems: 0,
literalSearch: false,
error: null,
correction: null,
proposeCorrectionFrom: null,
proposeCorrectionTo: null,
* Build an URL with search parameters.
* @param {string} search - The current search being performed.
* @param {string|null} filterCrates - The current filtering crate (if any).
* @return {string}
function buildUrl(search, filterCrates) {
let extra = "?search=" + encodeURIComponent(search);
if (filterCrates !== null) {
extra += "&filter-crate=" + encodeURIComponent(filterCrates);
return getNakedUrl() + extra + window.location.hash;
* Return the filtering crate or `null` if there is none.
* @return {string|null}
function getFilterCrates() {
const elem = document.getElementById("crate-search");
if (elem &&
elem.value !== "all crates" &&
hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, elem.value)
) {
return elem.value;
return null;
* Parses the query.
* The supported syntax by this parser is given in the rustdoc book chapter
* /src/doc/rustdoc/src/read-documentation/
* When adding new things to the parser, add them there, too!
* @param {string} val - The user query
* @return {ParsedQuery} - The parsed query
function parseQuery(userQuery) {
function convertTypeFilterOnElem(elem) {
if (elem.typeFilter !== null) {
let typeFilter = elem.typeFilter;
if (typeFilter === "const") {
typeFilter = "constant";
elem.typeFilter = itemTypeFromName(typeFilter);
} else {
elem.typeFilter = NO_TYPE_FILTER;
for (const elem2 of elem.generics) {
userQuery = userQuery.trim();
const parserState = {
length: userQuery.length,
pos: 0,
// Total number of elements (includes generics).
totalElems: 0,
genericsElems: 0,
typeFilter: null,
userQuery: userQuery.toLowerCase(),
let query = newParsedQuery(userQuery);
try {
parseInput(query, parserState);
for (const elem of query.elems) {
for (const elem of query.returned) {
} catch (err) {
query = newParsedQuery(userQuery);
query.error = err;
return query;
if (!query.literalSearch) {
// If there is more than one element in the query, we switch to literalSearch in any
// case.
query.literalSearch = parserState.totalElems > 1;
query.foundElems = query.elems.length + query.returned.length;
query.totalElems = parserState.totalElems;
return query;
* Creates the query results.
* @param {Array<Result>} results_in_args
* @param {Array<Result>} results_returned
* @param {Array<Result>} results_others
* @param {ParsedQuery} parsedQuery
* @return {ResultsTable}
function createQueryResults(results_in_args, results_returned, results_others, parsedQuery) {
return {
"in_args": results_in_args,
"returned": results_returned,
"others": results_others,
"query": parsedQuery,
* Executes the parsed query and builds a {ResultsTable}.
* @param {ParsedQuery} parsedQuery - The parsed user query
* @param {Object} searchWords - The list of search words to query against
* @param {Object} [filterCrates] - Crate to search in if defined
* @param {Object} [currentCrate] - Current crate, to rank results from this crate higher
* @return {ResultsTable}
function execQuery(parsedQuery, searchWords, filterCrates, currentCrate) {
const results_others = new Map(), results_in_args = new Map(),
results_returned = new Map();
* Add extra data to result objects, and filter items that have been
* marked for removal.
* @param {[ResultObject]} results
* @returns {[ResultObject]}
function transformResults(results) {
const duplicates = new Set();
const out = [];
for (const result of results) {
if ( !== -1) {
const obj = searchIndex[];
obj.dist = result.dist;
const res = buildHrefAndPath(obj);
obj.displayPath = pathSplitter(res[0]);
obj.fullPath = obj.displayPath +;
// To be sure than it some items aren't considered as duplicate.
obj.fullPath += "|" + obj.ty;
if (duplicates.has(obj.fullPath)) {
obj.href = res[1];
if (out.length >= MAX_RESULTS) {
return out;
* This function takes a result map, and sorts it by various criteria, including edit
* distance, substring match, and the crate it comes from.
* @param {Results} results
* @param {boolean} isType
* @param {string} preferredCrate
* @returns {[ResultObject]}
function sortResults(results, isType, preferredCrate) {
// if there are no results then return to default and fail
if (results.size === 0) {
return [];
const userQuery = parsedQuery.userQuery;
const result_list = [];
for (const result of results.values()) {
result.word = searchWords[];
result.item = searchIndex[] || {};
result_list.sort((aaa, bbb) => {
let a, b;
// sort by exact match with regard to the last word (mismatch goes later)
a = (aaa.word !== userQuery);
b = (bbb.word !== userQuery);
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by index of keyword in item name (no literal occurrence goes later)
a = (aaa.index < 0);
b = (bbb.index < 0);
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// Sort by distance in the path part, if specified
// (less changes required to match means higher rankings)
a = aaa.path_dist;
b = bbb.path_dist;
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// (later literal occurrence, if any, goes later)
a = aaa.index;
b = bbb.index;
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// Sort by distance in the name part, the last part of the path
// (less changes required to match means higher rankings)
a = (aaa.dist);
b = (bbb.dist);
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort deprecated items later
a = aaa.item.deprecated;
b = bbb.item.deprecated;
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by crate (current crate comes first)
a = (aaa.item.crate !== preferredCrate);
b = (bbb.item.crate !== preferredCrate);
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by item name length (longer goes later)
a = aaa.word.length;
b = bbb.word.length;
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by item name (lexicographically larger goes later)
a = aaa.word;
b = bbb.word;
if (a !== b) {
return (a > b ? +1 : -1);
// special precedence for primitive and keyword pages
if ((aaa.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE && bbb.item.ty !== TY_KEYWORD) ||
(aaa.item.ty === TY_KEYWORD && bbb.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE)) {
return -1;
if ((bbb.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE && aaa.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE) ||
(bbb.item.ty === TY_KEYWORD && aaa.item.ty !== TY_KEYWORD)) {
return 1;
// sort by description (no description goes later)
a = (aaa.item.desc === "");
b = (bbb.item.desc === "");
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by type (later occurrence in `itemTypes` goes later)
a = aaa.item.ty;
b = bbb.item.ty;
if (a !== b) {
return a - b;
// sort by path (lexicographically larger goes later)
a = aaa.item.path;
b = bbb.item.path;
if (a !== b) {
return (a > b ? +1 : -1);
// que sera, sera
return 0;
let nameSplit = null;
if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
const hasPath = typeof parsedQuery.elems[0].path === "undefined";
nameSplit = hasPath ? null : parsedQuery.elems[0].path;
for (const result of result_list) {
// this validation does not make sense when searching by types
if (result.dontValidate) {
const name =,
path = result.item.path.toLowerCase(),
parent = result.item.parent;
if (!isType && !validateResult(name, path, nameSplit, parent)) { = -1;
return transformResults(result_list);
* This function checks generics in search query `queryElem` can all be found in the
* search index (`fnType`),
* This function returns `true` if it matches, and also writes the results to mgensInout.
* It returns `false` if no match is found, and leaves mgensInout untouched.
* @param {FunctionType} fnType - The object to check.
* @param {QueryElement} queryElem - The element from the parsed query.
* @param {[FunctionType]} whereClause - Trait bounds for generic items.
* @param {Map<number,number>|null} mgensInout - Map functions generics to query generics.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if a match, false otherwise.
function checkGenerics(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgensInout) {
return unifyFunctionTypes(
mgens => {
if (mgensInout) {
for (const [fid, qid] of mgens.entries()) {
mgensInout.set(fid, qid);
return true;
* This function checks if a list of search query `queryElems` can all be found in the
* search index (`fnTypes`).
* This function returns `true` on a match, or `false` if none. If `solutionCb` is
* supplied, it will call that function with mgens, and that callback can accept or
* reject the result bu returning `true` or `false`. If the callback returns false,
* then this function will try with a different solution, or bail with false if it
* runs out of candidates.
* @param {Array<FunctionType>} fnTypes - The objects to check.
* @param {Array<QueryElement>} queryElems - The elements from the parsed query.
* @param {[FunctionType]} whereClause - Trait bounds for generic items.
* @param {Map<number,number>|null} mgensIn
* - Map functions generics to query generics (never modified).
* @param {null|Map<number,number> -> bool} solutionCb - Called for each `mgens` solution.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if a match, false otherwise.
function unifyFunctionTypes(fnTypesIn, queryElems, whereClause, mgensIn, solutionCb) {
* @type Map<integer, integer>
let mgens = new Map(mgensIn);
if (queryElems.length === 0) {
return !solutionCb || solutionCb(mgens);
if (!fnTypesIn || fnTypesIn.length === 0) {
return false;
const ql = queryElems.length;
let fl = fnTypesIn.length;
* @type Array<FunctionType>
let fnTypes = fnTypesIn.slice();
* loop works by building up a solution set in the working arrays
* fnTypes gets mutated in place to make this work, while queryElems
* is left alone
* vvvvvvv `i` points here
* queryElems = [ good, good, good, unknown, unknown ],
* fnTypes = [ good, good, good, unknown, unknown ],
* ---------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `j` iterates after `i`,
* | looking for candidates
* everything before `i` is the
* current working solution
* Everything in the current working solution is known to be a good
* match, but it might not be the match we wind up going with, because
* there might be more than one candidate match, and we need to try them all
* before giving up. So, to handle this, it backtracks on failure.
* @type Array<{
* "fnTypesScratch": Array<FunctionType>,
* "queryElemsOffset": integer,
* "fnTypesOffset": integer
* }>
const backtracking = [];
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
const backtrack = () => {
while (backtracking.length !== 0) {
// this session failed, but there are other possible solutions
// to backtrack, reset to (a copy of) the old array, do the swap or unboxing
const {
} = backtracking.pop();
mgens = new Map(mgensScratch);
const fnType = fnTypesScratch[fnTypesOffset];
const queryElem = queryElems[queryElemsOffset];
if (unbox) {
if ( < 0) {
if (mgens.has( && mgens.get( !== 0) {
mgens.set(, 0);
const generics = < 0 ?
whereClause[( - 1] :
fnTypes = fnTypesScratch.toSpliced(fnTypesOffset, 1, ...generics);
fl = fnTypes.length;
// re-run the matching algorithm on this item
i = queryElemsOffset - 1;
} else {
if ( < 0) {
if (mgens.has( && mgens.get( !== {
fnTypes = fnTypesScratch.slice();
fl = fnTypes.length;
const tmp = fnTypes[queryElemsOffset];
fnTypes[queryElemsOffset] = fnTypes[fnTypesOffset];
fnTypes[fnTypesOffset] = tmp;
// this is known as a good match; go to the next one
i = queryElemsOffset;
return true;
return false;
for (i = 0; i !== ql; ++i) {
const queryElem = queryElems[i];
* list of potential function types that go with the current query element.
* @type Array<integer>
const matchCandidates = [];
let fnTypesScratch = null;
let mgensScratch = null;
// don't try anything before `i`, because they've already been
// paired off with the other query elements
for (j = i; j !== fl; ++j) {
const fnType = fnTypes[j];
if (unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
if (!fnTypesScratch) {
fnTypesScratch = fnTypes.slice();
mgensScratch => {
queryElemsOffset: i,
fnTypesOffset: j,
unbox: false,
return false; // "reject" all candidates to gather all of them
if (unifyFunctionTypeIsUnboxCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
if (!fnTypesScratch) {
fnTypesScratch = fnTypes.slice();
if (!mgensScratch) {
mgensScratch = new Map(mgens);
queryElemsOffset: i,
fnTypesOffset: j,
unbox: true,
if (matchCandidates.length === 0) {
if (backtrack()) {
} else {
return false;
// use the current candidate
const {fnTypesOffset: candidate, mgensScratch: mgensNew} = matchCandidates.pop();
if (fnTypes[candidate].id < 0 && queryElems[i].id < 0) {
mgens.set(fnTypes[candidate].id, queryElems[i].id);
for (const [fid, qid] of mgensNew) {
mgens.set(fid, qid);
// `i` and `j` are paired off
// `queryElems[i]` is left in place
// `fnTypes[j]` is swapped with `fnTypes[i]` to pair them off
const tmp = fnTypes[candidate];
fnTypes[candidate] = fnTypes[i];
fnTypes[i] = tmp;
// write other candidates to backtracking queue
for (const otherCandidate of matchCandidates) {
// If we're on the last item, check the solution with the callback
// backtrack if the callback says its unsuitable
while (i === (ql - 1) && solutionCb && !solutionCb(mgens)) {
if (!backtrack()) {
return false;
return true;
function unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens) {
// type filters look like `trait:Read` or `enum:Result`
if (!typePassesFilter(queryElem.typeFilter, fnType.ty)) {
return false;
// < 0 means generic
// < 0 does too
// mgens[] =
// or, if mgens[] = 0, then we've matched this generic with a bare trait
// and should make that same decision everywhere it appears
if ( < 0 && < 0) {
if (mgens.has( && mgens.get( !== {
return false;
for (const [fid, qid] of mgens.entries()) {
if ( !== fid && === qid) {
return false;
if ( === fid && !== qid) {
return false;
} else {
if ( === typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice &&
( === typeNameIdOfSlice || === typeNameIdOfArray)
) {
// [] matches primitive:array or primitive:slice
// if it matches, then we're fine, and this is an appropriate match candidate
} else if ( !== {
return false;
// If the query elem has generics, and the function doesn't,
// it can't match.
if (fnType.generics.length === 0 && queryElem.generics.length !== 0) {
return false;
// If the query element is a path (it contains `::`), we need to check if this
// path is compatible with the target type.
const queryElemPathLength = queryElem.pathWithoutLast.length;
if (queryElemPathLength > 0) {
const fnTypePath = fnType.path !== undefined && fnType.path !== null ?
fnType.path.split("::") : [];
// If the path provided in the query element is longer than this type,
// no need to check it since it won't match in any case.
if (queryElemPathLength > fnTypePath.length) {
return false;
let i = 0;
for (const path of fnTypePath) {
if (path === queryElem.pathWithoutLast[i]) {
i += 1;
if (i >= queryElemPathLength) {
if (i < queryElemPathLength) {
// If we didn't find all parts of the path of the query element inside
// the fn type, then it's not the right one.
return false;
return true;
function unifyFunctionTypeIsUnboxCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens) {
if ( < 0 && >= 0) {
if (!whereClause) {
return false;
// mgens[] === 0 indicates that we committed to unboxing this generic
// mgens[] === null indicates that we haven't decided yet
if (mgens.has( && mgens.get( !== 0) {
return false;
// This is only a potential unbox if the search query appears in the where clause
// for example, searching `Read -> usize` should find
// `fn read_all<R: Read>(R) -> Result<usize>`
// generic `R` is considered "unboxed"
return checkIfInList(whereClause[( - 1], queryElem, whereClause);
} else if (fnType.generics && fnType.generics.length > 0) {
return checkIfInList(fnType.generics, queryElem, whereClause);
return false;
* This function checks if the object (`row`) matches the given type (`elem`) and its
* generics (if any).
* @param {Array<FunctionType>} list
* @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
* @param {[FunctionType]} whereClause - Trait bounds for generic items.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if found, false otherwise.
function checkIfInList(list, elem, whereClause) {
for (const entry of list) {
if (checkType(entry, elem, whereClause)) {
return true;
return false;
* This function checks if the object (`row`) matches the given type (`elem`) and its
* generics (if any).
* @param {Row} row
* @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
* @param {[FunctionType]} whereClause - Trait bounds for generic items.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if the type matches, false otherwise.
function checkType(row, elem, whereClause) {
if ( === null) {
// This is a pure "generic" search, no need to run other checks.
return row.generics.length > 0
? checkIfInList(row.generics, elem, whereClause)
: false;
if ( < 0 && >= 0) {
const gid = ( - 1;
return checkIfInList(whereClause[gid], elem, whereClause);
if ( < 0 && < 0) {
return true;
const matchesExact = ===;
const matchesArrayOrSlice = === typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice &&
( === typeNameIdOfSlice || === typeNameIdOfArray);
if ((matchesExact || matchesArrayOrSlice) &&
typePassesFilter(elem.typeFilter, row.ty)) {
if (elem.generics.length > 0) {
return checkGenerics(row, elem, whereClause, new Map());
return true;
// If the current item does not match, try [unboxing] the generic.
// [unboxing]:
return checkIfInList(row.generics, elem, whereClause);
function checkPath(contains, ty, maxEditDistance) {
if (contains.length === 0) {
return 0;
let ret_dist = maxEditDistance + 1;
const path = ty.path.split("::");
if (ty.parent && {
const length = path.length;
const clength = contains.length;
if (clength > length) {
return maxEditDistance + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (i + clength > length) {
let dist_total = 0;
let aborted = false;
for (let x = 0; x < clength; ++x) {
const dist = editDistance(path[i + x], contains[x], maxEditDistance);
if (dist > maxEditDistance) {
aborted = true;
dist_total += dist;
if (!aborted) {
ret_dist = Math.min(ret_dist, Math.round(dist_total / clength));
return ret_dist;
function typePassesFilter(filter, type) {
// No filter or Exact mach
if (filter <= NO_TYPE_FILTER || filter === type) return true;
// Match related items
const name = itemTypes[type];
switch (itemTypes[filter]) {
case "constant":
return name === "associatedconstant";
case "fn":
return name === "method" || name === "tymethod";
case "type":
return name === "primitive" || name === "associatedtype";
case "trait":
return name === "traitalias";
// No match
return false;
function createAliasFromItem(item) {
return {
crate: item.crate,
path: item.path,
desc: item.desc,
ty: item.ty,
parent: item.parent,
type: item.type,
is_alias: true,
deprecated: item.deprecated,
implDisambiguator: item.implDisambiguator,
function handleAliases(ret, query, filterCrates, currentCrate) {
const lowerQuery = query.toLowerCase();
// We separate aliases and crate aliases because we want to have current crate
// aliases to be before the others in the displayed results.
const aliases = [];
const crateAliases = [];
if (filterCrates !== null) {
if (ALIASES.has(filterCrates) && ALIASES.get(filterCrates).has(lowerQuery)) {
const query_aliases = ALIASES.get(filterCrates).get(lowerQuery);
for (const alias of query_aliases) {
} else {
for (const [crate, crateAliasesIndex] of ALIASES) {
if (crateAliasesIndex.has(lowerQuery)) {
const pushTo = crate === currentCrate ? crateAliases : aliases;
const query_aliases = crateAliasesIndex.get(lowerQuery);
for (const alias of query_aliases) {
const sortFunc = (aaa, bbb) => {
if (aaa.path < bbb.path) {
return 1;
} else if (aaa.path === bbb.path) {
return 0;
return -1;
const pushFunc = alias => {
alias.alias = query;
const res = buildHrefAndPath(alias);
alias.displayPath = pathSplitter(res[0]);
alias.fullPath = alias.displayPath +;
alias.href = res[1];
if (ret.others.length > MAX_RESULTS) {
* This function adds the given result into the provided `results` map if it matches the
* following condition:
* * If it is a "literal search" (`parsedQuery.literalSearch`), then `dist` must be 0.
* * If it is not a "literal search", `dist` must be <= `maxEditDistance`.
* The `results` map contains information which will be used to sort the search results:
* * `fullId` is a `string`` used as the key of the object we use for the `results` map.
* * `id` is the index in both `searchWords` and `searchIndex` arrays for this element.
* * `index` is an `integer`` used to sort by the position of the word in the item's name.
* * `dist` is the main metric used to sort the search results.
* * `path_dist` is zero if a single-component search query is used, otherwise it's the
* distance computed for everything other than the last path component.
* @param {Results} results
* @param {string} fullId
* @param {integer} id
* @param {integer} index
* @param {integer} dist
* @param {integer} path_dist
function addIntoResults(results, fullId, id, index, dist, path_dist, maxEditDistance) {
const inBounds = dist <= maxEditDistance || index !== -1;
if (dist === 0 || (!parsedQuery.literalSearch && inBounds)) {
if (results.has(fullId)) {
const result = results.get(fullId);
if (result.dontValidate || result.dist <= dist) {
results.set(fullId, {
id: id,
index: index,
dontValidate: parsedQuery.literalSearch,
dist: dist,
path_dist: path_dist,
* This function is called in case the query is only one element (with or without generics).
* This element will be compared to arguments' and returned values' items and also to items.
* Other important thing to note: since there is only one element, we use edit
* distance for name comparisons.
* @param {Row} row
* @param {integer} pos - Position in the `searchIndex`.
* @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
* @param {Results} results_others - Unqualified results (not in arguments nor in
* returned values).
* @param {Results} results_in_args - Matching arguments results.
* @param {Results} results_returned - Matching returned arguments results.
function handleSingleArg(
) {
if (!row || (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates)) {
let index = -1, path_dist = 0;
const fullId =;
const searchWord = searchWords[pos];
const in_args = row.type && row.type.inputs
&& checkIfInList(row.type.inputs, elem, row.type.where_clause);
if (in_args) {
// path_dist is 0 because no parent path information is currently stored
// in the search index
addIntoResults(results_in_args, fullId, pos, -1, 0, 0, maxEditDistance);
const returned = row.type && row.type.output
&& checkIfInList(row.type.output, elem, row.type.where_clause);
if (returned) {
addIntoResults(results_returned, fullId, pos, -1, 0, 0, maxEditDistance);
if (!typePassesFilter(elem.typeFilter, row.ty)) {
const row_index = row.normalizedName.indexOf(elem.pathLast);
const word_index = searchWord.indexOf(elem.pathLast);
// lower indexes are "better" matches
// rank based on the "best" match
if (row_index === -1) {
index = word_index;
} else if (word_index === -1) {
index = row_index;
} else if (word_index < row_index) {
index = word_index;
} else {
index = row_index;
if (elem.fullPath.length > 1) {
path_dist = checkPath(elem.pathWithoutLast, row, maxEditDistance);
if (path_dist > maxEditDistance) {
if (parsedQuery.literalSearch) {
if (searchWord === {
addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, 0, path_dist);
const dist = editDistance(searchWord, elem.pathLast, maxEditDistance);
if (index === -1 && dist + path_dist > maxEditDistance) {
addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, dist, path_dist, maxEditDistance);
* This function is called in case the query has more than one element. In this case, it'll
* try to match the items which validates all the elements. For `aa -> bb` will look for
* functions which have a parameter `aa` and has `bb` in its returned values.
* @param {Row} row
* @param {integer} pos - Position in the `searchIndex`.
* @param {Object} results
function handleArgs(row, pos, results) {
if (!row || (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates) || !row.type) {
// If the result is too "bad", we return false and it ends this search.
if (!unifyFunctionTypes(
mgens => {
return unifyFunctionTypes(
)) {
addIntoResults(results,, pos, 0, 0, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE);
function innerRunQuery() {
let elem, i, nSearchWords, in_returned, row;
let queryLen = 0;
for (const elem of parsedQuery.elems) {
queryLen +=;
for (const elem of parsedQuery.returned) {
queryLen +=;
const maxEditDistance = Math.floor(queryLen / 3);
* @type {Map<string, integer>}
const genericSymbols = new Map();
* Convert names to ids in parsed query elements.
* This is not used for the "In Names" tab, but is used for the
* "In Params", "In Returns", and "In Function Signature" tabs.
* If there is no matching item, but a close-enough match, this
* function also that correction.
* See `buildTypeMapIndex` for more information.
* @param {QueryElement} elem
function convertNameToId(elem) {
if (typeNameIdMap.has(elem.pathLast)) { = typeNameIdMap.get(elem.pathLast);
} else if (!parsedQuery.literalSearch) {
let match = null;
let matchDist = maxEditDistance + 1;
let matchName = "";
for (const [name, id] of typeNameIdMap) {
const dist = editDistance(name, elem.pathLast, maxEditDistance);
if (dist <= matchDist && dist <= maxEditDistance) {
if (dist === matchDist && matchName > name) {
match = id;
matchDist = dist;
matchName = name;
if (match !== null) {
parsedQuery.correction = matchName;
} = match;
if (( === null && parsedQuery.totalElems > 1 && elem.typeFilter === -1
&& elem.generics.length === 0)
|| elem.typeFilter === TY_GENERIC) {
if (genericSymbols.has( { = genericSymbols.get(;
} else { = -(genericSymbols.size + 1);
if (elem.typeFilter === -1 && >= 3) {
// Silly heuristic to catch if the user probably meant
// to not write a generic parameter. We don't use it,
// just bring it up.
const maxPartDistance = Math.floor( / 3);
let matchDist = maxPartDistance + 1;
let matchName = "";
for (const name of typeNameIdMap.keys()) {
const dist = editDistance(name,, maxPartDistance);
if (dist <= matchDist && dist <= maxPartDistance) {
if (dist === matchDist && matchName > name) {
matchDist = dist;
matchName = name;
if (matchName !== "") {
parsedQuery.proposeCorrectionFrom =;
parsedQuery.proposeCorrectionTo = matchName;
elem.typeFilter = TY_GENERIC;
if (elem.generics.length > 0 && elem.typeFilter === TY_GENERIC) {
// Rust does not have HKT
parsedQuery.error = [
"Generic type parameter ",,
" does not accept generic parameters",
for (const elem2 of elem.generics) {
for (const elem of parsedQuery.elems) {
for (const elem of parsedQuery.returned) {
if (parsedQuery.foundElems === 1) {
if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
elem = parsedQuery.elems[0];
for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
// It means we want to check for this element everywhere (in names, args and
// returned).
} else if (parsedQuery.returned.length === 1) {
// We received one returned argument to check, so looking into returned values.
elem = parsedQuery.returned[0];
for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
row = searchIndex[i];
in_returned = row.type && unifyFunctionTypes(
if (in_returned) {
} else if (parsedQuery.foundElems > 0) {
for (i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
handleArgs(searchIndex[i], i, results_others);
if (parsedQuery.error === null) {
const ret = createQueryResults(
sortResults(results_in_args, true, currentCrate),
sortResults(results_returned, true, currentCrate),
sortResults(results_others, false, currentCrate),
handleAliases(ret, parsedQuery.original.replace(/"/g, ""), filterCrates, currentCrate);
if (parsedQuery.error !== null && ret.others.length !== 0) {
// It means some doc aliases were found so let's "remove" the error!
ret.query.error = null;
return ret;
* Validate performs the following boolean logic. For example:
* "File::open" will give IF A PARENT EXISTS => ("file" && "open")
* exists in (name || path || parent) OR => ("file" && "open") exists in
* (name || path )
* This could be written functionally, but I wanted to minimise
* functions on stack.
* @param {string} name - The name of the result
* @param {string} path - The path of the result
* @param {string} keys - The keys to be used (["file", "open"])
* @param {Object} parent - The parent of the result
* @return {boolean} - Whether the result is valid or not
function validateResult(name, path, keys, parent, maxEditDistance) {
if (!keys || !keys.length) {
return true;
for (const key of keys) {
// each check is for validation so we negate the conditions and invalidate
if (!(
// check for an exact name match
name.indexOf(key) > -1 ||
// then an exact path match
path.indexOf(key) > -1 ||
// next if there is a parent, check for exact parent match
(parent !== undefined && !== undefined && > -1) ||
// lastly check to see if the name was an editDistance match
editDistance(name, key, maxEditDistance) <= maxEditDistance)) {
return false;
return true;
function nextTab(direction) {
const next = (searchState.currentTab + direction + 3) % searchState.focusedByTab.length;
searchState.focusedByTab[searchState.currentTab] = document.activeElement;
// Focus the first search result on the active tab, or the result that
// was focused last time this tab was active.
function focusSearchResult() {
const target = searchState.focusedByTab[searchState.currentTab] ||
document.querySelectorAll(" a").item(0) ||
document.querySelectorAll("#search-tabs button").item(searchState.currentTab);
searchState.focusedByTab[searchState.currentTab] = null;
if (target) {
function buildHrefAndPath(item) {
let displayPath;
let href;
const type = itemTypes[item.ty];
const name =;
let path = item.path;
if (type === "mod") {
displayPath = path + "::";
href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") + "/" +
name + "/index.html";
} else if (type === "import") {
displayPath = item.path + "::";
href = ROOT_PATH + item.path.replace(/::/g, "/") + "/index.html#reexport." + name;
} else if (type === "primitive" || type === "keyword") {
displayPath = "";
href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
"/" + type + "." + name + ".html";
} else if (type === "externcrate") {
displayPath = "";
href = ROOT_PATH + name + "/index.html";
} else if (item.parent !== undefined) {
const myparent = item.parent;
let anchor = type + "." + name;
const parentType = itemTypes[myparent.ty];
let pageType = parentType;
let pageName =;
if (parentType === "primitive") {
displayPath = + "::";
} else if (type === "structfield" && parentType === "variant") {
// Structfields belonging to variants are special: the
// final path element is the enum name.
const enumNameIdx = item.path.lastIndexOf("::");
const enumName = item.path.substr(enumNameIdx + 2);
path = item.path.substr(0, enumNameIdx);
displayPath = path + "::" + enumName + "::" + + "::";
anchor = "variant." + + ".field." + name;
pageType = "enum";
pageName = enumName;
} else {
displayPath = path + "::" + + "::";
if (item.implDisambiguator !== null) {
anchor = item.implDisambiguator + "/" + anchor;
href = ROOT_PATH + path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
"/" + pageType +
"." + pageName +
".html#" + anchor;
} else {
displayPath = item.path + "::";
href = ROOT_PATH + item.path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
"/" + type + "." + name + ".html";
return [displayPath, href];
function pathSplitter(path) {
const tmp = "<span>" + path.replace(/::/g, "::</span><span>");
if (tmp.endsWith("<span>")) {
return tmp.slice(0, tmp.length - 6);
return tmp;
* Render a set of search results for a single tab.
* @param {Array<?>} array - The search results for this tab
* @param {ParsedQuery} query
* @param {boolean} display - True if this is the active tab
function addTab(array, query, display) {
let extraClass = "";
if (display === true) {
extraClass = " active";
const output = document.createElement("div");
let length = 0;
if (array.length > 0) {
output.className = "search-results " + extraClass;
array.forEach(item => {
const name =;
const type = itemTypes[item.ty];
const longType = longItemTypes[item.ty];
const typeName = longType.length !== 0 ? `${longType}` : "?";
length += 1;
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.className = "result-" + type;
link.href = item.href;
const resultName = document.createElement("div");
resultName.className = "result-name";
`<span class="typename">${typeName}</span>`);
let alias = " ";
if (item.is_alias) {
alias = ` <div class="alias">\
<b>${item.alias}</b><i class="grey">&nbsp;- see&nbsp;</i>\
`<div class="path">${alias}\
${item.displayPath}<span class="${type}">${name}</span>\
const description = document.createElement("div");
description.className = "desc";
description.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", item.desc);
} else if (query.error === null) {
output.className = "search-failed" + extraClass;
output.innerHTML = "No results :(<br/>" +
"Try on <a href=\"" +
encodeURIComponent("rust " + query.userQuery) +
"\">DuckDuckGo</a>?<br/><br/>" +
"Or try looking in one of these:<ul><li>The <a " +
"href=\"\">Rust Reference</a> " +
" for technical details about the language.</li><li><a " +
"href=\"\">Rust By " +
"Example</a> for expository code examples.</a></li><li>The <a " +
"href=\"\">Rust Book</a> for " +
"introductions to language features and the language itself.</li><li><a " +
"href=\"\"></a> for documentation of crates released on" +
" <a href=\"\"></a>.</li></ul>";
return [output, length];
function makeTabHeader(tabNb, text, nbElems) {
// CSS runs with `font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums` to ensure all
// digits are the same width. \u{2007} is a Unicode space character
// that is defined to be the same width as a digit.
const fmtNbElems =
nbElems < 10 ? `\u{2007}(${nbElems})\u{2007}\u{2007}` :
nbElems < 100 ? `\u{2007}(${nbElems})\u{2007}` :
if (searchState.currentTab === tabNb) {
return "<button class=\"selected\">" + text +
"<span class=\"count\">" + fmtNbElems + "</span></button>";
return "<button>" + text + "<span class=\"count\">" + fmtNbElems + "</span></button>";
* @param {ResultsTable} results
* @param {boolean} go_to_first
* @param {string} filterCrates
function showResults(results, go_to_first, filterCrates) {
const search = searchState.outputElement();
if (go_to_first || (results.others.length === 1
&& getSettingValue("go-to-only-result") === "true")
) {
// Needed to force re-execution of JS when coming back to a page. Let's take this
// scenario as example:
// 1. You have the "Directly go to item in search if there is only one result" option
// enabled.
// 2. You make a search which results only one result, leading you automatically to
// this result.
// 3. You go back to previous page.
// Now, without the call below, the JS will not be re-executed and the previous state
// will be used, starting search again since the search input is not empty, leading you
// back to the previous page again.
window.onunload = () => {};
const elem = document.createElement("a");
elem.href = results.others[0].href;
removeClass(elem, "active");
// For firefox, we need the element to be in the DOM so it can be clicked.
if (results.query === undefined) {
results.query = parseQuery(searchState.input.value);
currentResults = results.query.userQuery;
const ret_others = addTab(results.others, results.query, true);
const ret_in_args = addTab(results.in_args, results.query, false);
const ret_returned = addTab(results.returned, results.query, false);
// Navigate to the relevant tab if the current tab is empty, like in case users search
// for "-> String". If they had selected another tab previously, they have to click on
// it again.
let currentTab = searchState.currentTab;
if ((currentTab === 0 && ret_others[1] === 0) ||
(currentTab === 1 && ret_in_args[1] === 0) ||
(currentTab === 2 && ret_returned[1] === 0)) {
if (ret_others[1] !== 0) {
currentTab = 0;
} else if (ret_in_args[1] !== 0) {
currentTab = 1;
} else if (ret_returned[1] !== 0) {
currentTab = 2;
let crates = "";
const crates_list = Object.keys(rawSearchIndex);
if (crates_list.length > 1) {
crates = " in&nbsp;<div id=\"crate-search-div\"><select id=\"crate-search\">" +
"<option value=\"all crates\">all crates</option>";
for (const c of crates_list) {
crates += `<option value="${c}" ${c === filterCrates && "selected"}>${c}</option>`;
crates += "</select></div>";
let output = `<h1 class="search-results-title">Results${crates}</h1>`;
if (results.query.error !== null) {
const error = results.query.error;
error.forEach((value, index) => {
value = value.split("<").join("&lt;").split(">").join("&gt;");
if (index % 2 !== 0) {
error[index] = `<code>${value.replaceAll(" ", "&nbsp;")}</code>`;
} else {
error[index] = value;
output += `<h3 class="error">Query parser error: "${error.join("")}".</h3>`;
output += "<div id=\"search-tabs\">" +
makeTabHeader(0, "In Names", ret_others[1]) +
currentTab = 0;
} else if (results.query.foundElems <= 1 && results.query.returned.length === 0) {
output += "<div id=\"search-tabs\">" +
makeTabHeader(0, "In Names", ret_others[1]) +
makeTabHeader(1, "In Parameters", ret_in_args[1]) +
makeTabHeader(2, "In Return Types", ret_returned[1]) +
} else {
const signatureTabTitle =
results.query.elems.length === 0 ? "In Function Return Types" :
results.query.returned.length === 0 ? "In Function Parameters" :
"In Function Signatures";
output += "<div id=\"search-tabs\">" +
makeTabHeader(0, signatureTabTitle, ret_others[1]) +
currentTab = 0;
if (results.query.correction !== null) {
const orig = results.query.returned.length > 0
? results.query.returned[0].name
: results.query.elems[0].name;
output += "<h3 class=\"search-corrections\">" +
`Type "${orig}" not found. ` +
"Showing results for closest type name " +
`"${results.query.correction}" instead.</h3>`;
if (results.query.proposeCorrectionFrom !== null) {
const orig = results.query.proposeCorrectionFrom;
const targ = results.query.proposeCorrectionTo;
output += "<h3 class=\"search-corrections\">" +
`Type "${orig}" not found and used as generic parameter. ` +
`Consider searching for "${targ}" instead.</h3>`;
const resultsElem = document.createElement("div"); = "results";
search.innerHTML = output;
const crateSearch = document.getElementById("crate-search");
if (crateSearch) {
crateSearch.addEventListener("input", updateCrate);
// Reset focused elements.
const elems = document.getElementById("search-tabs").childNodes;
searchState.focusedByTab = [];
let i = 0;
for (const elem of elems) {
const j = i;
elem.onclick = () => printTab(j);
i += 1;
function updateSearchHistory(url) {
if (!browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
if (!history.state && ! {
history.pushState(null, "", url);
} else {
history.replaceState(null, "", url);
* Perform a search based on the current state of the search input element
* and display the results.
* @param {Event} [e] - The event that triggered this search, if any
* @param {boolean} [forced]
function search(e, forced) {
if (e) {
const query = parseQuery(searchState.input.value.trim());
let filterCrates = getFilterCrates();
if (!forced && query.userQuery === currentResults) {
if (query.userQuery.length > 0) {
const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
// In case we have no information about the saved crate and there is a URL query parameter,
// we override it with the URL query parameter.
if (filterCrates === null && params["filter-crate"] !== undefined) {
filterCrates = params["filter-crate"];
// Update document title to maintain a meaningful browser history
searchState.title = "Results for " + query.original + " - Rust";
// Because searching is incremental by character, only the most
// recent search query is added to the browser history.
updateSearchHistory(buildUrl(query.original, filterCrates));
execQuery(query, searchWords, filterCrates, window.currentCrate),
* Convert a list of RawFunctionType / ID to object-based FunctionType.
* Crates often have lots of functions in them, and it's common to have a large number of
* functions that operate on a small set of data types, so the search index compresses them
* by encoding function parameter and return types as indexes into an array of names.
* Even when a general-purpose compression algorithm is used, this is still a win. I checked.
* The format for individual function types is encoded in
* librustdoc/html/render/ impl Serialize for RenderType
* @param {null|Array<RawFunctionType>} types
* @param {Array<{name: string, ty: number}>} lowercasePaths
* @return {Array<FunctionSearchType>}
function buildItemSearchTypeAll(types, lowercasePaths) {
return => buildItemSearchType(type, lowercasePaths));
* Converts a single type.
* @param {RawFunctionType} type
function buildItemSearchType(type, lowercasePaths) {
const PATH_INDEX_DATA = 0;
const GENERICS_DATA = 1;
let pathIndex, generics;
if (typeof type === "number") {
pathIndex = type;
generics = [];
} else {
pathIndex = type[PATH_INDEX_DATA];
generics = buildItemSearchTypeAll(
if (pathIndex < 0) {
// types less than 0 are generic parameters
// the actual names of generic parameters aren't stored, since they aren't API
return {
id: pathIndex,
path: null,
if (pathIndex === 0) {
// `0` is used as a sentinel because it's fewer bytes than `null`
return {
id: null,
ty: null,
path: null,
const item = lowercasePaths[pathIndex - 1];
return {
id: buildTypeMapIndex(,
ty: item.ty,
path: item.path,
* Convert from RawFunctionSearchType to FunctionSearchType.
* Crates often have lots of functions in them, and function signatures are sometimes complex,
* so rustdoc uses a pretty tight encoding for them. This function converts it to a simpler,
* object-based encoding so that the actual search code is more readable and easier to debug.
* The raw function search type format is generated using serde in
* librustdoc/html/render/ impl Serialize for IndexItemFunctionType
* @param {RawFunctionSearchType} functionSearchType
* @param {Array<{name: string, ty: number}>} lowercasePaths
* @param {Map<string, integer>}
* @return {null|FunctionSearchType}
function buildFunctionSearchType(functionSearchType, lowercasePaths) {
const INPUTS_DATA = 0;
const OUTPUT_DATA = 1;
// `0` is used as a sentinel because it's fewer bytes than `null`
if (functionSearchType === 0) {
return null;
let inputs, output;
if (typeof functionSearchType[INPUTS_DATA] === "number") {
inputs = [buildItemSearchType(functionSearchType[INPUTS_DATA], lowercasePaths)];
} else {
inputs = buildItemSearchTypeAll(
if (functionSearchType.length > 1) {
if (typeof functionSearchType[OUTPUT_DATA] === "number") {
output = [buildItemSearchType(functionSearchType[OUTPUT_DATA], lowercasePaths)];
} else {
output = buildItemSearchTypeAll(
} else {
output = [];
const where_clause = [];
const l = functionSearchType.length;
for (let i = 2; i < l; ++i) {
where_clause.push(typeof functionSearchType[i] === "number"
? [buildItemSearchType(functionSearchType[i], lowercasePaths)]
: buildItemSearchTypeAll(functionSearchType[i], lowercasePaths));
return {
inputs, output, where_clause,
function buildIndex(rawSearchIndex) {
searchIndex = [];
* List of normalized search words (ASCII lowercased, and undescores removed).
* @type {Array<string>}
const searchWords = [];
typeNameIdMap = new Map();
const charA = "A".charCodeAt(0);
let currentIndex = 0;
let id = 0;
// Initialize type map indexes for primitive list types
// that can be searched using `[]` syntax.
typeNameIdOfArray = buildTypeMapIndex("array");
typeNameIdOfSlice = buildTypeMapIndex("slice");
typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice = buildTypeMapIndex("[]");
for (const crate in rawSearchIndex) {
if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, crate)) {
let crateSize = 0;
* The raw search data for a given crate. `n`, `t`, `d`, `i`, and `f`
* are arrays with the same length. `q`, `a`, and `c` use a sparse
* representation for compactness.
* `n[i]` contains the name of an item.
* `t[i]` contains the type of that item
* (as a string of characters that represent an offset in `itemTypes`).
* `d[i]` contains the description of that item.
* `q` contains the full paths of the items. For compactness, it is a set of
* (index, path) pairs used to create a map. If a given index `i` is
* not present, this indicates "same as the last index present".
* `i[i]` contains an item's parent, usually a module. For compactness,
* it is a set of indexes into the `p` array.
* `f[i]` contains function signatures, or `0` if the item isn't a function.
* Functions are themselves encoded as arrays. The first item is a list of
* types representing the function's inputs, and the second list item is a list
* of types representing the function's output. Tuples are flattened.
* Types are also represented as arrays; the first item is an index into the `p`
* array, while the second is a list of types representing any generic parameters.
* b[i] contains an item's impl disambiguator. This is only present if an item
* is defined in an impl block and, the impl block's type has more than one associated
* item with the same name.
* `a` defines aliases with an Array of pairs: [name, offset], where `offset`
* points into the n/t/d/q/i/f arrays.
* `doc` contains the description of the crate.
* `p` is a list of path/type pairs. It is used for parents and function parameters.
* `c` is an array of item indices that are deprecated.
* @type {{
* doc: string,
* a: Object,
* n: Array<string>,
* t: String,
* d: Array<string>,
* q: Array<[Number, string]>,
* i: Array<Number>,
* f: Array<RawFunctionSearchType>,
* p: Array<Object>,
* b: Array<[Number, String]>,
* c: Array<Number>
* }}
const crateCorpus = rawSearchIndex[crate];
// This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "row"
// object defined below. Your JavaScript runtime will thank you.
const crateRow = {
crate: crate,
ty: 1, // == ExternCrate
name: crate,
path: "",
desc: crateCorpus.doc,
parent: undefined,
type: null,
id: id,
normalizedName: crate.indexOf("_") === -1 ? crate : crate.replace(/_/g, ""),
deprecated: null,
implDisambiguator: null,
id += 1;
currentIndex += 1;
// a String of one character item type codes
const itemTypes = crateCorpus.t;
// an array of (String) item names
const itemNames = crateCorpus.n;
// an array of [(Number) item index,
// (String) full path]
// an item whose index is not present will fall back to the previous present path
// i.e. if indices 4 and 11 are present, but 5-10 and 12-13 are not present,
// 5-10 will fall back to the path for 4 and 12-13 will fall back to the path for 11
const itemPaths = new Map(crateCorpus.q);
// an array of (String) descriptions
const itemDescs = crateCorpus.d;
// an array of (Number) the parent path index + 1 to `paths`, or 0 if none
const itemParentIdxs = crateCorpus.i;
// an array of (Object | null) the type of the function, if any
const itemFunctionSearchTypes = crateCorpus.f;
// an array of (Number) indices for the deprecated items
const deprecatedItems = new Set(crateCorpus.c);
// an array of (Number) indices for the deprecated items
const implDisambiguator = new Map(crateCorpus.b);
// an array of [(Number) item type,
// (String) name]
const paths = crateCorpus.p;
// an array of [(String) alias name
// [Number] index to items]
const aliases = crateCorpus.a;
// an array of [{name: String, ty: Number}]
const lowercasePaths = [];
// convert `rawPaths` entries into object form
// generate normalizedPaths for function search mode
let len = paths.length;
let lastPath = itemPaths.get(0);
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const elem = paths[i];
const ty = elem[0];
const name = elem[1];
let path = null;
if (elem.length > 2) {
path = itemPaths.has(elem[2]) ? itemPaths.get(elem[2]) : lastPath;
lastPath = path;
lowercasePaths.push({ty: ty, name: name.toLowerCase(), path: path});
paths[i] = {ty: ty, name: name, path: path};
// convert `item*` into an object form, and construct word indices.
// before any analysis is performed lets gather the search terms to
// search against apart from the rest of the data. This is a quick
// operation that is cached for the life of the page state so that
// all other search operations have access to this cached data for
// faster analysis operations
lastPath = "";
len = itemTypes.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
let word = "";
// This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "crateRow"
// object defined above.
if (typeof itemNames[i] === "string") {
word = itemNames[i].toLowerCase();
const path = itemPaths.has(i) ? itemPaths.get(i) : lastPath;
const row = {
crate: crate,
ty: itemTypes.charCodeAt(i) - charA,
name: itemNames[i],
path: path,
desc: itemDescs[i],
parent: itemParentIdxs[i] > 0 ? paths[itemParentIdxs[i] - 1] : undefined,
type: buildFunctionSearchType(
id: id,
normalizedName: word.indexOf("_") === -1 ? word : word.replace(/_/g, ""),
deprecated: deprecatedItems.has(i),
implDisambiguator: implDisambiguator.has(i) ? implDisambiguator.get(i) : null,
id += 1;
lastPath = row.path;
crateSize += 1;
if (aliases) {
const currentCrateAliases = new Map();
ALIASES.set(crate, currentCrateAliases);
for (const alias_name in aliases) {
if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(aliases, alias_name)) {
let currentNameAliases;
if (currentCrateAliases.has(alias_name)) {
currentNameAliases = currentCrateAliases.get(alias_name);
} else {
currentNameAliases = [];
currentCrateAliases.set(alias_name, currentNameAliases);
for (const local_alias of aliases[alias_name]) {
currentNameAliases.push(local_alias + currentIndex);
currentIndex += crateSize;
return searchWords;
* Callback for when the search form is submitted.
* @param {Event} [e] - The event that triggered this call, if any
function onSearchSubmit(e) {
function putBackSearch() {
const search_input = searchState.input;
if (!searchState.input) {
if (search_input.value !== "" && !searchState.isDisplayed()) {
if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
history.replaceState(null, "",
buildUrl(search_input.value, getFilterCrates()));
document.title = searchState.title;
function registerSearchEvents() {
const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
// Populate search bar with query string search term when provided,
// but only if the input bar is empty. This avoid the obnoxious issue
// where you start trying to do a search, and the index loads, and
// suddenly your search is gone!
if (searchState.input.value === "") {
searchState.input.value = || "";
const searchAfter500ms = () => {
if (searchState.input.value.length === 0) {
} else {
searchState.timeout = setTimeout(search, 500);
searchState.input.onkeyup = searchAfter500ms;
searchState.input.oninput = searchAfter500ms;
document.getElementsByClassName("search-form")[0].onsubmit = onSearchSubmit;
searchState.input.onchange = e => {
if ( !== document.activeElement) {
// To prevent doing anything when it's from a blur event.
// Do NOT e.preventDefault() here. It will prevent pasting.
// zero-timeout necessary here because at the time of event handler execution the
// pasted content is not in the input field yet. Shouldn’t make any difference for
// change, though.
setTimeout(search, 0);
searchState.input.onpaste = searchState.input.onchange;
searchState.outputElement().addEventListener("keydown", e => {
// We only handle unmodified keystrokes here. We don't want to interfere with,
// for instance, alt-left and alt-right for history navigation.
if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) {
// up and down arrow select next/previous search result, or the
// search box if we're already at the top.
if (e.which === 38) { // up
const previous = document.activeElement.previousElementSibling;
if (previous) {
} else {
} else if (e.which === 40) { // down
const next = document.activeElement.nextElementSibling;
if (next) {
const rect = document.activeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
if (window.innerHeight - rect.bottom < rect.height) {
window.scrollBy(0, rect.height);
} else if (e.which === 37) { // left
} else if (e.which === 39) { // right
searchState.input.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (e.which === 40) { // down
searchState.input.addEventListener("focus", () => {
searchState.input.addEventListener("blur", () => {
searchState.input.placeholder = searchState.input.origPlaceholder;
// Push and pop states are used to add search results to the browser
// history.
if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) {
// Store the previous <title> so we can revert back to it later.
const previousTitle = document.title;
window.addEventListener("popstate", e => {
const params = searchState.getQueryStringParams();
// Revert to the previous title manually since the History
// API ignores the title parameter.
document.title = previousTitle;
// When browsing forward to search results the previous
// search will be repeated, so the currentResults are
// cleared to ensure the search is successful.
currentResults = null;
// Synchronize search bar with query string state and
// perform the search. This will empty the bar if there's
// nothing there, which lets you really go back to a
// previous state with nothing in the bar.
if ( && > 0) {
searchState.input.value =;
// Some browsers fire "onpopstate" for every page load
// (Chrome), while others fire the event only when actually
// popping a state (Firefox), which is why search() is
// called both here and at the end of the startSearch()
// function.
} else {
searchState.input.value = "";
// When browsing back from search results the main page
// visibility must be reset.
// This is required in firefox to avoid this problem: Navigating to a search result
// with the keyboard, hitting enter, and then hitting back would take you back to
// the doc page, rather than the search that should overlay it.
// This was an interaction between the back-forward cache and our handlers
// that try to sync state between the URL and the search input. To work around it,
// do a small amount of re-init on page show.
window.onpageshow = () => {
const qSearch = searchState.getQueryStringParams().search;
if (searchState.input.value === "" && qSearch) {
searchState.input.value = qSearch;
function updateCrate(ev) {
if ( === "all crates") {
// If we don't remove it from the URL, it'll be picked up again by the search.
const query = searchState.input.value.trim();
updateSearchHistory(buildUrl(query, null));
// In case you "cut" the entry from the search input, then change the crate filter
// before paste back the previous search, you get the old search results without
// the filter. To prevent this, we need to remove the previous results.
currentResults = null;
search(undefined, true);
* @type {Array<string>}
const searchWords = buildIndex(rawSearchIndex);
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
// If there's a search term in the URL, execute the search now.
if (window.searchState.getQueryStringParams().search) {
if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
exports.initSearch = initSearch;
exports.execQuery = execQuery;
exports.parseQuery = parseQuery;
return searchWords;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.initSearch = initSearch;
if (window.searchIndex !== undefined) {
} else {
// Running in Node, not a browser. Run initSearch just to produce the
// exports.