blob: c028a7c6bd3b617a8d8f0899839098b435476b16 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::*;
use imp::*;
/// An error object consists of both an error code as well as detailed error information for debugging.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Error {
pub(crate) code: HRESULT,
pub(crate) info: Option<IRestrictedErrorInfo>,
impl Error {
/// An error object without any failure information.
pub const OK: Self = Self { code: S_OK, info: None };
/// This creates a new WinRT error object, capturing the stack and other information about the
/// point of failure.
pub fn new(code: HRESULT, message: HSTRING) -> Self {
unsafe {
if let Some(function) = delay_load::<RoOriginateError>(s!("combase.dll"), s!("RoOriginateError")) {
function(code, std::mem::transmute_copy(&message));
let info = GetErrorInfo().and_then(|e| e.cast()).ok();
Self { code, info }
pub fn from_win32() -> Self {
unsafe { Self { code: HRESULT::from_win32(GetLastError()), info: None } }
/// The error code describing the error.
pub const fn code(&self) -> HRESULT {
/// The error information describing the error.
pub const fn info(&self) -> &Option<IRestrictedErrorInfo> {
/// The error message describing the error.
pub fn message(&self) -> HSTRING {
// First attempt to retrieve the restricted error information.
if let Some(info) = & {
let mut fallback = BSTR::default();
let mut message = BSTR::default();
let mut code = HRESULT(0);
unsafe {
let _ = info.GetErrorDetails(&mut fallback, &mut code, &mut message, &mut BSTR::default());
if self.code == code {
let message = if !message.is_empty() { message } else { fallback };
return HSTRING::from_wide(wide_trim_end(message.as_wide())).unwrap_or_default();
impl std::convert::From<Error> for HRESULT {
fn from(error: Error) -> Self {
let code = error.code;
let info: Option<IErrorInfo> =|info| info.cast().ok());
unsafe {
let _ = SetErrorInfo(0, std::mem::transmute_copy(&info));
impl std::convert::From<Error> for std::io::Error {
fn from(from: Error) -> Self {
impl std::convert::From<std::string::FromUtf16Error> for Error {
fn from(_: std::string::FromUtf16Error) -> Self {
Self { code: HRESULT::from_win32(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION), info: None }
impl std::convert::From<std::string::FromUtf8Error> for Error {
fn from(_: std::string::FromUtf8Error) -> Self {
Self { code: HRESULT::from_win32(ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION), info: None }
// Unfortunately this is needed to make types line up. The Rust type system does
// not know the `Infallible` can never be constructed. This code needs to be here
// to satesify the type checker but it will never be run. Once `!` is stabilizied
// this can be removed.
impl std::convert::From<std::convert::Infallible> for Error {
fn from(_: std::convert::Infallible) -> Self {
impl std::convert::From<HRESULT> for Error {
fn from(code: HRESULT) -> Self {
let info: Option<IRestrictedErrorInfo> = GetErrorInfo().and_then(|e| e.cast()).ok();
if let Some(info) = info {
// If it does (and therefore running on a recent version of Windows)
// then capture_propagation_context adds a breadcrumb to the error
// info to make debugging easier.
if let Ok(capture) = info.cast::<ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo2>() {
unsafe {
let _ = capture.CapturePropagationContext(None);
return Self { code, info: Some(info) };
if let Ok(info) = GetErrorInfo() {
let message = unsafe { info.GetDescription().unwrap_or_default() };
Self::new(code, HSTRING::from_wide(message.as_wide()).unwrap_or_default())
} else {
Self { code, info: None }
impl std::fmt::Debug for Error {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut debug = fmt.debug_struct("Error");
debug.field("code", &self.code).field("message", &self.message()).finish()
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let message = self.message();
if message.is_empty() {
std::write!(fmt, "{}", self.code())
} else {
std::write!(fmt, "{} ({})", self.message(), self.code())
impl std::error::Error for Error {}
type RoOriginateError = extern "system" fn(code: HRESULT, message: *mut std::ffi::c_void) -> i32;
fn GetErrorInfo() -> Result<IErrorInfo> {
let mut result = std::ptr::null_mut();
unsafe { imp::GetErrorInfo(0, &mut result).from_abi(result) }