blob: 4a371ce1ddb8c26e2197dbd7f4867c0aebbffce1 [file] [log] [blame]
use bstr::ByteSlice;
use regex::Regex;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
struct RustcMessage {
rendered: Option<String>,
spans: Vec<RustcSpan>,
level: String,
message: String,
children: Vec<RustcMessage>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum Level {
Ice = 5,
Error = 4,
Warn = 3,
Help = 2,
Note = 1,
/// Only used for "For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain EXXXX`".
FailureNote = 0,
/// A diagnostic message.
pub struct Message {
pub(crate) level: Level,
pub(crate) message: String,
pub(crate) line_col: Option<Span>,
/// Information about macro expansion.
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Expansion {
span: RustcSpan,
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
struct RustcSpan {
line_col: Span,
file_name: PathBuf,
is_primary: bool,
expansion: Option<Box<Expansion>>,
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Span {
pub line_start: NonZeroUsize,
pub column_start: NonZeroUsize,
pub line_end: NonZeroUsize,
pub column_end: NonZeroUsize,
impl Span {
pub const INVALID: Self = Self {
line_start: NonZeroUsize::MAX,
column_start: NonZeroUsize::MAX,
line_end: NonZeroUsize::MAX,
column_end: NonZeroUsize::MAX,
pub fn shrink_to_end(self) -> Span {
Self {
line_start: self.line_end,
column_start: self.column_end,
pub fn shrink_to_start(self) -> Span {
Self {
line_end: self.line_start,
column_end: self.column_start,
impl std::str::FromStr for Level {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"ERROR" | "error" => Ok(Self::Error),
"WARN" | "warning" => Ok(Self::Warn),
"HELP" | "help" => Ok(Self::Help),
"NOTE" | "note" => Ok(Self::Note),
"failure-note" => Ok(Self::FailureNote),
"error: internal compiler error" => Ok(Self::Ice),
_ => Err(format!("unknown level `{s}`")),
pub(crate) struct Diagnostics {
/// Rendered and concatenated version of all diagnostics.
/// This is equivalent to non-json diagnostics.
pub rendered: Vec<u8>,
/// Per line, a list of messages for that line.
pub messages: Vec<Vec<Message>>,
/// Messages not on any line (usually because they are from libstd)
pub messages_from_unknown_file_or_line: Vec<Message>,
impl RustcMessage {
fn line(&self, file: &Path) -> Option<Span> {
let span = |primary| self.spans.iter().find_map(|span| span.line(file, primary));
span(true).or_else(|| span(false))
/// Put the message and its children into the line-indexed list.
fn insert_recursive(
file: &Path,
messages: &mut Vec<Vec<Message>>,
messages_from_unknown_file_or_line: &mut Vec<Message>,
line: Option<Span>,
) {
let line = self.line(file).or(line);
let msg = Message {
level: self.level.parse().unwrap(),
message: self.message,
line_col: line,
if let Some(line) = line {
if messages.len() <= line.line_start.get() {
messages.resize_with(line.line_start.get() + 1, Vec::new);
// All other messages go into the general bin, unless they are specifically of the
// "aborting due to X previous errors" variety, as we never want to match those. They
// only count the number of errors and provide no useful information about the tests.
} else if !(msg.message.starts_with("aborting due to")
&& msg.message.contains("previous error"))
for child in self.children {
child.insert_recursive(file, messages, messages_from_unknown_file_or_line, line)
impl RustcSpan {
/// Returns the most expanded line number *in the given file*, if possible.
fn line(&self, file: &Path, primary: bool) -> Option<Span> {
if let Some(exp) = &self.expansion {
if let Some(line) = exp.span.line(file, primary && !self.is_primary) {
return Some(line);
((!primary || self.is_primary) && self.file_name == file).then_some(self.line_col)
pub(crate) fn filter_annotations_from_rendered(rendered: &str) -> std::borrow::Cow<'_, str> {
let annotations = Regex::new(r" *//(\[[a-z,]+\])?~.*").unwrap();
annotations.replace_all(rendered, "")
pub(crate) fn process(file: &Path, stderr: &[u8]) -> Diagnostics {
let mut rendered = Vec::new();
let mut messages = vec![];
let mut messages_from_unknown_file_or_line = vec![];
for (line_number, line) in stderr.lines_with_terminator().enumerate() {
if line.starts_with_str(b"{") {
match serde_json::from_slice::<RustcMessage>(line) {
Ok(msg) => {
&mut messages,
&mut messages_from_unknown_file_or_line,
Err(err) => {
"failed to parse rustc JSON output at line {line_number}: {err}: {}",
} else {
// FIXME: do we want to throw interpreter stderr into a separate file?
Diagnostics {