blob: c3d61fbf6d5e2ca181c89a68b08ec5e363e74482 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Minimal API of pointer vectors.
macro_rules! impl_minimal_p {
([$elem_ty:ty; $elem_count:expr]: $id:ident, $mask_ty:ident,
$usize_ty:ident, $isize_ty:ident | $ref:ident | $test_tt:tt
| $($elem_name:ident),+ | ($true:expr, $false:expr) |
$(#[$doc:meta])*) => {
pub type $id<T> = Simd<[$elem_ty; $elem_count]>;
impl<T> sealed::Simd for $id<T> {
type Element = $elem_ty;
const LANES: usize = $elem_count;
type LanesType = [u32; $elem_count];
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Creates a new instance with each vector elements initialized
/// with the provided values.
pub const fn new($($elem_name: $elem_ty),*) -> Self {
/// Returns the number of vector lanes.
pub const fn lanes() -> usize {
/// Constructs a new instance with each element initialized to
/// `value`.
pub const fn splat(value: $elem_ty) -> Self {
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
struct $elem_name;
/// Constructs a new instance with each element initialized to
/// `null`.
pub const fn null() -> Self {
Self::splat(crate::ptr::null_mut() as $elem_ty)
/// Returns a mask that selects those lanes that contain `null`
/// pointers.
pub fn is_null(self) -> $mask_ty {
/// Extracts the value at `index`.
/// # Panics
/// If `index >= Self::lanes()`.
pub fn extract(self, index: usize) -> $elem_ty {
assert!(index < $elem_count);
unsafe { self.extract_unchecked(index) }
/// Extracts the value at `index`.
/// # Safety
/// If `index >= Self::lanes()` the behavior is undefined.
pub unsafe fn extract_unchecked(self, index: usize) -> $elem_ty {
use crate::llvm::simd_extract;
simd_extract(self.0, index as u32)
/// Returns a new vector where the value at `index` is replaced by
/// `new_value`.
/// # Panics
/// If `index >= Self::lanes()`.
#[must_use = "replace does not modify the original value - \
it returns a new vector with the value at `index` \
replaced by `new_value`d"
pub fn replace(self, index: usize, new_value: $elem_ty) -> Self {
assert!(index < $elem_count);
unsafe { self.replace_unchecked(index, new_value) }
/// Returns a new vector where the value at `index` is replaced by `new_value`.
/// # Safety
/// If `index >= Self::lanes()` the behavior is undefined.
#[must_use = "replace_unchecked does not modify the original value - \
it returns a new vector with the value at `index` \
replaced by `new_value`d"
pub unsafe fn replace_unchecked(
index: usize,
new_value: $elem_ty,
) -> Self {
use crate::llvm::simd_insert;
Simd(simd_insert(self.0, index as u32, new_value))
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _minimal>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn minimal() {
// lanes:
assert_eq!($elem_count, $id::<i32>::lanes());
// splat and extract / extract_unchecked:
let VAL7: <$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element
= $ref!(7);
let VAL42: <$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element
= $ref!(42);
let VEC: $id<i32> = $id::splat(VAL7);
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
assert_eq!(VAL7, VEC.extract(i));
VAL7, unsafe { VEC.extract_unchecked(i) }
// replace / replace_unchecked
let new_vec = VEC.replace(0, VAL42);
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i == 0 {
assert_eq!(VAL42, new_vec.extract(i));
} else {
assert_eq!(VAL7, new_vec.extract(i));
let new_vec = unsafe {
VEC.replace_unchecked(0, VAL42)
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i == 0 {
assert_eq!(VAL42, new_vec.extract(i));
} else {
assert_eq!(VAL7, new_vec.extract(i));
let mut n = $id::<i32>::null();
$id::<i32>::splat(unsafe { crate::mem::zeroed() })
n = n.replace(
0, unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(1_isize) }
if $id::<i32>::lanes() > 1 {
} else {
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn extract_panic_oob() {
let VAL: <$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element
= $ref!(7);
let VEC: $id<i32> = $id::splat(VAL);
let _ = VEC.extract($id::<i32>::lanes());
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn replace_panic_oob() {
let VAL: <$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element
= $ref!(7);
let VAL42: <$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element
= $ref!(42);
let VEC: $id<i32> = $id::splat(VAL);
let _ = VEC.replace($id::<i32>::lanes(), VAL42);
impl<T> crate::fmt::Debug for $id<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut crate::fmt::Formatter<'_>)
-> crate::fmt::Result {
for i in 0..$elem_count {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, ")")
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _fmt_debug>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn debug() {
use arrayvec::{ArrayString,ArrayVec};
type TinyString = ArrayString<[u8; 512]>;
use crate::fmt::Write;
let v = $id::<i32>::default();
let mut s = TinyString::new();
write!(&mut s, "{:?}", v).unwrap();
let mut beg = TinyString::new();
write!(&mut beg, "{}<i32>(", stringify!($id)).unwrap();
"s = {} (should start with = {})", s, beg
let s: ArrayVec<[TinyString; 64]>
= s.replace(beg.as_str(), "")
.replace(")", "").split(",")
.map(|v| TinyString::from(v.trim()).unwrap())
assert_eq!(s.len(), $id::<i32>::lanes());
for (index, ss) in s.into_iter().enumerate() {
let mut e = TinyString::new();
write!(&mut e, "{:?}", v.extract(index)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ss, e);
impl<T> Default for $id<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
// FIXME: ptrs do not implement default
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _default>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn default() {
let a = $id::<i32>::default();
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
a.extract(i), unsafe { crate::mem::zeroed() }
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Lane-wise equality comparison.
pub fn eq(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_eq;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_eq(a.0, b.0))
/// Lane-wise inequality comparison.
pub fn ne(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_ne;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_ne(a.0, b.0))
/// Lane-wise less-than comparison.
pub fn lt(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_lt;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_lt(a.0, b.0))
/// Lane-wise less-than-or-equals comparison.
pub fn le(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_le;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_le(a.0, b.0))
/// Lane-wise greater-than comparison.
pub fn gt(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_gt;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_gt(a.0, b.0))
/// Lane-wise greater-than-or-equals comparison.
pub fn ge(self, other: Self) -> $mask_ty {
unsafe {
use crate::llvm::simd_ge;
let a: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
let b: $usize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(other);
Simd(simd_ge(a.0, b.0))
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _cmp_vertical>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn cmp() {
let a = $id::<i32>::null();
let b = $id::<i32>::splat(unsafe {
let r =;
let e = $mask_ty::splat(true);
assert!(r == e);
let r = a.le(b);
assert!(r == e);
let e = $mask_ty::splat(false);
let r =;
assert!(r == e);
let r =;
assert!(r == e);
let r = a.eq(b);
assert!(r == e);
let mut a = a;
let mut b = b;
let mut e = e;
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i % 2 == 0 {
a = a.replace(
unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(0_isize) }
b = b.replace(
unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(1_isize) }
e = e.replace(i, true);
} else {
a = a.replace(
unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(1_isize) }
b = b.replace(
unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(0_isize) }
e = e.replace(i, false);
let r =;
assert!(r == e);
impl<T> crate::cmp::PartialEq<$id<T>> for $id<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
$id::<T>::eq(*self, *other).all()
fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
$id::<T>::ne(*self, *other).any()
impl<T> crate::cmp::PartialEq<LexicographicallyOrdered<$id<T>>>
for LexicographicallyOrdered<$id<T>>
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 == other.0
fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 != other.0
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _cmp_PartialEq>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn partial_eq() {
let a = $id::<i32>::null();
let b = $id::<i32>::splat(unsafe {
assert!(a != b);
assert!(!(a == b));
assert!(a == a);
assert!(!(a != a));
if $id::<i32>::lanes() > 1 {
let a = $id::<i32>::null().replace(0, unsafe {
let b = $id::<i32>::splat(unsafe {
assert!(a != b);
assert!(!(a == b));
assert!(a == a);
assert!(!(a != a));
impl<T> crate::cmp::Eq for $id<T> {}
impl<T> crate::cmp::Eq for LexicographicallyOrdered<$id<T>> {}
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _cmp_eq>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn eq() {
fn foo<E: crate::cmp::Eq>(_: E) {}
let a = $id::<i32>::null();
impl<T> From<[$elem_ty; $elem_count]> for $id<T> {
fn from(array: [$elem_ty; $elem_count]) -> Self {
unsafe {
// FIXME: unnecessary zeroing; better than UB.
let mut u: Self = crate::mem::zeroed();
&array as *const [$elem_ty; $elem_count] as *const u8,
&mut u as *mut Self as *mut u8,
impl<T> Into<[$elem_ty; $elem_count]> for $id<T> {
fn into(self) -> [$elem_ty; $elem_count] {
unsafe {
// FIXME: unnecessary zeroing; better than UB.
let mut u: [$elem_ty; $elem_count] = crate::mem::zeroed();
&self as *const $id<T> as *const u8,
&mut u as *mut [$elem_ty; $elem_count] as *mut u8,
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _from>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn array() {
let values = [1_i32; $elem_count];
let mut vec: $id<i32> = Default::default();
let mut array = [
$id::<i32>::null().extract(0); $elem_count
for i in 0..$elem_count {
let ptr = &values[i] as *const i32 as *mut i32;
vec = vec.replace(i, ptr);
array[i] = ptr;
// FIXME: there is no impl of From<$id<T>> for [$elem_ty; N]
// let a0 = From::from(vec);
// assert_eq!(a0, array);
let mut a1 = array;
a1 = vec.into();
assert_eq!(a1, array);
let v0: $id<i32> = From::from(array);
assert_eq!(v0, vec);
let v1: $id<i32> = array.into();
assert_eq!(v1, vec);
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Instantiates a new vector with the values of the `slice`.
/// # Panics
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` or `&slice[0]` is not aligned
/// to an `align_of::<Self>()` boundary.
pub fn from_slice_aligned(slice: &[$elem_ty]) -> Self {
unsafe {
assert!(slice.len() >= $elem_count);
let target_ptr = slice.get_unchecked(0) as *const $elem_ty;
== 0
/// Instantiates a new vector with the values of the `slice`.
/// # Panics
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()`.
pub fn from_slice_unaligned(slice: &[$elem_ty]) -> Self {
unsafe {
assert!(slice.len() >= $elem_count);
/// Instantiates a new vector with the values of the `slice`.
/// # Safety
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` or `&slice[0]` is not aligned
/// to an `align_of::<Self>()` boundary, the behavior is undefined.
pub unsafe fn from_slice_aligned_unchecked(slice: &[$elem_ty])
-> Self {
*(slice.get_unchecked(0) as *const $elem_ty as *const Self)
/// Instantiates a new vector with the values of the `slice`.
/// # Safety
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` the behavior is undefined.
pub unsafe fn from_slice_unaligned_unchecked(
slice: &[$elem_ty],
) -> Self {
use crate::mem::size_of;
let target_ptr =
slice.get_unchecked(0) as *const $elem_ty as *const u8;
let mut x = Self::splat(crate::ptr::null_mut() as $elem_ty);
let self_ptr = &mut x as *mut Self as *mut u8;
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _slice_from_slice>] {
use super::*;
use crate::iter::Iterator;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn from_slice_unaligned() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut unaligned = [
non_null; $id::<i32>::lanes() + 1
unaligned[0] = null;
let vec = $id::<i32>::from_slice_unaligned(
for (index, &b) in unaligned.iter().enumerate() {
if index == 0 {
assert_eq!(b, null);
} else {
assert_eq!(b, non_null);
assert_eq!(b, vec.extract(index - 1));
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn from_slice_unaligned_fail() {
let (_null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let unaligned = [non_null; $id::<i32>::lanes() + 1];
// the slice is not large enough => panic
let _vec = $id::<i32>::from_slice_unaligned(
union A {
data: [<$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element;
2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
_vec: $id<i32>,
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn from_slice_aligned() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut aligned = A {
data: [null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
for i in
$id::<i32>::lanes()..(2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()) {
unsafe {[i] = non_null;
let vec = unsafe {
for (index, &b) in unsafe {
} {
if index < $id::<i32>::lanes() {
assert_eq!(b, null);
} else {
assert_eq!(b, non_null);
b, vec.extract(index - $id::<i32>::lanes())
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn from_slice_aligned_fail_lanes() {
let (_null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let aligned = A {
data: [non_null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
// the slice is not large enough => panic
let _vec = unsafe {
&[2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()..]
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn from_slice_aligned_fail_align() {
unsafe {
let (null, _non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let aligned = A {
data: [null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
// get a pointer to the front of data
let ptr =;
// offset pointer by one element
let ptr = ptr.wrapping_add(1);
if ptr.align_offset(
) == 0 {
// the pointer is properly aligned, so
// from_slice_aligned won't fail here (e.g. this
// can happen for i128x1). So we panic to make
// the "should_fail" test pass:
// create a slice - this is safe, because the
// elements of the slice exist, are properly
// initialized, and properly aligned:
let s = slice::from_raw_parts(
ptr, $id::<i32>::lanes()
// this should always panic because the slice
// alignment does not match the alignment
// requirements for the vector type:
let _vec = $id::<i32>::from_slice_aligned(s);
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Writes the values of the vector to the `slice`.
/// # Panics
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` or `&slice[0]` is not
/// aligned to an `align_of::<Self>()` boundary.
pub fn write_to_slice_aligned(self, slice: &mut [$elem_ty]) {
unsafe {
assert!(slice.len() >= $elem_count);
let target_ptr =
slice.get_unchecked_mut(0) as *mut $elem_ty;
== 0
/// Writes the values of the vector to the `slice`.
/// # Panics
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()`.
pub fn write_to_slice_unaligned(self, slice: &mut [$elem_ty]) {
unsafe {
assert!(slice.len() >= $elem_count);
/// Writes the values of the vector to the `slice`.
/// # Safety
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` or `&slice[0]` is not
/// aligned to an `align_of::<Self>()` boundary, the behavior is
/// undefined.
pub unsafe fn write_to_slice_aligned_unchecked(
self, slice: &mut [$elem_ty],
) {
*(slice.get_unchecked_mut(0) as *mut $elem_ty as *mut Self) =
/// Writes the values of the vector to the `slice`.
/// # Safety
/// If `slice.len() < Self::lanes()` the behavior is undefined.
pub unsafe fn write_to_slice_unaligned_unchecked(
self, slice: &mut [$elem_ty],
) {
let target_ptr =
slice.get_unchecked_mut(0) as *mut $elem_ty as *mut u8;
let self_ptr = &self as *const Self as *const u8;
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _slice_write_to_slice>] {
use super::*;
use crate::iter::Iterator;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn write_to_slice_unaligned() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut unaligned = [null; $id::<i32>::lanes() + 1];
let vec = $id::<i32>::splat(non_null);
vec.write_to_slice_unaligned(&mut unaligned[1..]);
for (index, &b) in unaligned.iter().enumerate() {
if index == 0 {
assert_eq!(b, null);
} else {
assert_eq!(b, non_null);
assert_eq!(b, vec.extract(index - 1));
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn write_to_slice_unaligned_fail() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut unaligned = [null; $id::<i32>::lanes() + 1];
let vec = $id::<i32>::splat(non_null);
// the slice is not large enough => panic
vec.write_to_slice_unaligned(&mut unaligned[2..]);
union A {
data: [<$id<i32> as sealed::Simd>::Element;
2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
_vec: $id<i32>,
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn write_to_slice_aligned() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut aligned = A {
data: [null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
let vec = $id::<i32>::splat(non_null);
unsafe {
for (index, &b) in
unsafe { } {
if index < $id::<i32>::lanes() {
assert_eq!(b, null);
} else {
assert_eq!(b, non_null);
b, vec.extract(index - $id::<i32>::lanes())
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn write_to_slice_aligned_fail_lanes() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
let mut aligned = A {
data: [null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
let vec = $id::<i32>::splat(non_null);
// the slice is not large enough => panic
unsafe {
&mut[2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()..]
// FIXME: wasm-bindgen-test does not support #[should_panic]
// #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
// #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn write_to_slice_aligned_fail_align() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
unsafe {
let mut aligned = A {
data: [null; 2 * $id::<i32>::lanes()],
// get a pointer to the front of data
let ptr =;
// offset pointer by one element
let ptr = ptr.wrapping_add(1);
if ptr.align_offset(
) == 0 {
// the pointer is properly aligned, so
// write_to_slice_aligned won't fail here (e.g.
// this can happen for i128x1). So we panic to
// make the "should_fail" test pass:
// create a slice - this is safe, because the
// elements of the slice exist, are properly
// initialized, and properly aligned:
let s = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
ptr, $id::<i32>::lanes()
// this should always panic because the slice
// alignment does not match the alignment
// requirements for the vector type:
let vec = $id::<i32>::splat(non_null);
impl<T> crate::hash::Hash for $id<T> {
fn hash<H: crate::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
let s: $usize_ty = unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(*self) };
test_if! {
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _hash>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn hash() {
use crate::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use crate::hash::{SipHasher13};
let values = [1_i32; $elem_count];
let mut vec: $id<i32> = Default::default();
let mut array = [
for i in 0..$elem_count {
let ptr = &values[i] as *const i32 as *mut i32;
vec = vec.replace(i, ptr);
array[i] = ptr;
let mut a_hash = SipHasher13::new();
let mut v_hash = a_hash.clone();
array.hash(&mut a_hash);
vec.hash(&mut v_hash);
assert_eq!(a_hash.finish(), v_hash.finish());
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer.
/// `count` is in units of `T`; e.g. a count of `3` represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// If any of the following conditions are violated, the result is
/// Undefined Behavior:
/// * Both the starting and resulting pointer must be either in
/// bounds or one byte past the end of an allocated object.
/// * The computed offset, in bytes, cannot overflow an `isize`.
/// * The offset being in bounds cannot rely on "wrapping around"
/// the address space. That is, the infinite-precision sum, in bytes
/// must fit in a `usize`.
/// The compiler and standard library generally tries to ensure
/// allocations never reach a size where an offset is a concern. For
/// instance, `Vec` and `Box` ensure they never allocate more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes, so `vec.as_ptr().offset(vec.len() as isize)`
/// is always safe.
/// Most platforms fundamentally can't even construct such an
/// allocation. For instance, no known 64-bit platform can ever
/// serve a request for 263 bytes due to page-table limitations or
/// splitting the address space. However, some 32-bit and 16-bit
/// platforms may successfully serve a request for more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes with things like Physical Address Extension.
/// As such, memory acquired directly from allocators or memory
/// mapped files may be too large to handle with this function.
/// Consider using `wrapping_offset` instead if these constraints
/// are difficult to satisfy. The only advantage of this method is
/// that it enables more aggressive compiler optimizations.
pub unsafe fn offset(self, count: $isize_ty) -> Self {
// FIXME: should use LLVM's `add nsw nuw`
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// `count` is in units of `T`; e.g. a count of `3` represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// The resulting pointer does not need to be in bounds, but it is
/// potentially hazardous to dereference (which requires unsafe).
/// Always use `.offset(count)` instead when possible, because
/// offset allows the compiler to optimize better.
pub fn wrapping_offset(self, count: $isize_ty) -> Self {
unsafe {
let x: $isize_ty = crate::mem::transmute(self);
// note: {+,*} currently performs a `wrapping_{add, mul}`
x + (count * crate::mem::size_of::<T>() as isize)
/// Calculates the distance between two pointers.
/// The returned value is in units of `T`: the distance in bytes is
/// divided by `mem::size_of::<T>()`.
/// This function is the inverse of offset.
/// # Safety
/// If any of the following conditions are violated, the result is
/// Undefined Behavior:
/// * Both the starting and other pointer must be either in bounds
/// or one byte past the end of the same allocated object.
/// * The distance between the pointers, in bytes, cannot overflow
/// an `isize`.
/// * The distance between the pointers, in bytes, must be an exact
/// multiple of the size of `T`.
/// * The distance being in bounds cannot rely on "wrapping around"
/// the address space.
/// The compiler and standard library generally try to ensure
/// allocations never reach a size where an offset is a concern. For
/// instance, `Vec` and `Box` ensure they never allocate more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes, so `ptr_into_vec.offset_from(vec.as_ptr())`
/// is always safe.
/// Most platforms fundamentally can't even construct such an
/// allocation. For instance, no known 64-bit platform can ever
/// serve a request for 263 bytes due to page-table limitations or
/// splitting the address space. However, some 32-bit and 16-bit
/// platforms may successfully serve a request for more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes with things like Physical Address Extension.
/// As such, memory acquired directly from allocators or memory
/// mapped files may be too large to handle with this function.
/// Consider using `wrapping_offset_from` instead if these constraints
/// are difficult to satisfy. The only advantage of this method is
/// that it enables more aggressive compiler optimizations.
pub unsafe fn offset_from(self, origin: Self) -> $isize_ty {
// FIXME: should use LLVM's `sub nsw nuw`.
/// Calculates the distance between two pointers.
/// The returned value is in units of `T`: the distance in bytes is
/// divided by `mem::size_of::<T>()`.
/// If the address different between the two pointers is not a
/// multiple of `mem::size_of::<T>()` then the result of the
/// division is rounded towards zero.
/// Though this method is safe for any two pointers, note that its
/// result will be mostly useless if the two pointers aren't into
/// the same allocated object, for example if they point to two
/// different local variables.
pub fn wrapping_offset_from(self, origin: Self) -> $isize_ty {
let x: $isize_ty = unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(self) };
let y: $isize_ty = unsafe { crate::mem::transmute(origin) };
// note: {-,/} currently perform wrapping_{sub, div}
(y - x) / (crate::mem::size_of::<T>() as isize)
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer (convenience for
/// `.offset(count as isize)`).
/// `count` is in units of `T`; e.g. a count of 3 represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// If any of the following conditions are violated, the result is
/// Undefined Behavior:
/// * Both the starting and resulting pointer must be either in
/// bounds or one byte past the end of an allocated object.
/// * The computed offset, in bytes, cannot overflow an `isize`.
/// * The offset being in bounds cannot rely on "wrapping around"
/// the address space. That is, the infinite-precision sum must fit
/// in a `usize`.
/// The compiler and standard library generally tries to ensure
/// allocations never reach a size where an offset is a concern. For
/// instance, `Vec` and `Box` ensure they never allocate more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes, so `vec.as_ptr().add(vec.len())` is always
/// safe.
/// Most platforms fundamentally can't even construct such an
/// allocation. For instance, no known 64-bit platform can ever
/// serve a request for 263 bytes due to page-table limitations or
/// splitting the address space. However, some 32-bit and 16-bit
/// platforms may successfully serve a request for more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes with things like Physical Address Extension.
/// As such, memory acquired directly from allocators or memory
/// mapped files may be too large to handle with this function.
/// Consider using `wrapping_offset` instead if these constraints
/// are difficult to satisfy. The only advantage of this method is
/// that it enables more aggressive compiler optimizations.
pub unsafe fn add(self, count: $usize_ty) -> Self {
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer (convenience for
/// `.offset((count as isize).wrapping_neg())`).
/// `count` is in units of T; e.g. a `count` of 3 represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// If any of the following conditions are violated, the result is
/// Undefined Behavior:
/// * Both the starting and resulting pointer must be either in
/// bounds or one byte past the end of an allocated object.
/// * The computed offset cannot exceed `isize::MAX` **bytes**.
/// * The offset being in bounds cannot rely on "wrapping around"
/// the address space. That is, the infinite-precision sum must fit
/// in a usize.
/// The compiler and standard library generally tries to ensure
/// allocations never reach a size where an offset is a concern. For
/// instance, `Vec` and `Box` ensure they never allocate more than
/// `isize::MAX` bytes, so
/// `vec.as_ptr().add(vec.len()).sub(vec.len())` is always safe.
/// Most platforms fundamentally can't even construct such an
/// allocation. For instance, no known 64-bit platform can ever
/// serve a request for 2<sup>63</sup> bytes due to page-table
/// limitations or splitting the address space. However, some 32-bit
/// and 16-bit platforms may successfully serve a request for more
/// than `isize::MAX` bytes with things like Physical Address
/// Extension. As such, memory acquired directly from allocators or
/// memory mapped files *may* be too large to handle with this
/// function.
/// Consider using `wrapping_offset` instead if these constraints
/// are difficult to satisfy. The only advantage of this method is
/// that it enables more aggressive compiler optimizations.
pub unsafe fn sub(self, count: $usize_ty) -> Self {
let x: $isize_ty = count.cast();
// note: - is currently wrapping_neg
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// (convenience for `.wrapping_offset(count as isize)`)
/// `count` is in units of T; e.g. a `count` of 3 represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// The resulting pointer does not need to be in bounds, but it is
/// potentially hazardous to dereference (which requires `unsafe`).
/// Always use `.add(count)` instead when possible, because `add`
/// allows the compiler to optimize better.
pub fn wrapping_add(self, count: $usize_ty) -> Self {
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// (convenience for `.wrapping_offset((count as
/// isize).wrapping_sub())`)
/// `count` is in units of T; e.g. a `count` of 3 represents a
/// pointer offset of `3 * size_of::<T>()` bytes.
/// # Safety
/// The resulting pointer does not need to be in bounds, but it is
/// potentially hazardous to dereference (which requires `unsafe`).
/// Always use `.sub(count)` instead when possible, because `sub`
/// allows the compiler to optimize better.
pub fn wrapping_sub(self, count: $usize_ty) -> Self {
let x: $isize_ty = count.cast();
self.wrapping_offset(-1 * x)
impl<T> $id<T> {
/// Shuffle vector elements according to `indices`.
pub fn shuffle1_dyn<I>(self, indices: I) -> Self
Self: codegen::shuffle1_dyn::Shuffle1Dyn<Indices = I>,
codegen::shuffle1_dyn::Shuffle1Dyn::shuffle1_dyn(self, indices)
test_if! {
paste::item! {
pub mod [<$id _shuffle1_dyn>] {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
fn shuffle1_dyn() {
let (null, non_null) = ptr_vals!($id<i32>);
// alternating = [non_null, null, non_null, null, ...]
let mut alternating = $id::<i32>::splat(null);
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i % 2 == 0 {
alternating = alternating.replace(i, non_null);
type Indices = <$id<i32>
as codegen::shuffle1_dyn::Shuffle1Dyn>::Indices;
// even = [0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, ..]
let even = {
let mut v = Indices::splat(0);
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i % 2 == 0 {
v = v.replace(i, (i as u8).into());
} else {
v = v.replace(i, (i as u8 - 1).into());
// odd = [1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, ...]
let odd = {
let mut v = Indices::splat(0);
for i in 0..$id::<i32>::lanes() {
if i % 2 != 0 {
v = v.replace(i, (i as u8).into());
} else {
v = v.replace(i, (i as u8 + 1).into());
if $id::<i32>::lanes() > 1 {