blob: a988b408545e826b4b1bd289b5ed07c714336be7 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str;
use std::str::Utf8Error;
use crate::raw::RawYarn;
use crate::Utf8Chunks;
use crate::YarnBox;
use crate::*;
/// An optimized, freely copyable string type.
/// Like a [`Yarn`], but [`Copy`].
/// In general, prefer to use [`Yarn`] except when you absolutely need the type
/// to be [`Copy`]. [`YarnRef`] is very similar to [`Yarn`], although it can't
/// provide full functionality because it can't own a heap allocation.
/// See the [crate documentation](crate) for general information.
pub struct YarnRef<'a, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
raw: RawYarn,
_ph: PhantomData<&'a Buf>,
impl<'a, Buf> YarnRef<'a, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
pub(crate) const fn buf2raw(buf: &Buf) -> &[u8] {
let ptr = &buf as *const &Buf as *const &[u8];
unsafe {
// SAFETY: The safety rules of `Buf` make this valid.
pub(crate) const unsafe fn raw2buf(buf: &[u8]) -> &Buf {
let ptr = &buf as *const &[u8] as *const &Buf;
pub(crate) const unsafe fn from_raw(raw: RawYarn) -> Self {
Self {
_ph: PhantomData,
/// Returns a reference to an empty yarn of any lifetime.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let empty: &YarnRef<str> = YarnRef::empty();
/// assert_eq!(empty, "");
/// ```
/// This will also be found by the `Default` impl for `&YarnRef`.
pub fn empty<'b>() -> &'b Self {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: YarnRef is a transparent wrapper over RawYarn; even though
// YarnRef has a destructor, this is fine.
mem::transmute::<&'b RawYarn, &'b Self>(RawYarn::empty())
/// Returns a yarn pointing to the given slice, without copying.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let foo = YarnRef::new("Byzantium");
/// assert_eq!(foo.len(), 9);
/// ```
pub const fn new(buf: &'a Buf) -> Self {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: We copy the lifetime from buf into self, so this alias slice
// must go away before buf can.
let raw = RawYarn::alias_slice(Self::buf2raw(buf));
// SAFETY: buf is a valid slice by construction, and alias_slice() never
// returns a HEAP yarn.
/// Returns a new yarn containing the contents of the given slice.
/// This function will always return an inlined string, or `None` if the
/// given buffer is too big.
/// Note that the maximum inlined size is architecture-dependent.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let smol = YarnRef::inlined("smol");
/// assert_eq!(smol.unwrap(), "smol");
/// let big = YarnRef::inlined("biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig");
/// assert!(big.is_none());
/// ```
pub const fn inlined(buf: &Buf) -> Option<Self> {
// This is a const fn, hence no ?.
let Some(raw) = RawYarn::from_slice_inlined(Self::buf2raw(buf)) else {
return None;
unsafe {
// SAFETY: from_slice_inlined() always returns a SMALL yarn.
/// Returns a yarn containing a single UTF-8-encoded Unicode scalar.
/// This function does not allocate: every `char` fits in an inlined yarn.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let a = YarnRef::<str>::from_char('a');
/// assert_eq!(a, "a");
/// ```
pub const fn from_char(c: char) -> Self {
let raw = RawYarn::from_char(c);
unsafe {
// SAFETY: from_char() always returns a SMALL yarn.
/// Checks whether this yarn is empty.
pub const fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Returns the length of this yarn, in bytes.
pub const fn len(self) -> usize {
/// Converts this yarn into a slice.
pub const fn as_slice(&self) -> &Buf {
unsafe { Self::raw2buf(self.as_bytes()) }
/// Converts this yarn into a byte slice.
pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Converts this reference yarn into a owning yarn of the same lifetime.
/// This function does not make copies or allocations.
pub const fn to_box(self) -> YarnBox<'a, Buf> {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: self is never HEAP, and the output lifetime is the same as the
// input so if self is ALIASED it will not become invalid before the
// returned yarn goes out of scope.
/// Converts this yarn into a boxed slice by copying it.
pub fn to_boxed_bytes(self) -> Box<[u8]> {
/// Converts this yarn into a vector by copying it.
pub fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Converts this yarn into a byte yarn.
pub const fn into_bytes(self) -> YarnRef<'a, [u8]> {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: [u8] can be constructed from either str or [u8], so this
// type parameter change is valid.
/// Extends the lifetime of this yarn if this yarn is dynamically known to
/// point to immortal memory.
/// If it doesn't, this function returns `None`.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let yarn = YarnRef::<[u8]>::from_static(b"crunchcrunchcrunch");
/// let immortal: YarnRef<'static, [u8]> = yarn.immortalize().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(immortal, b"crunchcrunchcrunch");
/// let borrowed = YarnRef::new(&*immortal);
/// assert!(borrowed.immortalize().is_none());
/// ```
pub fn immortalize(self) -> Option<YarnRef<'static, Buf>> {
if !self.raw.is_immortal() {
return None;
unsafe {
// SAFETY: We just checked that self.raw is guaranteed immortal (and
// can therefore be used for a 'static lifetime).
Some(YarnRef::<'static, Buf>::from_raw(self.raw))
/// Tries to inline this yarn, if it's small enough.
/// This operation has no directly visible side effects, and is only intended
/// to provide a way to relieve memory pressure. In general, you should not
/// have to call this function directly.
pub fn inline_in_place(&mut self) {
if let Some(inlined) = Self::inlined(self.as_slice()) {
*self = inlined;
/// Returns an iterator over the UTF-8 (or otherwise) chunks in this string.
/// This iterator is also used for the `Debug` and `Display` formatter
/// implementations.
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let yarn = ByteYarn::new(b"abc\xFF\xFE\xFF\xF0\x9F\x90\x88\xE2\x80\x8D\xE2\xAC\x9B!");
/// let yr = yarn.as_ref();
/// let chunks = yr.utf8_chunks().collect::<Vec<_>>();
/// assert_eq!(chunks, [
/// Ok("abc"),
/// Err(&[0xff][..]),
/// Err(&[0xfe][..]),
/// Err(&[0xff][..]),
/// Ok("🐈‍⬛!"),
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(format!("{yarn:?}"), r#""abc\xFF\xFE\xFF🐈\u{200d}⬛!""#);
/// assert_eq!(format!("{yarn}"), "abc���🐈‍⬛!");
/// ```
pub fn utf8_chunks(&self) -> Utf8Chunks {
impl<Buf> YarnRef<'static, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
/// Returns a yarn pointing to the given slice, without copying. This function
/// has the benefit of creating a yarn that remembers that it came from a
/// static string, meaning that it can be dynamically upcast back to a
/// `'static` lifetime.
/// This function will *not* be found by `From` impls.
pub const fn from_static(buf: &'static Buf) -> Self {
let raw = RawYarn::new(Self::buf2raw(buf));
unsafe { Self::from_raw(raw) }
impl<'a> YarnRef<'a, [u8]> {
/// Returns a yarn containing a single byte, without allocating.
/// This function will be found by `From` impls.
pub const fn from_byte(c: u8) -> Self {
let raw = RawYarn::from_byte(c);
unsafe { Self::from_raw(raw) }
/// Tries to convert this yarn into a UTF-8 yarn via [`str::from_utf8()`].
/// ```
/// # use byteyarn::*;
/// let yarn = ByteYarn::new(&[0xf0, 0x9f, 0x90, 0x88, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x8d, 0xe2, 0xac, 0x9b]);
/// assert_eq!(yarn.as_ref().to_utf8().unwrap(), "🐈‍⬛");
/// assert!(ByteYarn::from_byte(0xff).as_ref().to_utf8().is_err());
/// ```
pub fn to_utf8(self) -> Result<YarnRef<'a, str>, Utf8Error> {
unsafe { Ok(YarnRef::from_raw(self.raw)) }
impl<'a> YarnRef<'a, str> {
/// Converts this yarn into a string slice.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
/// Converts this yarn into a boxed slice by copying it.
pub fn to_boxed_str(self) -> Box<str> {
/// Converts this yarn into a string by copying it.
// This does the same thing as to_string, but more efficiently. :)
// The clippy diagnostic also seems wrong, because it says something about
// this method taking &self? Very odd.
pub fn to_string(self) -> String {
impl<Buf> Deref for YarnRef<'_, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
type Target = Buf;
fn deref(&self) -> &Buf {
impl<Buf> Copy for YarnRef<'_, Buf> where Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized {}
impl<Buf> Clone for YarnRef<'_, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> fmt::Debug for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\"")?;
for chunk in self.utf8_chunks() {
match chunk {
Ok(utf8) => write!(f, "{}", utf8.escape_debug())?,
Err(bytes) => {
for b in bytes {
write!(f, "\\x{:02X}", b)?;
write!(f, "\"")
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> fmt::Display for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for chunk in self.utf8_chunks() {
match chunk {
Ok(utf8) => f.write_str(utf8)?,
Err(..) => f.write_char(char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER)?,
impl<Slice, Buf> PartialEq<Slice> for YarnRef<'_, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
Slice: AsRef<Buf> + ?Sized,
fn eq(&self, that: &Slice) -> bool {
self.as_slice() == that.as_ref()
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + Eq + ?Sized> Eq for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {}
impl<Slice, Buf> PartialOrd<Slice> for YarnRef<'_, Buf>
Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized,
Slice: AsRef<Buf> + ?Sized,
fn partial_cmp(&self, that: &Slice) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> Ord for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn cmp(&self, that: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> Hash for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> Default for YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<Buf: crate::Buf + ?Sized> Default for &YarnRef<'_, Buf> {
fn default() -> Self {