blob: b424df5496dfd72869635f7bd5d4426f4a2923d8 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::alloc;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::slice;
/// The core implementation of yarns.
/// This type encapsulates the various size optimizations that yarns make; this
/// wrapper is shared between both owning and non-owning yarns.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RawYarn {
ptr: PtrOrBytes,
len: NonZeroUsize,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
union PtrOrBytes {
bytes: [u8; mem::size_of::<*const u8>()],
ptr: *const u8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Small {
data: [u8; mem::size_of::<RawYarn>() - 1],
len: u8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Slice {
ptr: *const u8,
len: usize,
enum Layout<'a> {
Small(&'a Small),
Slice(&'a Slice),
enum LayoutMut<'a> {
Small(&'a mut Small),
Slice(&'a mut Slice),
// RawYarn does not expose &mut through &self.
unsafe impl Send for RawYarn {}
unsafe impl Sync for RawYarn {}
fn has_niche() {
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<RawYarn>(), mem::size_of::<Option<RawYarn>>());
impl RawYarn {
/// The number of bytes beyond the length byte that are usable for data.
/// This is 7 on 32-bit and 15 on 64-bit.
pub const SSO_LEN: usize = {
let bytes_usable = mem::size_of::<usize>() * 2 - 1;
let max_len = 1 << (8 - 2);
let sso_len = if bytes_usable < max_len {
} else {
sso_len >= 4,
"yarns are not supported on architectures with pointers this small"
/// The tag for an SSO yarn.
pub const SMALL: u8 = 0b11;
/// The tag for a yarn that came from an immortal string slice.
pub const STATIC: u8 = 0b01;
/// The tag for a yarn that points to a dynamic string slice, on the heap,
/// that we uniquely own.
pub const HEAP: u8 = 0b10;
/// The tag for a yarn that points to a dynamic string slice we don't
/// uniquely own.
/// Because the first word can never be zero, aliased yarns can never have
/// zero length.
pub const ALIASED: u8 = 0b00;
/// Mask for extracting the tag out of the lowest byte of the yarn.
const SHIFT8: u32 = u8::BITS - 2;
const SHIFT: u32 = usize::BITS - 2;
const MASK8: usize = !0 << Self::SHIFT8;
const MASK: usize = !0 << Self::SHIFT;
/// Returns the kind of yarn this is (one of the constants above).
pub const fn kind(&self) -> u8 {
// This used to be
// let ptr = self as *const Self as *const u8;
// let hi_byte = unsafe {
// // SAFETY: ptr is valid by construction; regardless of which union member
// // is engaged, the lowest byte is always initialized.
// *ptr.add(std::mem::size_of::<Self>() - 1)
// };
// hi_byte >> Self::SHIFT8
// But LLVM apparently upgrades this to a word-aligned load (i.e. the code
// below) regardless. :D
(self.len.get() >> Self::SHIFT) as u8
/// Creates a new, non-`SMALL` yarn with the given pointer, length, and tag.
/// # Safety
/// `ptr` must be valid for reading `len` bytes.
/// If tag is `STATIC`, then `ptr` must never be deallocated. If the tag is
/// `HEAP`, `ptr` must be free-able via dealloc with a (len, 1) layout and
/// valid for writing `len` bytes.
pub const unsafe fn from_ptr_len_tag(
ptr: *const u8,
len: usize,
tag: u8,
) -> Self {
len < usize::MAX / 4,
"yarns cannot be larger than a quarter of the address space"
tag != 0 || len != 0,
"zero-length and zero tag are not permitted simultaneously."
debug_assert!(tag != Self::SMALL);
Self {
ptr: PtrOrBytes { ptr },
len: NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(len | (tag as usize) << Self::SHIFT),
/// Returns the currently valid union variant for this yarn.
const fn layout(&self) -> Layout {
match self.is_small() {
true => unsafe {
// SAFETY: When self.is_small, the small variant is always active.
Layout::Small(mem::transmute::<&RawYarn, &Small>(self))
false => unsafe {
// SAFETY: Otherwise, the slice variant is always active.
Layout::Slice(mem::transmute::<&RawYarn, &Slice>(self))
/// Returns the currently valid union variant for this yarn.
fn layout_mut(&mut self) -> LayoutMut {
match self.is_small() {
true => unsafe {
// SAFETY: When self.is_small, the small variant is always active.
LayoutMut::Small(mem::transmute::<&mut RawYarn, &mut Small>(self))
false => unsafe {
// SAFETY: Otherwise, the slice variant is always active.
LayoutMut::Slice(mem::transmute::<&mut RawYarn, &mut Slice>(self))
/// Returns a reference to an empty `RawYarn` of any lifetime.
pub fn empty<'a>() -> &'a RawYarn {
static STORAGE: MaybeUninit<RawYarn> = MaybeUninit::new(RawYarn::new(b""));
unsafe {
// SAFETY: MaybeUninit::new() creates well-initialized memory.
/// Returns a `RawYarn` pointing to the given static string, without copying.
pub const fn new(s: &'static [u8]) -> Self {
if s.len() < Self::SSO_LEN {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: We just checked s.len() < Self::SSO_LEN.
return Self::from_slice_inlined_unchecked(s.as_ptr(), s.len());
unsafe {
// SAFETY: s is a static string, because the argument is 'static.
Self::from_ptr_len_tag(s.as_ptr(), s.len(), Self::STATIC)
/// Returns an empty `RawYarn`.
pub const fn len(self) -> usize {
match self.layout() {
Layout::Small(s) => s.len as usize & !Self::MASK8,
Layout::Slice(s) => s.len & !Self::MASK,
/// Returns whether this `RawYarn` needs to be dropped (i.e., if it is holding
/// onto memory resources).
pub const fn on_heap(self) -> bool {
self.kind() == Self::HEAP
/// Returns whether this `RawYarn` is SSO.
pub const fn is_small(self) -> bool {
self.kind() == Self::SMALL
/// Returns whether this `RawYarn` is SSO.
pub const fn is_immortal(self) -> bool {
self.kind() != Self::ALIASED
/// Frees heap memory owned by this raw yarn.
/// # Safety
/// This function must be called at most once, when the raw yarn is being
/// disposed of.
pub unsafe fn destroy(self) {
if !self.on_heap() {
debug_assert!(self.len() > 0);
let layout = alloc::Layout::for_value(self.as_slice());
alloc::dealloc(self.ptr.ptr as *mut u8, layout)
/// Returns a pointer into the data for this raw yarn.
pub const fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
match self.layout() {
Layout::Small(s) =>,
Layout::Slice(s) => s.ptr,
/// Returns a pointer into the data for this raw yarn.
pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8 {
match self.layout_mut() {
LayoutMut::Small(s) =>,
LayoutMut::Slice(s) => s.ptr.cast_mut(),
/// Converts this RawYarn into a byte slice.
pub const fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: the output lifetime ensures that `self` cannot move away.
slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), self.len())
/// Converts this RawYarn into a mutable byte slice.
/// # Safety
/// This must only be called on `SMALL` or `HEAP` yarns.
pub unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
debug_assert!(self.is_small() || self.on_heap());
unsafe {
// SAFETY: the output lifetime ensures that `self` cannot move away.
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), self.len())
/// Returns a `RawYarn` by making a copy of the given slice.
pub fn copy_slice(s: &[u8]) -> Self {
match Self::from_slice_inlined(s) {
Some(inl) => inl,
None => Self::from_heap(s.into()),
/// Returns a `RawYarn` by making an alias of the given slice.
/// # Safety
/// `s` must outlive all uses of the returned yarn.
pub const unsafe fn alias_slice(s: &[u8]) -> Self {
if let Some(inlined) = Self::from_slice_inlined(s) {
return inlined;
Self::from_ptr_len_tag(s.as_ptr(), s.len(), Self::ALIASED)
/// Returns a new `RawYarn` containing the contents of the given slice.
/// # Safety
/// `len < Self::SSO`, and `ptr` must be valid for reading `len` bytes.
pub const unsafe fn from_slice_inlined_unchecked(
ptr: *const u8,
len: usize,
) -> Self {
debug_assert!(len <= Self::SSO_LEN);
let mut small = Small {
data: [0; Self::SSO_LEN],
len: (len as u8) | Self::SMALL << Self::SHIFT8,
// There's no way to get an *mut to ``, so we do an iteration,
// instead. This loop can be trivially converted into a memcpy by the
// optimizer.
let mut i = 0;
while i < len {[i] = *ptr.add(i);
i += 1;
// Small and RawYarn are both POD.
mem::transmute::<Small, RawYarn>(small)
/// Returns a new `RawYarn` containing the contents of the given slice.
/// This function will always return an inlined string.
pub const fn from_slice_inlined(s: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
if s.len() > Self::SSO_LEN {
return None;
unsafe {
// SAFETY: s.len() is within bounds; we just checked it above.
Some(Self::from_slice_inlined_unchecked(s.as_ptr(), s.len()))
/// Returns a `RawYarn` containing a single UTF-8-encoded Unicode scalar.
/// This function does not allocate: every `char` fits in an inlined `RawYarn`.
pub const fn from_char(c: char) -> Self {
let (data, len) = crate::utf8::encode_utf8(c);
unsafe {
// SAFETY: len is at most 4, 4 < Self::SSO_LEN.
Self::from_slice_inlined_unchecked(data.as_ptr(), len)
/// Returns a `RawYarn` containing a single byte, without allocating.
pub const fn from_byte(c: u8) -> Self {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: 1 < Self::SSO_LEN.
Self::from_slice_inlined_unchecked(&c, 1)
/// Returns a `RawYarn` consisting of the concatenation of the given slices.
/// Does not allocate if the resulting concatenation can be inlined.
/// # Safety
/// `total_len < Self::SSO_LEN`.
pub unsafe fn concat<'a>(
total_len: usize,
iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a [u8]>,
) -> Self {
if total_len > Self::SSO_LEN {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(total_len);
for b in iter {
return Self::from_heap(buf.into());
let mut cursor = 0;
let mut data = [0; Self::SSO_LEN];
for b in iter {
data[cursor..cursor + b.len()].copy_from_slice(b);
cursor += b.len();
/// Returns a `RawYarn` by taking ownership of the given allocation.
pub fn from_heap(s: Box<[u8]>) -> Self {
if let Some(inline) = Self::from_slice_inlined(&s) {
return inline;
let len = s.len();
let ptr = Box::into_raw(s) as *mut u8;
unsafe {
// SAFETY: s is a heap allocation of the appropriate layout for HEAP,
// which we own uniquely because we dismantled it from a box.
Self::from_ptr_len_tag(ptr, len, Self::HEAP)
/// Builds a new yarn from the given formatting arguments, without allocating
/// in the trival and small cases.
pub fn from_fmt_args(args: fmt::Arguments) -> Self {
if let Some(constant) = args.as_str() {
return Self::new(constant.as_bytes());
enum Buf {
Sso(usize, [u8; RawYarn::SSO_LEN]),
impl fmt::Write for Buf {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Sso(len, bytes) => {
let new_len = *len + s.len();
if new_len > RawYarn::SSO_LEN {
let mut vec = Vec::from(&bytes[..*len]);
*self = Self::Vec(vec);
} else {
let _ = &bytes[*len..new_len].copy_from_slice(s.as_bytes());
*len = new_len;
Self::Vec(vec) => vec.extend_from_slice(s.as_bytes()),
let mut w = Buf::Sso(0, [0; RawYarn::SSO_LEN]);
let _ = w.write_fmt(args);
match w {
Buf::Sso(len, bytes) => Self::from_slice_inlined(&bytes[..len]).unwrap(),
Buf::Vec(vec) => Self::from_heap(vec.into()),