blob: a96c14c142b25a42ee0821f4ea1ca70bfeace650 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_middle::mir;
use crate::*;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Dlsym {}
impl Dlsym {
// Returns an error for unsupported symbols, and None if this symbol
// should become a NULL pointer (pretend it does not exist).
pub fn from_str<'tcx>(name: &str) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<Dlsym>> {
Ok(match name {
"__pthread_get_minstack" => None,
"getrandom" => None, // std falls back to syscall(SYS_getrandom, ...) when this is NULL.
"statx" => None, // std falls back to syscall(SYS_statx, ...) when this is NULL.
_ => throw_unsup_format!("unsupported Linux dlsym: {}", name),
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
fn call_dlsym(
&mut self,
dlsym: Dlsym,
_args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>],
_dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
ret: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let _ret = ret.expect("we don't support any diverging dlsym");
assert!( == "linux");
match dlsym {}
//trace!("{:?}", this.dump_place(**dest));