Ignore python bytecode

Since the prebuilt contains python source, executing it will produce
bytecode files. Ignore these in git to avoid the repo becoming dirty after
a build.

Test: Run Trusty build (uses python libraries), prebuilt no longer dirty
Change-Id: I9161c99be87c45dfd3471fbdcaf340e6a255aa3b
(cherry picked from commit be518ef4272ce61fd6dad9db73e9be74853b3974)
1 file changed
tree: ebef97da1709364be12ad9b3826341c00659307f
  1. build/
  2. meta/
  3. prebuilt/
  4. python-packages/
  5. shader-tools/
  6. simpleperf/
  7. sources/
  8. toolchains/
  9. wrap.sh/
  10. .gitignore
  11. Android.mk
  12. CHANGELOG.md
  13. ndk-build
  14. ndk-gdb
  15. ndk-lldb
  16. ndk-stack
  17. ndk-which
  18. NOTICE
  19. NOTICE.toolchain
  20. README.md
  21. source.properties

Android NDK


NDK documentation, guides, and API reference are available on our website.

NDK code samples are available on GitHub.

Information about Android Studio can be found on the Android Studio website.

Filing Bugs

NDK bugs should be filed on GitHub.

Android Studio and Gradle bugs should be filed in the Android Studio Bug Tracker. For the fastest response, make sure you follow their guide on Filing Bugs.