Mobly Results Uploader

The Results Uploader is a tool for generating shareable UI links for automated test results.

It uploads test-generated files to Google Cloud Storage, and presents the results in an organized way on a dedicated web UI. The result URL can then be shared to anyone who is given access (including both Google and non-Google accounts), allowing for easy tracking and debugging.

First-time setup


  • Python 3.11 or above


To start using the Results Uploader, you need to be able to access the shared Google Cloud Storage bucket:

  1. Confirm/request access to the shared GCP project with your Google contact. The Googler will give you both a project name and storage bucket name to use.
  2. Install the gcloud CLI from
    • If installation fails with the above method, try the alternative linked here.
  3. Run the following commands in the terminal:
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login
    gcloud config set project <gcp_project>
    gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project <gcp_project>
    • When prompted to log in on your browser, follow the instruction to log in to Cloud SDK. Use the same account for which you requested access in step 1.
  4. Download the provided and extract its files to a local directory.

How to upload results

  1. Create a new terminal and run the following installation commands (first-time only).

    Note: <results_uploader_dir> must contain path separators, so it's not confused with a package from PyPI. For example, if the unzipped directory is results_uploader, specify it as results_uploader/ or ./results_uploader.

    # on Linux
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install <results_uploader_dir>
    :: on Windows
    python -m venv venv
    python -m pip install <results_uploader_dir>
  2. At the end of a completed test run, you'll see the final lines on the console output as follows. Record the folder path in the line starting with “Artifacts are saved in”.

    Total time elapsed 961.7551812920001s
    Artifacts are saved in "/tmp/logs/mobly/Local5GTestbed/10-23-2023_10-30-50-685"
    Test summary saved in "/tmp/logs/mobly/Local5GTestbed/10-23-2023_10-30-50-685/test_summary.yaml"
    Test results: Error 0, Executed 1, Failed 0, Passed 1, Requested 0, Skipped 0
  3. Run the uploader command, setting the artifacts_folder as the path recorded in the previous step.

    results_uploader --mobly_dir=<artifacts_folder> --gcs_bucket=<cloud_storage_bucket>
  4. If successful, at the end of the upload process you will get a link beginning with Simply share this link to others who wish to view your test results.