blob: bea931104c43bd801bdc5a65c1532317b070ea7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.diagnostic.AbstractMessage;
import com.intellij.diagnostic.MessagePool;
import com.intellij.ide.GeneralSettings;
import com.intellij.ide.RecentProjectsManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManagerAdapter;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFrame;
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.IdeFrameImpl;
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBList;
import com.intellij.ui.popup.PopupFactoryImpl;
import com.intellij.ui.popup.list.ListPopupModel;
import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties;
import org.fest.swing.core.BasicRobot;
import org.fest.swing.core.ComponentFinder;
import org.fest.swing.core.GenericTypeMatcher;
import org.fest.swing.core.Robot;
import org.fest.swing.edt.GuiActionRunner;
import org.fest.swing.edt.GuiQuery;
import org.fest.swing.edt.GuiTask;
import org.fest.swing.fixture.ContainerFixture;
import org.fest.swing.fixture.JListFixture;
import org.fest.swing.timing.Condition;
import org.fest.swing.timing.Pause;
import org.fest.swing.timing.Timeout;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JdkUtil.checkForJdk;
import static;
import static;
import static com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.isNotEmpty;
import static com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil.getFirstItem;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.fest.swing.edt.GuiActionRunner.execute;
import static org.fest.swing.finder.WindowFinder.findFrame;
import static org.fest.swing.timing.Pause.pause;
import static org.fest.swing.timing.Timeout.timeout;
import static org.fest.util.Strings.quote;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public final class GuiTests {
public static final Timeout SHORT_TIMEOUT = timeout(2, MINUTES);
public static final Timeout LONG_TIMEOUT = timeout(5, MINUTES);
public static final String GUI_TESTS_RUNNING_IN_SUITE_PROPERTY = "";
/** Environment variable set by users to point to sources */
public static final String AOSP_SOURCE_PATH = "AOSP_SOURCE_PATH";
/** Older environment variable pointing to the sdk dir inside AOSP; checked for compatibility */
public static final String ADT_SDK_SOURCE_PATH = "ADT_SDK_SOURCE_PATH";
/** AOSP-relative path to directory containing GUI test data */
public static final String RELATIVE_DATA_PATH = "tools/adt/idea/android/testData/guiTests".replace('/', File.separatorChar);
/** Environment variable pointing to the JDK to be used for tests */
public static final String JDK_HOME_FOR_TESTS = "JDK_HOME_FOR_TESTS";
private static final EventQueue SYSTEM_EVENT_QUEUE = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
private static final File TMP_PROJECT_ROOT = createTempProjectCreationDir();
// Called by MethodInvoker via reflection
public static void failIfIdeHasFatalErrors() {
final MessagePool messagePool = MessagePool.getInstance();
List<AbstractMessage> fatalErrors = messagePool.getFatalErrors(true, true);
int fatalErrorCount = fatalErrors.size();
for (int i = 0; i < fatalErrorCount; i++) {
System.err.println("** Fatal Error " + (i + 1) + " of " + fatalErrorCount);
AbstractMessage error = fatalErrors.get(i);
System.err.println("* Message: ");
String additionalInfo = error.getAdditionalInfo();
if (isNotEmpty(additionalInfo)) {
System.err.println("* Additional Info: ");
String throwableText = error.getThrowableText();
if (isNotEmpty(throwableText)) {
System.err.println("* Throwable: ");
if (fatalErrorCount > 0) {
throw new AssertionError(fatalErrorCount + " fatal errors found. Stopping test execution.");
// Called by MethodInvoker via reflection
public static boolean doesIdeHaveFatalErrors() {
final MessagePool messagePool = MessagePool.getInstance();
List<AbstractMessage> fatalErrors = messagePool.getFatalErrors(true, true);
return !fatalErrors.isEmpty();
// Called by IdeTestApplication via reflection.
public static void setUpDefaultGeneralSettings() {
final File androidSdkPath = getAndroidSdkPath();
String jdkHome = getSystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable(JDK_HOME_FOR_TESTS);
if (isNullOrEmpty(jdkHome) || !checkForJdk(jdkHome)) {
fail("Please specify the path to a valid JDK using system property " + JDK_HOME_FOR_TESTS);
final File jdkPath = new File(jdkHome);
execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
IdeSdks.setAndroidSdkPath(androidSdkPath, null);
public static File getGradleHomePath() {
return getFilePathProperty("supported.gradle.home.path", "the path of a local Gradle 2.2.1 distribution", true);
public static File getUnsupportedGradleHome() {
return getGradleHomeFromSystemProperty("unsupported.gradle.home.path", "2.1");
public static File getGradleHomeFromSystemProperty(@NotNull String propertyName, @NotNull String gradleVersion) {
String description = "the path of a Gradle " + gradleVersion + " distribution";
return getFilePathProperty(propertyName, description, true);
public static File getFilePathProperty(@NotNull String propertyName,
@NotNull String description,
boolean isDirectory) {
String pathValue = System.getProperty(propertyName);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(pathValue)) {
File path = new File(pathValue);
if (isDirectory && path.isDirectory() || !isDirectory && path.isFile()) {
return path;
System.out.println("Please specify " + description + ", using system property " + quote(propertyName));
return null;
public static void setUpDefaultProjectCreationLocationPath() {
// Called by IdeTestApplication via reflection.
public static void waitForIdeToStart() {
Robot robot = null;
try {
robot = BasicRobot.robotWithCurrentAwtHierarchy();
final MyProjectManagerListener listener = new MyProjectManagerListener();
findFrame(new GenericTypeMatcher<Frame>(Frame.class) {
protected boolean isMatching(@NotNull Frame frame) {
if (frame instanceof IdeFrame) {
if (frame instanceof IdeFrameImpl) {
listener.myActive = true;
return true;
return false;
// We know the IDE event queue was pushed in front of the AWT queue. Some JDKs will leave a dummy event in the AWT queue, which
// we attempt to clear here. All other events, including those posted by the Robot, will go through the IDE event queue.
try {
if (SYSTEM_EVENT_QUEUE.peekEvent() != null) {
} catch (InterruptedException ex ) {
// Ignored.
if (listener.myActive) {
pause(new Condition("Project to be opened") {
public boolean test() {
boolean notified = listener.myNotified;
if (notified) {
ProgressManager progressManager = ProgressManager.getInstance();
boolean isIdle = !progressManager.hasModalProgressIndicator() &&
!progressManager.hasProgressIndicator() &&
if (isIdle) {
return isIdle;
return false;
finally {
if (robot != null) {
public static File getProjectCreationDirPath() {
public static File createTempProjectCreationDir() {
try {
// The temporary location might contain symlinks, such as /var@ -> /private/var on MacOS.
// EditorFixture seems to require a canonical path when opening the file.
return createTempDir().getCanonicalFile();
catch (IOException ex) {
// For now, keep the original behavior and point inside the source tree.
return new File(getTestProjectsRootDirPath(), "newProjects");
public static File getTestProjectsRootDirPath() {
String testDataPath = AndroidTestBase.getTestDataPath();
testDataPath = toCanonicalPath(toSystemDependentName(testDataPath));
return new File(testDataPath, "guiTests");
private GuiTests() {
public static void deleteFile(@Nullable final VirtualFile file) {
// File deletion must happen on UI thread under write lock
if (file != null) {
execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
// ignored
/** Waits until an IDE popup is shown (and returns it */
public static JBList waitForPopup(@NotNull Robot robot) {
return waitUntilFound(robot, null, new GenericTypeMatcher<JBList>(JBList.class) {
protected boolean isMatching(@NotNull JBList list) {
ListModel model = list.getModel();
return model instanceof ListPopupModel;
* Clicks an IntelliJ/Studio popup menu item with the given label
* @param labelPrefix the target menu item label
* @param component a component in the same window that the popup menu is associated with
* @param robot the robot to drive it with
public static void clickPopupMenuItem(@NotNull String labelPrefix, @NotNull Component component, @NotNull Robot robot) {
// IntelliJ doesn't seem to use a normal JPopupMenu, so this won't work:
// JPopupMenu menu = myRobot.findActivePopupMenu();
// Instead, it uses a JList (technically a JBList), which is placed somewhere
// under the root pane.
Container root = getRootContainer(component);
// First find the JBList which holds the popup. There could be other JBLists in the hierarchy,
// so limit it to one that is actually used as a popup, as identified by its model being a ListPopupModel:
JBList list = robot.finder().find(root, new GenericTypeMatcher<JBList>(JBList.class) {
protected boolean isMatching(@NotNull JBList list) {
ListModel model = list.getModel();
return model instanceof ListPopupModel;
// We can't use the normal JListFixture method to click by label since the ListModel items are
// ActionItems whose toString does not reflect the text, so search through the model items instead:
ListPopupModel model = (ListPopupModel)list.getModel();
java.util.List<String> items = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < model.getSize(); i++) {
Object elementAt = model.getElementAt(i);
if (elementAt instanceof PopupFactoryImpl.ActionItem) {
PopupFactoryImpl.ActionItem item = (PopupFactoryImpl.ActionItem)elementAt;
String s = item.getText();
if (s.startsWith(labelPrefix)) {
new JListFixture(robot, list).clickItem(i);
} else { // For example package private class IntentionActionWithTextCaching used in quickfix popups
String s = elementAt.toString();
if (s.startsWith(labelPrefix)) {
new JListFixture(robot, list).clickItem(i);
if (items.isEmpty()) {
fail("Could not find any menu items in popup");
fail("Did not find menu item with prefix '" + labelPrefix + "' among " + on(", ").join(items));
/** Returns the root container containing the given component */
public static Container getRootContainer(@NotNull final Component component) {
return execute(new GuiQuery<Container>() {
protected Container executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
return (Container)SwingUtilities.getRoot(component);
public static void findAndClickOkButton(@NotNull ContainerFixture<? extends Container> container) {
findAndClickButton(container, "OK");
public static void findAndClickCancelButton(@NotNull ContainerFixture<? extends Container> container) {
findAndClickButton(container, "Cancel");
public static void findAndClickButton(@NotNull ContainerFixture<? extends Container> container, @NotNull final String text) {
Robot robot = container.robot();
JButton button = findButton(container, text, robot);;
public static void findAndClickButtonWhenEnabled(@NotNull ContainerFixture<? extends Container> container, @NotNull final String text) {
Robot robot = container.robot();
final JButton button = findButton(container, text, robot);
Pause.pause(new Condition("Wait for button " + text + " to be enabled.") {
public boolean test() {
return button.isEnabled();
private static JButton findButton(@NotNull ContainerFixture<? extends Container> container, @NotNull final String text, Robot robot) {
return robot.finder().find(, new GenericTypeMatcher<JButton>(JButton.class) {
protected boolean isMatching(@NotNull JButton button) {
String buttonText = button.getText();
if (buttonText != null) {
return buttonText.trim().equals(text) && button.isShowing();
return false;
/** Returns a full path to the GUI data directory in the user's AOSP source tree, if known, or null */
public static File getTestDataDir() {
File aosp = getAospSourceDir();
return aosp != null ? new File(aosp, RELATIVE_DATA_PATH) : null;
* @return a full path to the user's AOSP source tree (e.g. the directory expected to contain tools/adt/idea etc including the GUI tests.
public static File getAospSourceDir() {
// If running tests from the IDE, we can find the AOSP directly without user environment variable help
File home = new File(PathManager.getHomePath());
if (home.exists()) {
File parentFile = home.getParentFile();
if (parentFile != null && "tools".equals(parentFile.getName())) {
return parentFile.getParentFile();
String aosp = System.getenv(AOSP_SOURCE_PATH);
if (aosp == null) {
String sdk = System.getenv(ADT_SDK_SOURCE_PATH);
if (sdk != null) {
aosp = sdk + File.separator + "..";
if (aosp != null) {
File dir = new File(aosp);
assertTrue(dir.getPath() + " (pointed to by " + AOSP_SOURCE_PATH + " or " + ADT_SDK_SOURCE_PATH + " does not exist", dir.exists());
return dir;
return null;
/** Waits for a first component which passes the given matcher to become visible */
public static <T extends Component> T waitUntilFound(@NotNull final Robot robot, @NotNull final GenericTypeMatcher<T> matcher) {
return waitUntilFound(robot, null, matcher);
public static void skip(@NotNull String testName) {
System.out.println("Skipping test '" + testName + "'");
/** Waits for a first component which passes the given matcher under the given root to become visible. */
public static <T extends Component> T waitUntilFound(@NotNull final Robot robot,
@Nullable final Container root,
@NotNull final GenericTypeMatcher<T> matcher) {
final AtomicReference<T> reference = new AtomicReference<T>();
pause(new Condition("Find component using " + matcher.toString()) {
public boolean test() {
ComponentFinder finder = robot.finder();
Collection<T> allFound = root != null ? finder.findAll(root, matcher) : finder.findAll(matcher);
boolean found = allFound.size() == 1;
if (found) {
else if (allFound.size() > 1) {
// Only allow a single component to be found, otherwise you can get some really confusing
// test failures; the matcher should pick a specific enough instance
fail("Found more than one " + matcher.supportedType().getSimpleName() + " which matches the criteria: " + allFound);
return found;
return reference.get();
/** Waits until no components match the given criteria under the given root */
public static <T extends Component> void waitUntilGone(@NotNull final Robot robot,
@NotNull final Container root,
@NotNull final GenericTypeMatcher<T> matcher) {
pause(new Condition("Find component using " + matcher.toString()) {
public boolean test() {
Collection<T> allFound = robot.finder().findAll(root, matcher);
return allFound.isEmpty();
private static class MyProjectManagerListener extends ProjectManagerAdapter {
boolean myActive;
boolean myNotified;
public void projectOpened(Project project) {
myNotified = true;