Android S v2 Preview 2 (S2B2.211203.006)
Add support for annotations in module_sdk

Support has been added to SDKs for annotations, update the
prebuilts to contain annotations as well.

- The Android.bp changes in this change were made manually
- The annotation zip files are from build 7815890

Bug: 187397779
Test: m nothing
Merged-In: I491a46c86d4e1c8103703e4715747504f15be6a8
Change-Id: I491a46c86d4e1c8103703e4715747504f15be6a8
4 files changed
tree: f50138b0cb1c05e8412ed0b2386eae1f151a84bb
  1. .prebuilt_info/
  2. 1/
  3. current/