Breaking up hostside network tests module

Tests for the connectivity module and network policy are both currently
residing in the same cts module leading to significant problems while
maintaining the tests. Breaking them up into two separate modules so
making changes and maintaining error free tests is easier.

Development of network policy changes occurs in non-updatable system
code so relevant tests should be moved outside of the apex module
respository. This will be possible after this change.

Network policy related tests are moved to the new module
CtsHostsideNetworkPolicyTests, with classes renamed accordingly.

Since some code was shared between tests, that code is now duplicated in
the new module.

No functional change to tests is intended. Further refactorings to
better suit the new structure should be pursued independently via
follow-up changes in respective modules from now on.

Test: atest CtsHostsideNetworkTests
Test: atest CtsHostsideNetworkPolicyTests

Bug: 322115994
Change-Id: I2c6ad2281ede6bad099c971b1f212244881a262d
74 files changed