Android TV Reference Remote
Check in SDK based on Telink 8278 chipset, solution provided
by Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

This source code drop contains the open source software. The libraries,
compiler toolchain and other binaries dependencies are hosted by Telink.


Please read the “readme” file in the root directory after downloading
this SDK for instructions on getting/setting up the tools, libraries,
and binaries necessary for building the SDK, and all the reference design files.

Software version: 2.12

v2.12 Library version

|       lib name        |          origin           |
| :-------------------: | :-----------------------: |
| libfirmware_encrypt.a |      ble SDK V3.4.2       |
|     liblt_827x.a      |      ble SDK V3.4.2.0     |
|     libapp_ota.a      | google BLE RCU SDK v2.08  |
| liblt_general_stack.a |      ble SDK v3.4.2       |

v2.12 Changes
  - Default format of WOBLE packets changed
  - FMS enable changed from 0x01 to 0x00.
  - Periodic wakeup is disabled when 0x780F9 ~ 0x780FA
    value is 0x0000 or 0xFFFF.
  - When the host triggers an alert, if it does nothing,
    stop the buzzer after about 1 minute.
  - Fixed bug report not triggering issue.
  - Fixed the inaccurate interval of periodic wakeup issue.
    Set to 1~1.5 seconds, the actualinterval is 40-65ms.
  - WOBLE sending time is fixed at 6 seconds.
  - The in the key_change_proc adds the
    judgment branch >=3 branch.

No-Typo-Check: name in lib.

Change-Id: I162c40cd97775b460c09cf454b2f6cd0c3f24b2d
34 files changed