Bug: 220164656

Clone this repo:
  1. 802365c Upgrade semver to 1.0.21 am: 3b053b641e by Jeff Vander Stoep · 3 months ago main master
  2. 3b053b6 Upgrade semver to 1.0.21 by Jeff Vander Stoep · 3 months ago
  3. 25cd99f Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 9d79354ae3 am: 09575c621f am: 20694561f9 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  4. 931752c Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 9d79354ae3 am: d09efb212a am: 5150419994 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  5. 2069456 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 9d79354ae3 am: 09575c621f by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago


A parser and evaluator for Cargo's flavor of Semantic Versioning.

Semantic Versioning (see https://semver.org) is a guideline for how version numbers are assigned and incremented. It is widely followed within the Cargo/crates.io ecosystem for Rust.

semver = "1.0"

Compiler support: requires rustc 1.31+


use semver::{BuildMetadata, Prerelease, Version, VersionReq};

fn main() {
    let req = VersionReq::parse(">=1.2.3, <1.8.0").unwrap();

    // Check whether this requirement matches version 1.2.3-alpha.1 (no)
    let version = Version {
        major: 1,
        minor: 2,
        patch: 3,
        pre: Prerelease::new("alpha.1").unwrap(),
        build: BuildMetadata::EMPTY,

    // Check whether it matches 1.3.0 (yes it does)
    let version = Version::parse("1.3.0").unwrap();

Scope of this crate

Besides Cargo, several other package ecosystems and package managers for other languages also use SemVer: RubyGems/Bundler for Ruby, npm for JavaScript, Composer for PHP, CocoaPods for Objective-C...

The semver crate is specifically intended to implement Cargo's interpretation of Semantic Versioning.

Where the various tools differ in their interpretation or implementation of the spec, this crate follows the implementation choices made by Cargo. If you are operating on version numbers from some other package ecosystem, you will want to use a different semver library which is appropriate to that ecosystem.

The extent of Cargo's SemVer support is documented in the Specifying Dependencies chapter of the Cargo reference.
