blob: 9f6d147e66e57ec3c4a48dc3ae9bd256c68327cd [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.
SELECT RUN_METRIC('chrome/scroll_jank.sql');
-- There are only two valid scrolls (one additional scroll is missing a begin
-- and the other is missing an end).
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM joined_scroll_begin_and_end
) AS total,
-- Of the two valid scrolls
-- gesture_scroll_id: 2708
-- starts at: 544958000403
-- ends at: 545859896829
-- adds dur: 901896426 nanoseconds of scrolling.
-- gesture_scroll_id: 2917
-- starts at: 546027000403
-- ends at: 546753574829
-- adds dur: 726574426 nanoseconds of scrolling.
-- This means we should have scroll_dur = 1628470852
SELECT SUM(scroll_dur) FROM (
gesture_scroll_id, max(maybe_gesture_end) - begin_ts AS scroll_dur
FROM scroll_jank
GROUP BY gesture_scroll_id
) AS scroll_dur,
-- This can be verified by the following simple query to ensure the end result
-- in scroll_jank table is sane. The result should be 139.
-- COUNT(*)
-- FROM slice
-- name = "InputLatency::GestureScrollUpdate" AND
-- NOT EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.is_coalesced') AND
-- (
-- EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.gesture_scroll_id') = 2708
-- OR
-- EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.gesture_scroll_id') = 2917
-- )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scroll_jank
) AS non_coalesced_updates,
-- This can be verified by the following simple query as above but replace
-- COUNT(*) with SUM(dur). The result should be 3974685214.
SELECT SUM(dur) FROM scroll_jank
) AS non_coalesced_dur,
-- This was found by running the previous metric before porting on the
-- example trace.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scroll_jank WHERE jank
) AS non_coalesced_janky_updates,
-- This was found by running the previous metric before porting on the
-- example trace, and also manually summing them.
SELECT SUM(dur) FROM scroll_jank WHERE jank
) AS non_coalesced_janky_dur,
-- This is floor((non_coalesced_janky_dur/non_coalesced_dur) * 100) in SQLite.
CAST((CAST((SELECT SUM(dur) FROM scroll_jank WHERE jank) AS FLOAT)
/ CAST((SELECT SUM(dur) FROM scroll_jank) AS FLOAT)) * 100 AS INT)
) AS janky_percentage,
SELECT avg_vsync_interval FROM joined_scroll_begin_and_end
) AS avg_vsync_interval;